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What Brand Timepiece are You?


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I always think of members as synonymous with their timepieces, ie. the Rolex Purist, whom only gravitate and own either the genuine and or awesome Franken's.

Having said that, I wonder what motivated, or motivates members to gravitate toward one brand name or "line" of watches such as divers as opposed to other models. Or solely the Sophisticated highly expensive dress watches ... is it the former athlete in you that prefers sport watches.. or the "Bond" suavivity (made that word up jus now) that looks for the POSH stuff.. :)

My most recent purchase was the Breitling Black Steel.. of which I am mesmerized ..


But then I keep returning to the my vintage Rolex Collection.. mind you, I don't believe I would if not for Ziggy's wonderful art on the dial and Horological expertise..


and why is it that I always gravitate back in time.. in real time, things aren't appreciated as much as 10 to 20 years later.. for it's true style

It is but for members such as Ubi and TMG.. ( I mention them as there are many others .. but their watches inspired me first off .. or rather "obsessed" me into taking on the projects of the vintage line of Rolex)

I could keep posting watches all day long that I adore.. :wub: .. but always come home to the vintages.. sheesh .. sounds like I'm cheating on my wife, (if I still had one) .. :( .. and all the other brands are seductive mistress's .. oh well ,.. it's OK to look at the menu as long as you eat at home.. :brow:

But enough rambling from me...

I would like to read what made "YOU" start with whatever your fav is now.. and are you a faithful purist.. or a gallivanting nomad such as myself.. :lol: .. B)

thanks in advance



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I own the following reps....

1) modern WM9 Sub with The Zigmeisterfied ETA, Dial.

2) White faced Explorer II

3) Yatchmaster

4) Daytona 6263 waiting for the The Zigmeister treatment.

5) Pumpkin UPO

6) Blue Swiss SFSO

7) Pam111E

After buying so many "Awesome higher end reps" I'm going to have to say I'm a Rolex guy. As good as the other reps are, I keep going back to my smaller less heavy Rolex watches....

I don't like wearing the UPO, SFSO, and PAM to work normally as they just dont feel right while working in the office. They are more of my weekend watches, and even then I usually grab one of the 1st 3 I listed...eventually the 4th.... The Rolex watches can go almost unnoticed on my wrist as far as getting in the way.

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If you all can.. I would really like to read about "your" history behind the brand... you choose.. is it the $$ of the genuine.. the feel of the name.. or something more along the way of "when I was a kid.. my oldest cousin and His Dad.. (my Uncle) taught me how to dive with a "tank" .. and they had Rolex Subs ever since then that is what I wanted to wear someday.. but never brought myself to buy the genuine..etc. .. etc. " (true story btw .. :)

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I had 3 gen Rolex Datejust's and 2 gen GMT's (1 1975 TT). The Datejust's and the TT GMT I sold because I needed the money. The other GMT I sold because I bought By-Tor's Pepsi GMT and I saw very little difference in the look of the watches. So I sold the gen. I wish I never had to sell them but [censored] happens. One of these days I'll buy a gen but I get tired of the same watch. To answer your question, I liked Rolex from a young age and they just keep growing on me. Growing up, I didn't know anyone that had a Rolex or maybe I just didn't notice. One thing a watchmaker told me is that you can always sell a Rolex quickly.

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Believe it or not, I originally wanted a Tag Heuer Calibre 36.

I bought a cheap knockoff (not even worthy of calling it a replica, it was bad...haha) from ioffer a few years ago. It was quartz I thought the watch was great! Then I realized the dial had mispellings. After that I never wanted to wear it. lol.


So I started looking for a better quality replica but couldnt find one..Turns out noone makes one!!

About 1 year and a half ago I was going to purchase a genuine Tag Carrera at a Macy's employee discount (40% off) but that deal fell thru.

So I started googling replica's and found this site....Then got caught up in who has the best sub. Been thru 6 so far and I think I'm finally done.

To this day, after ALL my replica purchases, I STILL DO NOT own a Tag.

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Believe it or not, I originally wanted a Tag Heuer Calibre 36.

I bought a cheap knockoff (not replica) from ioffer a few years ago. It was quartz I thought the watch was great! Then I realized the dial had mispellings. After that I never wanted to wear it. lol.


So I started looking for a better quality replica but couldnt find one..Turns out noone makes one!!

About 1 year and a half ago I was going to purchase a genuine Tag Carrera at a Macy's employee discount (40% off) but that deal fell thru.

So I started googling replica's and found this site....Then got caught up in who has the best sub. Been thru 6 so far and I think I'm finally done.

To this day, after ALL my replica purchases, I STILL DO NOT own a Tag.

Now, whenever I see your avatar.. I think "Rolex".. ^_^

Funny you should mention ..Macy's ... the sales gal at the seperate Macy's timepiece store.. at ala Moana.. offered me once the Breitling SA.. with the full diamond bezel for 2500.00 usd .. although I was tempted and it would have been a steal.. when would I wear it .. and a little too pimped out for me.. but she is really nice.. unlike the snobs in Ben Bridge Time Werks .. :rolleyes:

Thanks CB..

and thanks Hank ... interesting how members come across their favs.. and for what reason..

When I worlked in Wholesale Jewelry in Seattle Rolex was alway's the pure mark of precision and distinction.. :)

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Great topic Lani... ;)


When I was about 14 years old. I lived in Santa Monica California near the beach and next to a large mall with many jewelers.

I would walk the mall by myself (very happily BTHP), ;) Stopping at every Jewelry Store and look in the windows.

I was first attracted to Chronographs. At the time, I feel in love with a Wittnauer Chronograph. Mind you this was about

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Great topic Lani... ;)


When I was about 14 years old. I lived in Santa Monica California near the beach and next to a large mall with many jewelers.

I would walk the mall by myself (very happily being by myself). Stopping at every Jewelry Store and look in the windows.

I was first attracted to Chronographs. At the time, I feel in love with a Wittnauer Chronograph. Mind you this was about 40 years ago. Showing my current age of 57. Yikes :o

At that time, I had a paper route early before school. I would save every Penney for the watch. I went and gave them a deposit on the watch, and picked it up 6 months later.

Then my best friends brother, whom I admired...Had a Rolex Sub..And that did it. I have been a Rolex Lover ever Since...EXCEPT>...When the only made 40mm until now. I was getting bored with the size of the Rolex watches. I feel they took way to long to step up like every other Mfg.

Also, I love Pams. I have about 12 of them. All Swiss movements. Many serviced and lumed...Others not!

I love both my Pams and my Rolli's.

Honestly, I don't think I could live without my Rolex or Pam Collection.

What I like in a watch is the following.

High End Brand



One day when I have more time I will take pics of my collection...It;s not bad! ;)

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Great topic Lani... ;)


When I was about 14 years old. I lived in Santa Monica California near the beach and next to a large mall with many jewelers.

I would walk the mall by myself (very happily being by myself). Stopping at every Jewelry Store and look in the windows.

I was first attracted to Chronographs. At the time, I feel in love with a Wittnauer Chronograph. Mind you this was about 40 years ago. Showing my current age of 57. Yikes :o

At that time, I had a paper route early before school. I would save every penney for the watch. I went and gave them a deposit on the watch, and picked it up 6 months later.

Then my best friends brother, whom I admired...Had a Rolex Sub..And that did it. I have been a Rolex Lover ever Since...EXCEPT>...When the only made 40mm until now. I was getting bored with the size of the Rolex watches. I feel they took way to long to step up like every other Mfg.

Also, I love Pams. I have about 12 of them. All Swiss movements. Many serviced and lumed...Others not!

I love both my Pams and my Rolli's.

Honestly, I don't think I could live without my Rolex or Pam Collection.

What I like in a watch is the following.

High End Brand



One day when I have more time I will take pics of my collection...It;s not bad! ;)

Thanks M .. that is way Cool.. I alway's wanted a paper route when I was a kid for the same reasons.. Independence ..but you had to practically kill the kid that had one and the others waiting in line to get one..

that is a great story and brings back good memories of "dreaming" as a kid.. although I still dream today.. B)

looking forward to your pics someday !!

@Corgi... Your already in my "Minds Eye" as a PP guy.. :p

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I would say I am an IWC man. Loved the brand, loved the history. Its a low profile brand with attractive design that will always have the masses asking and wondering. Mysterious at times....

Funny thing is, I could have been a PAM man. It was a toss up between the 2 brands when I realised that my Seiko Monster just couldn't cut it in boardroom meetings and during client visits.



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Lani, great idea :D

I could not explain what made me a Rolex guy, but I am ;)

I was raised in Jaeger Le Coultre and Beaume et Mercier though.

It's a fact, since I'm a teenager I wanted a Rolex.

Not Rolex in general. Submariner and Seadweller.

When I started to buy watches, and to wear several in rotation, I decided I had to be open minded and try them all.

Exactly like in music.

But with the time, I realise I prefer Rolex like I prefer The Beatles and the rock of the 70ies.

I once bought a 15 year old Pure Malt for my boss who was generaly drinking 18 years old one.

The salesman told me the 15 was more equilibrated so I followed his advice.

My boss asked me: "Stephane, you want to please me right? So why do you try to make me drink 15 when I prefer 18?"

So, today, I wear almost only Subs and SDs and follow my boss advice: wear what you prefer.




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I suppose if everything panned out like it should have I would have been a dyed in wool Rolex man, there's a long story to this but more on that later, yet i have over 20 reps and the one in my Avatar (my first) is still my only Rollie.

Originally I had my heart on a blue faced Sub, gen not rep, and as at the time I was earning a nice little packet each week I sat myself down one day and decided to start researching the watch.

Well as I surfed around looking for subs I kept stumbling upon replica sites and at that time I had not received the benefit of the wonderful training we get on this board, I found myself struck by how well these watches were replicated, I mean they looked genuine (I realise now they were) and all for only a thousand bucks (yep i found only the best scammers).

Well long story short I kept looking and found the original RWG before i pulled the trigger on a Bestswiss et al.

So, why should I be a Rolex man?

Well when I was very young my family lived in New South Wales, Australia, first at Woolongong and later at the foot of the Blue Mountains at a place called Fig Tree and both of these places were a short train trip from Sydney.

My Father who was at the time a merchant seaman when he came home on leave would often grab the family bundle us on a train and we would all go to Sydney on a shopping trip.

Well one of the shops we used to frequent, to be honest I can't remember what type of shop, was right next door to a Rolex Dealership and in the window it had both the big perspex cut away of a Rolex Submariner and the tube of blue (dyed obviously) water with a real Sub happily ticking away submerged in it.

Well even as a little chap I was transfixed on these two items, I can still clearly see them in my mind over 40 years later and my Father and Mother would give up trying to drag me into the shop next door and leave me with my face pressed against the window of the Rolex AD.

Since those days I have always been totally consumed with Rolex watches I used to collect magazine ads and stick them on my wall like most kids do with rock stars and I just loved their TV ads, especially the one where they strapped the watch to an oar of a surf lifesaving boat.

However when I found RWG a funny thing happened, I not only found all the best Rolex replica's at the best prices but I discovered a whole world of prestige watches.

I still love Rolex, but since settling within this community I have come to realise that it is watches in general that I truly love and to this end I have a number of fantasy watches in my collection that are as dear to me as any of my more accurate watches, it is for this reason too that every new released watch is worth looking over to me because I buy what I like, not brand specific.


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For me, I've always had a 'compulsion' to buy new watches. When I was younger, I tended to buy a new watch every year. Having watched Octopussy, I wanted watches with the same kind of digital displays. When I read On Her Majesty's Secret Service, that was when I found out that Bond wore a Rolex, so from that point, the brand always had a special mystique for me. A few years back, my taste shifted from 'multidial' watches to simple diver's watches, and it was a little while after that, that I was in a position to buy a Submariner. I tried it on, and was utterly unimpressed. That propmted me to look into replicas, and I bought a EuroFakes Submariner, which I felt was much better value for money, and I wore constantly. After a few months, I was doing some reading online, and found the excellent comparitive review of the Submariner and Seamaster. That surprised me with it's result, as I didn't expect anything to beat a Rolex, as after all, it was a Rolex, but, I found myself agreeing with the reviewer's observations about the sub's shortcomings, and that made me decide to consider an Omega as a replacement for my sub. I decided to get a rep to save on cash, and, as Casino Royale was coming out, I decided to get a Planet Ocean, and as they say, the rest is history :)

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Hardly surprising but Panerai feature high on my list. I currently have 8, including 2 gen, 2 franken and 4 highly modded The Zigmeister creations, plus a serious collection of parts. I also have 3 gen + 3 rep Omega, 1 gen + 4 franken/modded/rep Breitling, 1 gen + 1 rep / franken Tudor and 4 franken/modded IWC. I have loads of other genuine watches including a gen B&R 03-94 + a rep B&R.

I currently have a list of at least 30 gen and rep to sell or trade so will be active on the sales forums shortly. I serously need to dispose of so many if I am going to get any proper use out of the main collection.

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I love reading Nostalgia.. as Ken .. Mikellem .. have attributed their infatuation with Rolex at a young age .. I can relate :)

great histories ALL .. Stephane .. TJ .. I have enjoyed reading them all..Thank you !!


Thanks for the oportunity to share, brother :):good:

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when i first got interested in reps, it was because of a desire for a platinum yachtie. 4 years later when I finally found RWG 1 and got up the minerals to part with $300.00, I had gotten interested in Panerai and bought a PAM 029, once I got that, Rorex was too small for me, and then over the next 3 years, I have had some 30 watches of all shapes and sizes come and go. I believe that now I have arrived at a solid and "forever" favorite, which has become my grail watch. That would be the 42mm Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean black and white.

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