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Everything posted by docblackrock

  1. Hey purspeed, happy Fourth of July for Tuesday, or as we like to call it here... Happy "Thank God We Got Rid Of Those Bloody Ignorant Tobacco-Chewing Turkey-Shooting Colonials" Day
  2. on both the good news and the unlucky number thing
  3. what happened to the squirrel though?
  4. Sorry but I AM gonna wait for a fatter font on the datwheel....only I'm gonna have the beast strapped to my wrist whilst I'm waiting
  5. Do you know for a fact that Ken's case is different from EL's? BTW, can you please move me from No.13 in your 7753 wanted list - hey, I'm superstitious ok
  6. What do you mean 'old' movt? Did the previous 187 not have a 7750 b1 heart? EL mentioned nothing to me about a movt upgrade. But you're right, for the price it seesm churlish to complain although would have been nice to know before ordering that's all . Who knows, maybe the factory will correct the datefont? In which case, I can see Eddie seeing us right, that would be typical of him.
  7. Ah bollix to it, here's my tuppence worth.... The first thing that struck me was how the French just stifled the flow of the match. No doubt fearing the flair and easy-on-the-eye passing game of the Spanish, they just stuck 8 men in defensive midfield positions as a barrier. It was negative, ugly, but highly effective. Spain's goal from a penalty came out of nowhere, a rash challenge. The French equaliser, whilst well taken, again made a farce of the offside rule with Henry miles off but supposedly 'non-intefering' (tell that to both Spanish centre-backs who were tracking him!). As for the second French goal, I can honestly say that I watched in absolute disgust . No foul, no obstruction, a 50-50 challenge in which neither player came off better IMO. Yet, Henry's theatrics a la Rivaldo won the match. Until very recently, Henry was a player I admired both as a player and a person. Then came THAT post-match interview after the CL Final in Paris - a whingeing complaining unprofessional and slightly paranoid rant, in which he said Barca were crap, Ronaldinho and Eto'o were crap, Puyol had kicked him all night (obviously a score to settle there), the ref was a cheat, and that maybe he should learn to dive in future (crash course was it Thierry?). I now think he's the worst of the worst, a disgrace to the game and to his country. thomasng's point about Zidane's 3rd goal doesn't really pass muster, as had Spain not been chasing the game in the last minutes and throwing caution to the wind, there's no way in hell that space would have been left for Zidane to be played in and score. I am pleased though for ZZ personally as he will get his swansong vs Brazil, a fitting way to end such a glorious career. cwai - whilst I share your deep disgust of Arragones' remarks, vilifying his squad and wanting them to lose because of it is just wrong. Spain are out and the tournament is poorer for it, just as with Holland and Ghana. Yet the likes of Ukraine have hung on in there. So after a bright start, this WC for me has lost a lot of its promise in football terms, with only Argentina left now to light the way.....and I'm not even going to mention England
  8. Shucks Bob, if only you weren't a married man eh? :yucky:
  9. Again, my situation and thoughts exactly Ed's one of the best so a datewheel fix it will have to be
  10. I share your pain Trunk - ordered mine day before the new pics went up - to my horror noticed the crappy datefont - apparently this is the new 'updated' version from same maker If it comes with that thin font, I'm gonna be sooooooooo peeeeeeeeeeed offffffffffff *edit typos*
  11. Back in the day, there was Isoruku and (gulp) Barbiegal... Of course, now we have Miss Understood
  12. Hmmm, interesting I jumped on EL's 7750 version for now (can always pass on should a 7753 rear its head), then a day later his 'new 187' photos go up and the datefont looks very different (thinner less gen-looking), so I rightly queried this with Eddie if there were indeed 2 versions? "same....same maker" was Ed's reply.
  13. Hmmm, I'd love to know how you achieved that tapered 24/22 look on the bracelet
  14. Says who??? I may be wrong but I'm fairly sure that was an Arktos problem only...
  15. OK let me clarify... I'm a little confused, lots of people talking about a 7753 version, some say they'd like, some say it's coming soon, some say it's being offered NOW in Japan/TW wherever, and of course the dealers say 'no, no 7753, not heard anything'. My point was, I'm not really sure what to believe, if the 7753 is all a myth then I'll get the 7750 (and pray and not touch the chrono ). Does anyone have anything beyond rumour, conjecture, or wishful thinking???
  16. Like many I suspect, I'd like to see if there's a realistic possibility of a 7753 first - so look forward to hearing one way or another! If not, then a cut-price 7750 will have to do for now.
  17. Identical spec wrist shot for me A little less hairy in the hand department though
  18. What 'jubilee'? Both pics (usual ETA decent reps) show the standard oyster fliplock bracelet. Hold on, I think he means 'anniversary' since the LV = 50th anniversary Sub.
  19. I'm with you Puggy, I prefer my tastes to be less mainstream and I'd rather someone spy my forthcoming PO Chrono and say 'cool watch' rather than 'oh isn't that the new James Bond watch?' as if I was some sad desperate 007-wannabee (even if for like 99.9% of men, it IS true )
  20. Two words for you LTZ... Silica gel
  21. Some additional info not connected with above speculation but taken verbatim from a certain piece of ahem, 'official' literature procured today, take from it what you will... Seamaster Chrono Diver Bond Objective: "To upgrade the current Bond Chrono Diver with a new dial" Seamaster Diver Bond Co-Axial (note: akin to the old SMP/007) Objective: "To upgrade the current Bond watches to Co-Axial escapement and update dial" Seamaster James Bond Limited Edition (note this is the 'swirly face') Objective: "To introduce a limited edition to coincide with the launch of the new James Bond film" Interesting that all release dates are Sept/Oct 2006 EXCEPT the (SMP) Bond Co-Axial which is listed as November, coincidentally the month of the film's release. *edited for typos, sorry*
  22. Well far be it for me to stir the conspiracy theorists out there, but a little (very well-connected ) birdie told me that Omega themselves haven't even decided yet exactly which models 007 will be showcasing either in the film or for off-screen promotion. Hence the photoshopped and fuzzy pics (and handbag-type arguments here ). Apparently the film is in post-production and it'll be decided during the edits. One thing's for sure though - they are creaming their pants literally at the ongoing speculation as they obviously keen to squeeze every last drop of PR from the association especially as interest is ramped up when it's a 'new' Bond. Who knows, maybe Craig will be like that Swatch guy, Hayek and have several strapped all the way up his wrist
  23. Sure some of you have this info already (although not seen much posted apart from few Basel pics) but thought I'd share anyway... Went into a work-local AD at lunchtime, just browsing for a birthday present for my GF (ladies Speedmaster white MOP or Tag F1 Diamonds white), and as usual got distracted by my own tastes Started chatting to the token very attractive girl (why is there only the one? is it some kind of 'fluffer' policy? ), and we're talking about the PO and she's asking me 'if I swim often, I look like it' (hmmm ) when the manager steals in and takes over 'The PO is a big watch you know?' he says. 'Actually it's massive, absolutely huge, doesn't suit everyone...blah blah blah...Now I"m a bit [censored] off, what with him cramping my style but I relax and let it pass. 'That's ok, 45 mm right' I reply, 'I like big watches' at which point he stares at the PAM crown guard now peeking coquettishly out from my sleeve....I can't resist it, and a quick flash of my 212 on Hirsch kevlar elicits a huge drool pool from him and instantly he switches into 'fawn' mode. Deciding to see how far I can push him, I ask 'What about the chronos?'. Aha, the 'Illuminati' question apparently, and he pulls out an aluminium file full of what looks like internal Omega marketing memos and press packs, and hands over a booklet with a foreword by Frederic Nardin (middle name 'Ullysses' perhaps? ) containing some hi-res photos of forthcoming models for the rest of the year and 2007 and likely RRPs. Some interesting new models, including Speedys (Dates, Day-Dates, limited edition Apollo 15 black-gold dial, many pastel-coloured ladies MOP as I mentioned earlier), ans Seamasters (at least 6 different Bond incarnations, and an interesting Regatta chrono and of course, the PO Chronos). Too many pics to scan and post here, sorry. So, in case you didn't know already, the PO chronos will be out late Aug/early Sept (prob later than the reps ), housing a calibre 3313 movement and will retail for £3000 (compared to the £1850 of the regular POs). Six models, the standout being this one IMO - time to start saving now
  24. Ubi, you wanna talk GMT-blah-blah-blah, or see Nordic women??? Thought so
  25. Can't she give me that lickin' instead ? She seems to be wearing the 'Dale Ole Bull' model 100% wool, which is ironic considering the effect she is having on me.....ole!
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