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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2014 in all areas

  1. Oh dear history time...... Get yourself comfy this could take a while.... Along time ago in a Galaxy far far away there was a replica watch forum call TRC. This was a very respected forum as any of the older members will tell you but it had a more serious, sedate pace. So one day a young member from TRC called Blade decided it was time to branch out and make a new forum (RWG) When this forum started it was, like most new forums, it ran at a million miles an hour and in a very short time it dwarfed TRC in both members and daily posts One feature of RWG was a room that Blade set up for VIP members, kind of a invitation only club which a lot of this boards current and past Admin team members were a part of. So anyway the board was purring along except for a hiccup where we needed to take the dealers off the board to an offshore set up, which also lead to the start of a 3rd forum 'the Watch Trader' Then one day came the fatal mistake, it was decided that we would use our considerable standing in the rep world and get a watch called the RWG Collaborative 1 made by one of the factories This project was put together with all good intentions but despite dealers initially wanting to get aboard they also wanted to do it their way and that is not what we were paying for, then Blade step in, he had a dealer sorted to make the watch exactly to the spec's we wanted and so the money was forwarded....and then the shit hit the fan. Deadline after deadline was missed and members who had put their money up front (probably the most expensive watch of the era) were getting very antsy. Blade was at the time keeping the VIP's updated to the issues and we in turn were trying to keep a cap on it all with the members, then Blade disappeared! We spent a great deal of time trying to track Blade down, not just because of the RWG watch but because the site needed to be paid for on fast approaching date and Blade was the only one with the keys. Finally we were faced with a decision that we either build a new site and try to import as much of the current knowledge base as we could, as well as most of the members or simply letting it all go off in the ether once the domain name expired. To this end the Admin of TRC was approached and after a little convincing he agreed to set up this site and run it as our current Admin Unknown to the VIP and Admin team on RWG at the time another member set about PMing RWG members about a site that he was starting for when the board went down by the name of RWI, no point in bring up his name as he scammed a lot members and took off with much cash. So anyway we open this board about a week before the Domain name of RWG was to expire, we keep RWG as that is who we were (we slightly changed the name but same initials) and everyone comes here and we spent many hours bring over a lot of the knowledge base. Then the fateful day comes and Blade turns up, he pays the domain up for another year, sticks around for a couple of weeks and then he is off again. So at this point we have this RWG with all the members and much of the same knowledge base from when the original started up and the other RWG which was basically a ghost site. Like any ghost town the old RWG attracted the curious and before long it had a group of die hards running amok in a totally un-moderated forum. Problem was that when Blade didn't pony up the next time the old board died and being the good guys we are we gave the members from there a sanctuary while they built a new forum for themselves. And this is where it all went South, when they built that forum they insisted that they actually had more right to the name than us, based on them being the last lingerers when it died, so they called their new site RWG and right there is why we have two. A little extra history.... RG came into being after a falling out with the Admin on RWI and Wrist Check was started after a falling out with the RG guys.
    2 points
  2. Probably not long as everything would rust.... If I would just chucked it in a bath of white spirit/ one dip/ lighter fluid there would be a big chance it would run again. Stupid me. Should have done that and flipped it in the sales section with a profit
    1 point
  3. Who the f*ck does call this a "service" and has the guts to ask money for this crap. Luckely you are the man to fix this my friend
    1 point
  4. Not worn yet as she has just finished major operations by Micky who has fitted my new (very expensive) Blue/Black DSSD dial into a great Noob case with a new Swiss Movement. She is on her way back now and more pics will follow. AJ
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Ooh and guys remember im ready for you guys to try anything
    1 point
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