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Everything posted by Ztech

  1. Hey Gabriel, I doubt that you're missing anything. I mean, this isn't really an exact science. Also, from most of what I've read so far, Asian movements are very dependable and should last without too much trouble. Of course, regular servicing helps. Also, it helps if you sort of narrow down what you're looking for in a rep, i.e. are you looking for a rep that as close to the gen as possible? Or maybe you're looking for one that suits your pesonal taste? I've learned that once you narrow that down, searchng becomes worlds eaiser. Asking the experts also is more efficient when you know your target. You'll notice that questions such as, "hi, I'm looking for the best PAM", don't get much attention, but when you ask, "which dial is closest to the gen?" type of questions the experts will chime in. So I suggest you consider your options and then narrow down your target, then start to ask some questions. Oh, and make sure you exercise some patience as things might not move at the pace you'd like for it to. Good luck and enjoy your journey. z
  2. I trust ebay like I trust a crack addict with my money. Good luck bbell6.
  3. Wow! That dial takes the cake! I think Panerai should contact you for a job. That is awsome!!!
  4. Congrats on the new addition! Wow!!! How in the world do you take those amazing pictures???!!!
  5. Hey Steve, Welcome to the forum. This is a great place and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do. If you're in Europe you might want to check Narika as I've heard lots of positive comments about his dealings, not to mention he'll be local to you. Good luck.
  6. As a lume freak I too would like to see a lume shot. I'll get one when mine arrives.
  7. But Jon, you could have both!!! I'm almost scared to say it, but I've already spent in reps what I could probably used to pick up a used gen PAM. Doh!!! It's been fun though and I guess all worth it.
  8. I too thought the black dial was killer till I saw the white dial version. IMHO, the white dial just jumps up at you and slaps you silly.
  9. Thanks for everyone's input and keep 'em coming. It's the only way I bear it till she arrives.
  10. Hey sub, I got interested in this watch after I saw the pics you posted. After trying on the gen at an AD sealed the deal. Can't wait till it arrives. Now the painful waiting game.
  11. Hey all, I just had a chance to try on a Graham CF Oversize at an AD and I'm sold. Can you guys please chime in with your experiences with the rep version of this? Thanks in advance. z
  12. Me DuDro? I just ordered the CF and haven't gotten it yet. I did try it on at an AD and I have 7.75 in wrist. I also have a Fiddy and I'd say the CF wears wider but thinner, if that makes any sense. The Fiddy is much taller but more compact on the wrist. Hope that helps.
  13. Just ordered one of these from Josh and can't wait. sz1: how's the watch treating you now that you've had it for some time?
  14. I dunno if this will, but on some watches the angle of the winder is important. I mostly have larger sized dive watches and have found that on some winders the shere size of the watch and the angle of the winder plate won't allow for a complete rotation of the winding mechanism. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my watch. I only learned it was the winder when I tried multiple watches on the winder. Only to find they were not wound after a few days on the winder. Hope that helps. Good luck.
  15. Let me get this straight... If we win an auction for the benefit of Rob, we send the funds to the seller then the seller conveys the funds to Rob? Is that correct? I just want to get this straight because I'm not gonna beat out of this auction like I did with lani's.
  16. Wow, awsome pics!!! This is gonna get tough. I need to find a way not to look at the pics while I'm here.
  17. How in the world did you guys get started in making your own straps? Man all those pics makes me want to go run over cows this minute.
  18. Hi Geeeyejo, Can I ask you about your impression of that Cartier? Thanks.
  19. That's looking sharp Lifter. Awsome job.
  20. Nice! IMHO, Montblanc does a great job of combining a little sport with a lot of class with their designs.
  21. Welcome Geoff. You know you have to post up some pics of your collection right?
  22. As a recent noob to the forum myself, welcome! This is a great place.
  23. Usually they'll state whether the measurement is w/ crown or w/o. Mostly they mean w/o.
  24. Ah... that would explain why the crown stems wouldn't fit correctly in the tubes. I erroneously thougth that only the tubes were different. Thanks for that info.
  25. Hey have great trip and don't forget that suitcase full of "stuff".
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