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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. I know Rico. The poor guy clearly doesn't know me from Adam. As you, however, very well know... I'm one of these shy....nae...slacking mods who hasn't even issued a bloody warning to anyone.......ever! (Although that can change......rapidly) He obviously just thought, for a bit of notoriety, that it would be a perfect opportunity to have a pop at a mod. Duck!...........quack quack! JTB
  2. Welcome watchgrl. Watch out for the dirty old men here. (Present company excluded of course) JTB
  3. Calm down guys and take a chill pill. My point was about courtesy. I didn't suggest anywhere that rules were broken. I didn't seek an apology. I didn't warn the guy. I asked a question. It had one of these (?) at the end of it. Anyone notice it? (jees there it is again!) Well meaning or not........if I ever want to use someone elses image of their watch (and I have done) I'll ask him or her first. I just happen to think it's nicer that way. N'est pa? Neb - consider yourself in the "one to watch" category. JTB
  4. ........but it ain't in the trading section Ken! JTB
  5. Ayeeee it takes me back lad...........ma two tone gold Daytona an me being ever so gentle wae it. Tenderly pushing they wee buttons an nuttin happening. Cursing the world upside down and those numbers.........yeah THOSE numbers................7750..............which striketh such fear intae the hearts of watch lovers the world over...........more treacherous than when wee Damien's dad pulled his hair back and saw the unforgetable mark of the beast...........666. More sickening than that other figure...........1966.........nuff said.....................UNTIL...........UNTIL.............some clever clogs said..............."PUSH THIM HARDER YA MUPPET!" ...................so a did...........and the rest is histrionics as they say! JTB
  6. Did you okay it with Joshua to use his image? JTB
  7. Congrats Kostas! I enjoyed my wedding so much I did it a second time..............different girl though! JTB
  8. Aye......when I heard about this one going up on the boards, I thought Rico boy will be onto this faster than Ben Johnson on speed..............however 59 minutes is more like Ben Turpin on speed and he's deid! JTB PS - Wear it well Ricky boy!
  9. MARS bars are being renamed Believe to rally England fans for the World Cup. Bosses hope it will inspire England to emulate Bobby Moore's 1966 World Cup win with England. The chocolate bar will change later this month for the first time since it was made in 1920 and will revert to Mars after the tournament ends in July. Andrea Taylor, of Mars, said: "As the nation's favourite chocolate bar, Mars is in an ideal position to fuel positivity for the World Cup." The Believe range will also be sold in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, though with a more general philosophical message - as they failed to make the finals. England Football Supporters Federation boss Malcolm Clarke said: "A Mars bar is still a Mars bar, whatever it's called. I guess some will see it as jumping on the bandwagon." Rivals Nestle will also put images of England's 1966 victory on Kit Kats and Yorkies. Experts expect similar stunts from hundreds of other companies. Marketing magazine Brand Republic said: "It's the biggest sports marketing opportunity of the decade - companies don't want to be left behind." Scottish Football Supporters, affectionately known the world over as The Tartan Army have responded with their take on it (see below):
  10. Some guys have been doing it through May as well Reg.........they didn't want to get left behind. JTB PS - Parcel arrived in jig time, as always! Many thanks. Nice piece although I'll probably look out for a better bracelet. Not complaining as I know the bracelets on a lot of the Polexes are the weak point. Cheers
  11. This newsflash today... The UK government has just announced that it is worried that mens penises are getting smaller. To find out how great the problem is they have asked all men with penises smaller than 3 inches to drape a white flag with red cross on their car during the months of June and July. Ends
  12. What was it we were talking about again? JTB
  13. Just thinkin Neil (dangerous I know)...........Re: my top picture.......can you imagine the reaction of any wee Glesca punter asking for his sausage supper and gettin offered that.............unless of course the chips are gigantic in which case I could be way wrong!!!! Maybe this was the sort of thing you could get at Rico's place? JTB
  14. Brilliant, quite brilliant. Get yours here: and if you don't like the taste of your sausage supper you can always wear it: JTB PS - This guy looks awfully like former Rangers manager [censored] Advocaat. Figures!
  15. ......and I thought they were all heathens there! JTB
  16. Give it to me. I'll look after it for you. JTB
  17. "Whispering Grass" by Windsor Davies and Don Estelle
  18. Mary-Doll bought it for him oan the anniversary of their very first podger behind the Locarno Club wherein he wooed her with a few Peruvian Brandies and the promise of a pudding supper on the way home. JTB PS - I'm giving myself a warning for crapping in your otherwise interesting and worthwhile thread.
  19. Just what I was thinking Rico...............so I went and bought this classy little number from a Mr. Robert Nesbitt (you may have heard of him).........we met in a quaint little Scottish Pub......The Saracens Head: JTB
  20. Yep.........the more things change..............the more they stay the same! JTB
  21. Nah Clive.......mediator was what I meant (not moderator), however it wasn't the right word either. I knew Ken had popped over there yesterday so I asked him if he could ask them to do the necessary. No electric juice for...............let me see.............3 days now! JTB
  22. Don't think so Neil on account of the fact that I never intend to visit there. I've even asked a mediator to request my membership be deleted over there. JTB
  23. Welcome. I suspect if you have only been a lurker and not a contributor, dealers may be a bit reluctant to communicate pricing information. However, what Jraines says is correct - they must post prices when they advertise models, I therefore surmise that you were asking about models outwith their displayed stock? Nice to see you contributing now. Look forward to more of your posts. JTB
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