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Everything posted by nasosn

  1. "Lethal" but nice combination Rikske I don't know which one i like most! The brute force of a magnificent Colt or the delicate appearance of a Skyland
  2. nasosn


    Ask the mechanics dude82...It is really peculiar and no matter if it is something simple or complex we don't have the answer! Obviously something is going on INSIDE.- Ask The Zigmeister and good luck
  3. Very overpriced indeed Take a look at our dealers section and you will get satisfied from the offered product quality! If you are within Europe i would suggest that you preferred Precious Time or PT, he is the one i bought from my BCE almost a year ago and he is great!
  4. nasosn


    Did it happen all of a sudden or has it given any signs that made you suspicious about its oncoming malfunction??It is strange and we need The Zigmeister's advice on that subject...Consider asking advice from the knowledge base section of the forum
  5. Guys let's be serious...! 20 secs/day is 600 secs/month which is 10mins/month for-or-backward!!!!When this happens you cannot consider your self to be a time-keeper You are literally losing your time
  6. nasosn


    First of all i would like to apologise for the quality of the pic but i took it on the hurry so don't expect much dude82 during those 6 months that you have your watch did you ever experience something like that with the date? Did you observe any misalignment of the date wheel or the problem occured suddenly one day?? For me this is a frequent phenomenon but a few minutes after wearing the watch it aligns perfectly! Was that your case,too?
  7. @ DjDante : Completely agree with ronny25's point of view as someone should not pick up a watch only because it is considered to be a GREAT rep...No no no this is indeed a bad thought and sooner or later you will regret that choise you made Choose the watch you like either by visiting ADs or reading about several watch models in our forum! There are a lot of fellas here that know a whole lot about watches and it is a pleasure to consult their opinion! Knowledge is power......But on the other hand be extra cautious not to "watch the tree and lose the forest" as in my humble opinion you should spend equal time on reading about faults and malfunctions that were reported on the model that you chose! I happen to be a proud owner of a BCE graphite V2 which i bought from PT almost a year ago and the watch is magnificent (make a search and you will find a recent photo of my beauty) and it works flawlessly. That was just to contribute to your final decision-making.... The final decision however, about which watch you will buy and from whom lies upon YOU not me or ronny25! It is in your hand also the preserving of the good working status and reliability of the watch...No matter if you have a Ferrari or an Autobianchi if you crash with 100mph on a wall the impact will be equally disastrous for both @ ronny25: It is nowhere reported that Rolexes are more accurate and/or reliable than Breits given that both of them work based on A7750 movement...I've been studying this site for long enough to be able to reach that conclusion!
  8. No thanks TwoTone "i won't take"
  9. He is certainly hilarious (man he lost the screw and he was looking for it...what a mechanic ) but on the other side he completely violates what is considered, for someone else, to be a jewel!A panerai being treated like that...No matter if a watch is gen or rep it should not be treated like that
  10. We all wish only the best for you and your growing family Well done and be a good father!!!
  11. Here's my BCE...Love it every moment
  12. It is indeed great...I wish i had one for my BCE
  13. Totally agree!These guys don't have a clue and their mind is DEFINITELY stuck on the glue...They most probably discovered a rep from the 60s in their backyard and wrote this article Haven't they heard (or did they do it deliberately?) that quality of some reps is far superior than that of some gens???? I forgive them as they know nothing...
  14. I would suggest that you go for one of the Breitling watches e.g. Skyland V3, Super Avenger or Chronomat Evolution (i own this one and it is INCREDIBLE)!!! The choice is yours but Breitling watches are amazing
  15. Great advise toadtorrent That's the deepest meaning of being a member to a forum and exchange experiences and ideas with others...We all have an e-mail to communicate but this is not the case in a forum! We must benefit from each other!
  16. You can certainly use either a prepaid VISA or Mastercard or Paypal...But when i bought my Breitling Chronomat from PT (by the way as you will read, he is a perfect dealer) i used Western Union which is in my opinion much much more convenient and you don't have to worry about security issues as payment is done in the cashier and you are informed via the Western Union's website about the receiving of the money from the other party!!
  17. That's right!! But the so famous knowledge base section has vanished into thin area...i can't find it and i don't think my eyes deceive me
  18. Hmmmm I hope it will be restored soon...One of the most useful parts of our community
  19. I noticed that the "technical" section of our forum is missing! Any answers??
  20. Take a look at this link i think it is exactly what you are looking for... http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=76347 Updated version has arrived so careful where you will place your order!
  21. Stunning, enjoyable and extremely detailed article Congrats RobbieG
  22. Hey Doc a few weeks ago i had the same baffling problem as you with the winder proper direction This is my post dated back from the 21st of May. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=74399 I hope it will be of great assistance to you...It solved my problem though
  23. That's why i said it is not so easy to guess what's the right direction for the watch winder....!Here's a very good explanation Thanks very much Rikske i'll follow that rule
  24. Well in alternate mode (CW & CCW) the winder CERTAINLY charges the watch but it charges following a program of 5 minutes in CW direction and 5 minutes in CCW direction; while when being adjusted to CW only direction the watch is charged 10 minutes in CW direction! It is all a matter of losing energy and how to best manage it So which program should someone use??
  25. Thanks Raymond but what about the watch winder direction? Should this one be properly adjusted to rotate the watch clockwise?? This is my main curiosity
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