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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Aye laugh..........ya bunch o' reprobates. Laugh...........laugh...........laugh...........but let me tell yoos - Yees wull awe be laughing oan the ither side a yer jaws. Ye'll be wantin tae emigrate efter wee Becks has lifted the JR. JTB
  2. Only when that wee hun Dalglish was in charge. Thank god we saw through him. Took us a while though! JTB
  3. Actually when I first heard of these, I laughed my ass off.... Makes you wonder what goes through some peoples minds when they are inventing chocolate bars! JTB
  4. The ) at the end of the link is what is preventing access. If you copy and paste the link to your address bar - it works. (As long as you can speak Italian, of course) JTB
  5. ........In which case WELCOME...........and if there is anything I can do... JTB
  6. Dinnae hawd yer breath sonny! JTB
  7. I hope they remember not to pick the friggin thing up and start running with it! JTB
  8. Dearie dearie me! And ye picked John Hartson........the man that the forces of darkness rejected.....only for it tae haunt them........time and time and time again. Now if you had said Alan Thompson......I might have tittered. And I'll raise your 50 with a 67 Neil. Rico.......You know that I'm supporting England......you just like me repeating it, don't you? Edgware was my second home when I were a lad. Dad's a Londoner. JTB
  9. Aye.......too right. Mind you.......at the end of oor session, I couldnae pronounce Lars von Trier never mind talk aboot him or his movies! JTB
  10. And I recall how he used to love scoring against the Jambos. JTB Edited to say........So now there are 2 Hearts fans on the forum......you and Edge! That constitutes a Supporters Club...........in Hearts terms.
  11. Well........as I won't be here for the run up to the PoM announcement, there can be no nationalist favouritism. I do not envy my fellow mods as there are several excellent contenders, for what is a most wonderful prize donated by Aspire. And returning to topic...........I agree, this is a most excellent post, especially for all newbies. JTB
  12. Don't worry fitmic........Neil (a Glasgow Rangers man) is still smarting after 5 years of wee Henrik Larsson tormenting the life out of his team by knocking in goal after goal against them when he played for Celtic. JTB Seriously - he's having a laugh. Rangers in the 70's were full of Scandinavians. He loves them.
  13. fitmic - If there's a better rep forum, I've yet to see it. I hope Henrik has a great World Cup! JTB
  14. Sounds like a good time was had. One of the best places I have visited. Aaah the memories of Pigalle! JTB
  15. For sure Jeff........the greatest show on earth and the US even managed to qualify. It's at times like this that America's insularity is all too apparent. The rest of the world will be captivated by the World Cup and for football fans it's 5 weeks of heaven. However........if Ecuador win........I'll send you a nice watch! JTB
  16. Who maybe forgot their password and re-registered??? JTB
  17. Mmm...............not sure. Just an instinct. Could be way off the mark though! JTB
  18. Heh heh Ken............I can't remember the last time I tossed a cable ............in fact............come to think of it............I've never even tossed a caber!!! but I am Scot's through and through, like a stick of Edinburgh rock,.......a big stick of Edinburgh rock! JTB Post script.........watchgrl has a familiar disposition about her. Mmmm?
  19. Now I wouldn't know anything about that. JTB
  20. ....is what's wrong with it! JTB
  21. The World Cup approaches...........everyone should know that Wayne Rooney will save the world! JTB
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