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Everything posted by FxrAndy

  1. Ok guys we are going to do this the same way as lat year, i will send out a form for your information and preferences and also what we have found accomodation wise, I unfortunatly dont have all your email addresses (my lap top is in the shop and i dont have outlook on my net book to import the addresses in) the so i am going to send it as PM in the next couple of days.
  2. Not coming from those places but have visited a couple of them
  3. Aha thanksd Gio, i actualy liked louisiana lat time i was there, but that was before Katrina may be a problem as well as i am retiring from the military after 24 years and starting fresh and if i had a bachelors degree i would not hsave spent the last 24yrs running round the world chasing wars, not that i have done that much but still. Just has a good laugh reading some of the forms, but have not found the are you a terorist one yet
  4. Got to agree with most, i realy dont like the bezel numbering
  5. I have a job offer to get me started and a sponsor but where do you start with getting permission to work in the states, it may just be for 6 months but it may be permanant. what do i need to do first? Who is up for a Louisiana GTG????
  6. Looking good!
  7. How about this one in my signature?
  8. Tempting but expensive
  9. I just cant work out why they have not made this??????????????
  10. Bad form! You would have been better to just say thanks and walk out, if they dont know about good rep there is no need to tell them, and bring attention to them.
  11. I think with the V3 the 3717 is fast becoming a clasic that every one wants in his case and understandably too
  12. That is nice!!!!!
  13. Hey CBR glad to here you are fine, enjoy the time at home.
  14. Now if they had stuffed it up the arse of a cuddly toy it would have never been found
  15. looks good maybe the vintage aqua timer is on the way also
  16. Welcome to RWG, yep the info here is invaluable, please feel freen to become a supporter if you find your self spending a lot of time here.
  17. I havwe a couple of gen bregeut hands for unitas that cost trade price about
  18. could be something in the date mech that is stopping it, if it was hands touching or dirt on the hour wheel it would stop at 1550 in the afternoon as well. to check set the watch forward 12 hours so the date starts changing around 11 am and then see if the watch stops in the afternoon.
  19. Looks good,is the CG lever a bit loose, it looks to be hardley touching the crown!
  20. Wow man i wish you the best and fastest recoverey possible. you have my thoughts!
  21. Gents and ladies? Planning is underway, once the details are formulated we will open a new thread so that people can ask for the details, newer members will be asked for a sponser, a senior member they may have met or known for a while, to vouch for them as we have had some very new members asking for datails and we would like to be sure that the attendees are collectors and not lawyers (apart from the ones i know here), please dont take this the wrong way guys. The details will only be given out via email that way the locations we are stopping at will also not be public. One last thing once emails start going out please every one dont use the reply to all function as last year i have about 500 mails in total from the gtg and at some point strange addresses appered in the ring of mails flowing round, please treat email addresses you have with a security they deserve. current list is FxrAndy +1 Slay 99% Scoobs Cats Yelloman SD4K Vikkyrob Golfman, Mr & Mrs Ricardo + 1 Takashi Pix + 1 (90%) Asim Vedet Papis Guru1
  22. Well done billy welcome to the club
  23. Now here is a question, how much bigger is the TW STEEL than the Railmaster XXL?
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