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Ok mimmosa has replied to this thread because I pointed him at it.

That said I also told him the problem was that he was linking to us and dealers.

I suggest you take that on board R and something else to think about I have a message for your straight from the top, can the attitude or else!


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Ok mimmosa has replied to this thread because I pointed him at it.

That said I also told him the problem was that he was linking to us and dealers.

I suggest you take that on board R and something else to think about I have a message for your straight from the top, can the attitude or else!


I've owned many genuines in my 26 years of collecting watches. (still own 3) The quality of the best reps continues to amaze me and I now have several good one's which I enjoy just as much as a genuine. What this guy needs to understand is this, when you go on a site inhabited by collectors of genuine watches (many of whom I occasionally visit) and start pointing out that the reps nowadays are virtually as good as their genuine article (in some cases they are virtually as good from a mechanical/looks standpoint) and which they paid a LOT more money to acquire your not going to stir up any "pleasant" feelings.

As a result, ALL that can occur are problems for the rep collector, etc. IMOP there is simply NEVER a good reason to poke a stick at a rattle snake. IF the good folk's that inhabit the genuine forums and who've invested a LOT of money in their watches start REALLY complaining to Rolex/Panerai/Omega, etc. these same manufactures can make a huge stink as they have the money/time/lawyers to do so, IF they really want to do so. I KNOW a LOT of genuine collectors and they are none to pleased about the "quality" rep's arrival into the marketplace and I'd imagine the makers of these same watches feel likewise.

Edited by OI812
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I've owned many genuines in my 26 years of collecting watches. (still own 3) The quality of the best reps continues to amaze me and I now have several good one's which I enjoy just as much as a genuine. What this guy needs to understand is this, when you go on a site inhabited by collectors of genuine watches (many of whom I occasionally visit) and start pointing out that the reps nowadays are virtually as good as their genuine article (in some cases they are virtually as good from a mechanical/looks standpoint) and which they paid a LOT more money to acquire your not going to stir up any "pleasant" feelings.

As a result, ALL that can occur are problems for the rep collector, etc. IMOP there is simply NEVER a good reason to poke a stick at a rattle snake. IF the good folk's that inhabit the genuine forums and who've invested a LOT of money in their watches start REALLY complaining to Rolex/Panerai/Omega, etc. these same manufactures can make a huge stink as they have the money/time/lawyers to do so, IF they really want to do so. I KNOW a LOT of genuine collectors and they are none to pleased about the "quality" rep's arrival into the marketplace and I'd imagine the makers of these same watches feel likewise.

I think the reason why the REPs are tolerated, because its not really cutting into their market! Most REP buyers can't afford to buy GENS, at least not as many as we want to! Plus, who could stop the Chinese????? It goes all the way to the top! One way to cut into the Capitalist whatever........

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the reason no one raises too big a stink about counterfiters is "you scratch my back, ill scratch yours" they have a symbiotic relationship, China produces prudcts in their factories for them cheap, and they let a bit of the double dipping gray market profit taking slide. the SECOND they try to shut it all down the chinese government will tell them to get the hell out of china, raising their labour costs signifigantly. they rather lose a bit of profit then have to re source where everything is built and made for much much more...and well the chinese government likes their national infrastructure growing...

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the reason no one raises too big a stink about counterfiters is "you scratch my back, ill scratch yours" they have a symbiotic relationship, China produces prudcts in their factories for them cheap, and they let a bit of the double dipping gray market profit taking slide. the SECOND they try to shut it all down the chinese government will tell them to get the hell out of china, raising their labour costs signifigantly. they rather lose a bit of profit then have to re source where everything is built and made for much much more...and well the chinese government likes their national infrastructure growing...

Excellent points and all true, but, you tick off the right people and enough of em' your risking creating a lot of UNnecessary problems for a LOT of people. IF enough pressure were exerted our lil' hobby could be altered in ways that certainly wouldn't be positive. Plus, WHY antagonize when it's NOT necessary nor even "good form." (I don't know why anyone would brag about the quality of a rep on a genuine watch forum anyway, makes a person looks like an I D I O T when they do it) ;) IMOP

Edited by OI812
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capice: i assumme you mean international laws in relation to the use of photos? if so, believe it or not EVEN in canada it is NOT illegal to remove the watermark from someones photo for use, yet you CANT buy a pack of smokes (at least in my province)without having the store clerk swipe your drivers license into the terminal NO matter HOW old you are.

Not sure what Canada you live in, but mine is signatory to international copyright laws. One of my colleagues is facing a $30,000 + lawsuit for just those photo usage issues right now.

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Please show me were i've linked to rwg and the dealers, THEN i'd be happy to get accused!

But since all this are based on lies, I GET OFFENDED.

I have done NOTHING wrong, and still you accuse me.


Kenberg, read the thread before i posted.

and tell me again, who is the one with an attitude?

Just a natural reaction from being wrongfully accused.

And btw, 30k usd lawsuit for what?!

Saving pictures on my server from a website, ok guilty, hihi you are funny=)


Ok mimmosa has replied to this thread because I pointed him at it.

That said I also told him the problem was that he was linking to us and dealers.

I suggest you take that on board R and something else to think about I have a message for your straight from the top, can the attitude or else!


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I am going to explain this one last time as I am sick of trying to hold my colleagues away from the ban button and believe me they are lining up to do so right now.

Forum rule #25 reads in part...

[25] - Do not visit an AD (Authentic Dealer) (or gen forum) with your replica watch (or accessory items) and show it of as the real thing.

The red highlights are my interpretation but I'm sure you get the idea, at the very least you owe everyone an apology, whether you're big enough to do so is for you to decide but if anyone else in the Admin team wants to pull your plug I'm just going to step back and say go for it.

Your choice.


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But the thing is Kenberg, i havent Visited a Gen forum, and i havent shown it off as the real thing either, before you judge me, i suggest you to get someone to translate the posts, because you clearly dont know what they say.

The forum is not a watchforum, its a Forum were you talk about style, fashion, and "Men's stuff".

Dont get me wrong, i really understand rule #25, but this rule is irrelevant in my case.

I am going to explain this one last time as I am sick of trying to hold my colleagues away from the ban button and believe me they are lining up to do so right now.

Forum rule #25 reads in part...

[25] - Do not visit an AD (Authentic Dealer) (or gen forum) with your replica watch (or accessory items) and show it of as the real thing.

The red highlights are my interpretation but I'm sure you get the idea, at the very least you owe everyone an apology, whether you're big enough to do so is for you to decide but if anyone else in the Admin team wants to pull your plug I'm just going to step back and say go for it.

Your choice.


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No, its a forum were you post anything that has to do with lifestyle and fashion.

Why am i not allowed to post in a thread were people show what they recently bought?

I told them its a replica, i did not tell them from were i bought it, and i have not linked to rwg or any other replica-forum or dealer.

I still dont see what the problem is, im sorry.


Oh so it is a replica style forum then?

C'mon stop looking for ways to justify yourself here.


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I continue being surprised and sorry for this thread's content. Other members, please tell your point of view!

Mine is that if I am very happy with my new toy I post here, or in Geek, or wherever I can find people who share my enthusiasm and are not, at least, irritated. My 2 cents <_<

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Why am i not allowed to post in a thread were people show what they recently bought?

Simply because the rule is that you don't post your reps anywhere else other than in our rep forums. We want to keep our hobby low profile and don't want to annoy other people.

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I have sat back (thusfar) on this discussion, to watch it unfold.

Those of us who have been around for some time, well recognise that it is not smart to promote replica "anythings", any where, but within replica communities.

There have been many instances when our hobby has been exposed to the more mainstream areas of the 'net, and physically at various watch sales organisations.

I am yet to see an instance where our community has benefitted from such exposure.

Indeed we have been attacked on a number of occasions, due to these "exposures"

Here, I see, we have another example of a misguided outing of our hobby, however the person involved would seem to want to argue as to whether his actions are indeed detrimental.

You have been offered the opportunity to consider your situation; at the least you could have not continued to push your stance, at best you could have accepted a mistake, and apologised to your fellow members. I see nothing of this here, just more antagonism that your stance is correct.

And you could be absolutely right in your thinking, unfortunately the majority of this community does not share your view.

So, maybe it becomes time for you to take your views to a community that does accept them?

This place is like the loungeroom at a friends home. All are welcome. However if some arrive at the party or gathering, and are loud and abusive, mess up the furniture and carpet, or just antagonise the rest of the guests who are there, for a friendly an informative time, they probably find themselves ejected in short time.

It is NO different here.

Think your next response(if any) carefully.


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This is my point of view;

I havent seen what was posted, but am basing my opinion on what I have read here

If the scenario is like this;

The member has posted a replica watch on a fiorum like he describes, with no links to any of the related forums (RG RWI or here), nor to any of the dealers on the said boards, then no damage has been done. He is a member of this forum, and now that he know's that such action inflates the knowledge of the rep world, I am sure that he would take it unto himmself to not post such a thread again.

I say this because it is not as if people aren't aware of replica watches, you can find them using google. As long as there are no links to our community, or our collectors, I feel that some reactions may be a little over the top. The fact that we get new people join our forum is proof that we are not easily hidden.


I believe (and this has been discussed at length before) that we should remove our name from Google, and all other advertising websites, we have to decide whether we are here as a small community for protection, or for protection at large to people who may just buy one replica, spread the word of the forum and then not return. This would be far more effective than talking of banning someone for such a minor thing. I forget the number of times I have read where people wear replica's into AD (shwoing them off or not) but to me this is far more serious, because this is presenting our hobby to people who have a stake, and an economic interest in this hobby.


If the scenario is like this;

The replica watch has been posted, with any links (express or implied) to our community and, or our collectors, then this is a problem for us. Not only does this raise the awareness of our community, but it also provides an access point from another public forum.


If this is indeed the case, then I would hope that the member concerned would remove his posting, or at least edit it to remove any links, of any nature to this community and its collectors

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