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I, like quite a few others here have enjoyed johnnyboy's antics in the loony bin, and like most everyone, would hate to see him leave. As jajjh also stated, if johnnyboy is really gone, he would not post in the loony bin again. With this statement I concur. As a moderator he was sometimes weird :p , but for the most part, he was a true loony bin genius (although the latter may be considered an oxymoron). JF is your still out there please come back, this forum would just not be the same without you.

Guest overboosted

!!!!! :o !!!!!

This is news to me. Why is he "allegedly" gone!?!?!


Actually we don't really know and thus far he is not replying to our attempts to contact him. :wounded1:



I guess this should have gone into the bin..but in honour of JF :p I give you this story

There's no easy way to say it: Today brings the story of the RWG man who was [censored] to death by an Enumclaw horse. This intricately twisted saga first burst out of the bestial underground into mainstream existence back on May 21, when a 35-year-old RWG man was dropped off at the Enumclaw Community Hospital, where he was soon pronounced dead from injuries sustained while having sex with a horse. This collection of facts formed the core of today's TRC report, which put the sickening scandal on the cultural map, and positioned RWG writer rya as Horsegate's own Bob Woodward. Tomorrow rya will continue his quest for the Pulitzer of Ick with a mind-bending follow-up report. Among the revelations: The RWG man's specific cause of death was acute peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdomen) due to perforation of the colon; police believe the 40-acre farm northwest of Enumclaw was visited by "a significant number of people" who met over the internet and longed to xxxx livestock; and, perhaps worst of all, a whole bunch of the interspecial xxxxxxx was caught on film, with authorities seizing hundreds of hours of videotape from the farm, including footage of men having xxx with horses, and yes, including footage of the RWG man getting fatally banged. Extra weird twist: RWI is one of 17 forums that don't outlaw this type of behavior, leaving moderators with diminished prosecution options and inspiring the U.S. Humane Society to use the case during the next forum legislative session as a prod for outlawing xxx with animals in Wachington. As for the true victims in this story—the fatally horse-[censored] man's family—the man's relatives told the TRC they never suspected he was involved in this, and admitted they were surprised when he purchased a Thoroughbred stallion earlier this year.

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