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Best dog breed in the world?


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My nomination is off course The American Pitbull Terrier and The American Staffordshire Terrier

In this youtube video you can see a prime example of this breed, his dog is so beautiful and well build i em amazed that its a female dog is even more impressive.

No breed is in my opinion close to it, yeah sure some are better companion dogs,some are better whit other dogs,some are better whit agility list goes on but think of when i say best breed the complete packed not only one thing when you tell us about a breed.

Pitbulls has



Easy maintenance whit fur and such

Good whit people of all ages /many from the US and other places don't now but until the 80's pitbulls was the number one family dog in the US.

Not a disease infested dog like example the German Shepard,pitbulls and amstaffs have a great health and gens.

Not noise

Good size

Strong mind and body


The downside

-Can be aggressive towards other dogs

-Their reputation as a bad dog

-a large % of owners are not fit to own the breed / will get back to that on many stages in the write up.


Some dogs like miniature dogs are cute but lets face it many are some aggressive beasts, i have almost had my fingers bitten of more then ones to those cute little gremlins.

One of the biggest test to date on aggressive behavior show chihuahua to be on the top spot, pitbulls down at 6 no surprise for me that they are at 6place due to all the getto owners,gangster wannabes and what not even big time footballers cant get their getto mind set away.

I have own 2 German Shepards before and 2 cats.

Now i own a Amstaff he is 6yrs old i have also travel all over to visit kennels,famous breeders and such but in 2004 my dream of one day becoming a famous breeder was put to death in my country when they banned my breed my skills at that time where already high i could easy pick the 2-3 best dogs in a litter of pups and proven my good eye at least 10-12times..

I do understand why it was banned it has nothing to whit the dogs, it was lack of understanding,misleading media,bad owners in some gettos(Pakistani gangsters and such) in our capital, bad breeders(selling to the peps whit the cash not demanding good owners), no control on breeding,and no owner club that could work together to promote the breed in a positive way,also the fighting and bickering between owners was final nail in the coffin that doomed our breed in Norway..

In 1991 due to UK laws already in place on pitbulls Norway followed their example and banned pitbull,dog argentino,tosa inu and fila brasilio last 3 breeds have never been registered in Norway not one single dog still they where banned :rolleyes: That alone tells have shitty the law was and still is..

In the end i see only one solution to all this breed bans.


This days to be stupid pays of so my hopes is not high to see what i ask for above :p

Now its time for handball final against Russia. :1a:



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Sorry mate, I'm a cat person :lol:

But if I were forced to choose the best example of the generally needy, smelly, slobbery species, I'd go for a Weimeraner. A friend has one and it the most serene, elegant and friendly of mutts. Never heard her bark. When he goes shopping with her, she waits outside in a Sphinx-like pose. Very cool.


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I do hate miniature dogs.. they are the most aggresive dogs in the world.. chihuahua for example.. hate them...

From my experience, the bigger the dog the friendlier I have to say.

I personally prefer Dobermanns.. I had one for many years and she was the kindest dog in the world.

I don't have much to say about why i prefer them but I think they are if not the best one of the prettiest breed...

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Very much dog lovers in this house!

We have poodles (Miniature not toy) and they are the most intelligent and loving dogs you will ever meet.

However, I have seen nasty, snappy, and sometimes dangerous versions of a lot of breeds....most very much like their owners :rolleyes:

So if we wish to critique a breed, it may be best to 1st profile those who have "educated" the animal, and we may find that there is a bit of "like father, like son" to be found in the dog....not the breed.

As I sit here right now, a young pup next door, is yowling his dissatisfaction with life.

It is around dinner time, and his owners have been absent all day, it is getting chilly, and he is chained up.

And if history repeats itself, the owners will probably not return until tomorrow afternoon.

I will feed it (again) tonite, make sure it has water, and can at least survive another day or two.

Bad dogs....sure...some are so poorly bred, that they enter the world with too great a handicap to ever be a useful part of the world.

Bit like a number of their carers!


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Staffordshire Bull Terrier


And the reason are the sames that Dani listed.

The staffies are smaller in size, otherwise very similair.

Staffs are great just as pits and amstaffs smaller yes but just as big heart.

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Must say I'm surprised (or am I?) at all the typical examples given here. Rottweilers, Dobermanns, Pit-Bulls, Staffordshire Bulls. All governed under the Dangerous Dogs Act in the UK. And rightly so.

I know Dani can rant for Norway on the subject, but Alan touched on an important point. It's down to the owners how a dog behaves, there is a responsibility there, one that has been abused and ignored by a certain class of owners, hence the legal clampdown. I have no doubt that there are proper owners and breeders of these type of dogs out there, but you've had it ruined for you by those types who see these dogs as a 'weapon' something to carry around to threaten others and compensate for their lack of penis size. Media not helped but what do you expect? You never read "3-year old girl savaged to death by golden retriever" over your Sunday breakfast do you?

Talking of golden retirevers, where are the labradors, Scottish terriers, Westies, Afghan hounds and others. Why is RWG such a hotbed of Rottweilers and Pitbulls? Thank God for Alan and his poodles, that's all I'll say :lol:

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Must say I'm surprised (or am I?) at all the typical examples given here. Rottweilers, Dobermanns, Pit-Bulls, Staffordshire Bulls. All governed under the Dangerous Dogs Act in the UK. And rightly so.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the following dogs are under the Dangerous dogs act:

* Pit Bull Terrier

* Japanese Tosa

* Dogo Argentino

* Fila Brasileiro

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Offshore owns poodles.....that explains a lot of things now I think about it :whistling::p

Now,now Doc, don't fall for the trap, of visualising the owner, by virtue of the breed!

OR his demeanour! :p

@ 6'-2", and 120kg...definetly not an "angry ant"....but aggressive and loud, when circumstance requires.

Maybe the similarities can be seen in levels of intelligence however....Poodles voted #1 in many polls. :rolleyes:

Actually one of the many redeeming features of the Poodle, is that it has a "fleece" as akin to a "coat" of normal dog hair. It leaves no hair around the home....and I can tell you, that a chronic asthmatic, appreciates those subtle finer points.

Yep, poodles are certainly top of the tree, in the Offshore household.


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Hi my nomination is the Loving Staff i have owned 2 and they are so loyal loving dogs

Like kids with permanent smiles on their faces . I have to agree though its the owners who let down the breed only own them as status symbols. Here is my new addition to the family his names Kai


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Hi my nomination is the Loving Staff i have owned 2 and they are so loyal loving dogs

Like kids with permanent smiles on their faces . I have to agree though its the owners who let down the breed only own them as status symbols. Here is my new addition to the family his names Kai


Oh so cute.

My staff is the one pictured in one of my previous posts here.

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Our white poodle is the best. She gives and receives loads of love. As we have no children she is our "baby" and the house is empty without her. She is 9.5 lbs and pure white. My vote for our house is a poodle.

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no general preference but I would say OK to mix breed :)

My fav are labrador retriever (they get too friendly sometimes) and rottweiler. How dogs behave depends a lot on the owner. Agree with that. And dogs do have feelings and special traits too.

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We had an Irish Wolfhound when I was a little younger, big ass dogs like seriously small pony size. Really nice though, he would play with my mom's Pomeranian in a way as not to kill the little guy, nice and gentle, knew his boundaries.

Parents gave him back to the breeder when we had to move to a smaller house with a regular size yard. I miss the big guy and can't wait for the day when I can get my own.

This is not my pic, we had the dog before digital cameras but this is a great example of their size:


And really, my all time fave is the golden retriever. So friendly and caring, the definition of "man's best friend"

Here's mine: (i'm missing him over here at school)



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