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Everything posted by Ztech

  1. Yeah, sorry to hear about your situation. You should definitely ask for a partial deposit before starting work.
  2. Nice, but I'll pass. I'm waiting for R2D2 to put on my wrist.
  3. Tried that, but it pretty messy.
  4. The reason why I posted what I did is because for most of the reps the prices were in the range of $50 to $75 USD for mass orders. If I was a dealer in China, had access to sites like RWG and had a bit of business sense. I would purchase some reps directly from the manufacturers, do a bit of QC and upgrading so I can offer them for sale here for 4 to 5 times the his/her purchase price. If I sold say... 10 pieces a month I could have a more lucrative enterprise than if I were to find a 9 to 5 anywhere else. Heck, recently, I've even thought about contacting these guys back at the manufacturing level to see if I could get a container over here full of say 1k reps to market here on RWG. The math... $75 X 10,000 = $75,000 USD invested If I sold 375 pieces from that batch I could recoupe my original investment and the rest would be total profit. I'd guess I could do this as I'd most likely be able to sell 375 pieces in the first few months. Food for thought ain't it?
  5. I don't know if has any pertinence here, but I few years ago I helped a friend of mine establish a business in China so I visited there a few times with him. There I got in touch with a few manufacturers and left my info. From time to time I get a slew of e-mails from reps that represent rep watch manufacturers. I've even had them e-mail me a price guide and an e catalog of reps they make. I never went anywhere with it cause till recently I wasn't into reps. If I recall the prices I got quoted for mass orders was very cheap, but did require "mass" purchase. Those prices were nowhere close to what we pay. Thought I'd throw this tidbit of info here. Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
  6. Although I agree that we won't make any of these guys change their business practices, I bet money that if we collectively stopped buying reps for say, a few months, they'd sit up and take notice. Sure, there's a much bigger populace out there that buy reps, but we, here on these forums, probably constitute the bulk of the returning buyers. And those who are in business know, these are the customers you want to please. Not the buy one and never return type of customers. I'm certain, that if everyone on the multiple forums implemented a buying ban for a few months, they'd take notice and possible do more.
  7. For $1,000 USD, you could feed a family of 10 for a year in China. Probably including their cousins!!!
  8. Yes, let's hope that it'll be a joining of effort rather than a pointing of fingers.
  9. Wow, IMHO this is great. An exchange of info/input between the collector and the us, the public. Isn't this what many of us have been asking for? This could be a start of something great. I appluad Mark and his effort to bridge the "gap".
  10. I've got a B&R 46mm and I love it. It's a great attention getter and a great ice breaker. It's great for those parties or at a bar.
  11. If you ever get one sub please do one of your awsome reviews!
  12. Yes, pics please!!! And enjoy your watch. Mine is with Vac getting the spa treatment and can't wait till she get's home.
  13. IMHO, Citizens are great watches for the money. Of course, even the cheapest watch produced by a name brand will be better than any rep as there will be QC. Great watch enjoy!
  14. He said he didn't so he could buy a few while he's there. I think he might need a few more wrists.
  15. Well, if we could communicate directly with the factories our dealers might loose their job. So... I doubt that we'll ever be able to communicate with the factories directly, but it would be nice if our dealers passed the information from us along to the factories. Whether this is the case or not is left to be determined. The majority of us on this forum agree with your idea though.
  16. Very nice. Always thought those B&M watches were nice. Enjoy!
  17. Very nice watch! Where did the x-tal go???
  18. I'd like to see that made into a nice hat.
  19. Looks a bit similar to the Ice Bang no?
  20. Very nice. Is that a MKII variant? Looks like one. Enojy.
  21. I'm sure we all have different morals and values, but I for one wouldn't just walk by someone being taken advantaged of if I can help it. For those of you who said that everyone should stay out of sales threads, what would you then do in the type of situation I just described?
  22. You might want to look into tritium vile powered watches, such as Ball. They don't glow as bright as superluminova powered watches, but they glow without the necessity to charge them.
  23. IMHO, I think people are trying to recoupe their investment into a rep, i.e. upgrades and price paid for the rep. I don't think this is justified with exception of certain instances where a rep does appreciate, but I think that would be uncommon given that it is a rep. So, given the fact that a rep was "used" an owner who attempts to recoupe every penny invested is somewhat wrong. I think that most of those "types" of sales get noticed by noobs, like myself, who don't know any better and get taken. I, for one, almost lost interest in reps because of my personal bad experience, but decided to stay and give it a go because there are some genuinely great people here and I'm a believer that where there are a group of good people, good things will happen. I'm not in favor of a "big brother" type of thing here, but I do wish that some of the more experienced and respected members take a more direct role with respects to continuation of our hobby. I'm still a noob and don't know much, but I try to impart what little knowledge and experience I've gained here. Hopefully, someone will gain from it.
  24. Well that depends on your perception and your definition of "light up". Superluminova, once charged, tends to glow very bright for a short amount of time then drift off into a steady, but very dim, glow. This dim glow does last the night and I've found myself looking at my watch in the early hours of the morning to find that it was indeed still faintly glowing. Personally, I've never seen any watch, and I do have some gen watches known for it's lume, that was still glowing brightly after an hour or so. That's what I meant by your definition of what you consider "glowing" and "bright".
  25. Personally, I think that those who "call out" others as to the authenticity of their watches, or anything else for that matter, feel the need to police everyone else because they are either 1.) the few that paid out huge sums of money for their gen and don't like the idea of posers who didn't pay what they did or 2.) they can't afford one so they don't want others to own one either, gen or rep.
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