This time of year, lots of polls happen and everyone tries to decide what the best replica of the year is, and while these posts are very democratic, I am far too opinionated to allow others to decide for me, so this is what I choose as the best replica of the year.
It's the best "out of the box" replica. It's "the most accurate" replica as well. It's also the "best built" replica. If it doesn't top the polls on this and other sites as "Replica of the Year" then it's obvious that polls don't work.
This replica has the same movement as the genuine, it's water-resistant to depths we'll never take it, the 5mm thick AR-coated crystal is the standard by which all others should be measured and the strap is almost as good as genuine.
The strap in this picture is the replica deployant strap that you can get from most of the dealers. It adds another layer of class, even though it's fake croc.
Yes, I didn't choose my current favourite watch, the IWC Slevin, as the SOSF is simply a better replica, even if it's not as good a watch.
Do you agree? Do you disagree? Are you one of those odd people that thinks the Big Bang is a better rep?