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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. I have the one from silix - its my first PO - i like it alot, i think the AR is pretty impressive. if just a fingerprint gets on the crystal it has to be wiped off because its SO prominent - which is the sign of great AR i don't think its double sided though There is a photo of the watch in Phobands Collection in my sig. I don't think its an earlier version - i think it is a parallel version from the josh/trusty i.e. more better fixes than the 5th generation but not as many fixes as josh trusty. The hands i think are longer than 5th gen but a hair shorter than josh. - I don't know how to judge pearls - the bracelet on it is the best rep bracelet i have ever had. I'm super happy with mine and it has become one of my top 3 in the rotation I had ordered it with a 2824 - but recieved a 2836 - and i tried with some tape to get the back off - but, haven't been able, hopefully someone will have a caseback tool at the official RWG lunch coming up so i can snap a shot of the movement - but, silix has said he will stand behind it.
  2. I think the old fake AR was where you could hold your pam up at an angle and see a consistant tint across the crystal. The AR on my Gen Corum and on my davidson crystal and Ultimate PO you can see at certain angles the actual shape of hte glare in blue - like you see the light in blue. It takes out reflections and makes the dial easier to see - you can still see the sun or the lights but there isn't all that haze and glare that ends up on a non ar watch with the light bouncing all over the place.
  3. naw, get the ETA one i think he has for like 170- - its a great watch - it will do you well for a long time.
  4. GOES WITHOUT SAYING - first, i don't have to wait till i get home - 2 wife doesn't see the packages constantly coming in. but - i'm going to open an office with my wife what to do then
  5. fotoman

    Moto Q

    i just got the blackjack - its supposed to have mobile office, but i haven't tried editing anything, all of my docs open up with Picsel Viewer - i can view everything great, haven't tried editing.-
  6. I have always made clear that the movement issue is serious and i stand with the crowd demanding an explination and resolution to the issue. i Think the entire issue is rediculous because The prices aren't that different - its a small amount of $$ if anything and high likelyhood of a thread like this. - Its a stupid move. - and i think that if they step up and remedy this - they can undo the damage they have done. Its really a shame because after dealing with all the dealers for 2 yrs now I have always found that they were never purposfully misleading - sometimes i had to ask a question twice - but, they always shot straight with me -
  7. His or Hers? Its tricky - very tricky - i have tried to tie it to other things -selling a few buying a few. - You don't even want to see the face she made when she found out how much a "palp' crown cost let alone The Zigmeister's fees. - she has her own habbits - for alot of it - i do'nt bother her, she doesn't bother me - unless money is tight
  8. if you click on the Phoband Collection+ Best of PHO in my sig you can see my wife's watches - i also recomend the J12 - it is very nice and they are now available at a reasonable 200 range - gets alot of reaction
  9. maybe its that were all just a miniture universe inside some big ape's toenail - you ever think about that joey? did ya? did ya? who the hell is joey?
  10. This thread is totally weak, it has half the page views of Pugg's Stand UP and Shout Dealers thread and that one has only been around a week !!!!!
  11. My friend there is no doubt at the popularity of your topic, the numbers don't lie and if i were a dealer i would have some concern. - I never said you were naive or a hypocrit. but - i still wanted to put forth my opinion think if you take a step back and look at the larger picture we are lucky to have what we do - and i think that the non-seasoned members will see this bout of negativity and not take it in the same perspective as some others of us have. I'm happy to sign on with any issues re: mislablings of movements
  12. apparently we have similiar tastes although i went blue/ fantasy on the 89 http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=18208
  13. This is pretty much the harm that a thread like this can do. I have disagreed with the premis on most points since the begining - of course everything but the movements seems to me to be a little silly. For all you people who want to start tarring and feathering josh and andrew, I think you need to re-evaluate your perspective in life - You guys don't know how good you have it. Seriuosly - Stop bitching - even if you did fall for "Synthetic" saphire - your still getting a great product. Your holding our dealer friends up to To HIGH a standard to expect them to not "creatively name" parts ect ect ect. Like we said before, did you get what was pictured? yes? well shame on you for not doing your research - i draw the line at movements. But - point is - this is the best getting replicas has EVER BEEN EVER IN HISTORY - so sit back, stop yoru bitching and enjoy your watch. No need to ruin things for the rest of us- causing problems just because we "led a noob" to buy a fantastic watch that has, oh, mineral glass vs. saphire. - Who Cares - your paying 200 bucks for a watch. Most Retail Store 300$ watches don't come with saphire - my citizen didn't and it lists for 3 something. if your not happy with a dealer's product, use a different dealer- if there aren't enough here, i can sen you over to RWI there are 5 more over there. You will find someone your happy dealing with - but creating all of this negative crap doesn't help the dealers, or us or anyone. Your right, these are the little white lies we put up with - why? becuase its the real world and these guys are in china and they are selling counterfiet goods - Get over it already - they are honest guys - do they push the line sometimes? sure - but get real, were lucky they are as straight up as they are. You all need to take a step back, look at the big picture and freaking relax. you don't know how good you got it. - Now- if there is some issue with mislabling movements, i think we should take that up with the dealers and straighten that out. for anyone that was here before perfect clones knows what a service that trusty and josh have brought to us by listing their prices and creating large collections to flip through. - We didn't have that before - and EVERYONE benefits because even if you don't use them you have something to compare to. they have done alot for us and our hobby, i think were being unfair to them now - (except of course for mislablign movements.
  14. The quick and easy is - A DSLR, when used correctly will give you more brilliant coloring, more detail and just better overall photos. Its a pretty simple concept - a photograph is the capture of light - well, the bigger your image sensor is and the bigger your lens is the easier it is for more and better detailed light to be captured. My cousin has a DSLR - and we travel together sometimes so i get to see the same photos from his and my camera - and like i said, - you basically get "more better pictures" downside is you have this huge freakin camera to lug around whenever i get some extra $$ and i'm satisified with my watches, i want a DSLR for hobby photography - for now, taking family photos and pictures of the kid doin stuff, my little canon is fantastic.
  15. THAT LOOKS F-IN slick as hell I'd be down for one of those
  16. Is that what this forum is for? The way i look at it, is this forum is for collectors to get together, discuss watches find new mods and fixes. We are nice enough to let newbs join in along the way - FOR FREE mind you, and partake iin the knowledge that we share amoung ourselves. Do i feel bad because some newb registered on the forum and picked up a any watch that josh or trusty offer for the pricing they offer? NO i don't really think my 5 bucks a month and my time are here to help newbs who pop in for 1 watch. But i am not opposed to leting that happen as a side effect. I'm here to collect and enjoy watches. Fact of the matter is, i don't know of any of josh or andrews (using them because they have the easiest site for a newb to find and shop from) watches that are wrongly priced. - i just don't feel sorry for anyone that purchases one. and if they are just here for 1 watch they are most likley be thrilled with the watch as theyshould be, cause 9/10 your getting a great watch at great value. i think newbs who pop in for one watch owe US not we owe THEM. If they stay around and read enough, just like others have said here they will learn the terms and figure out the sales BS from the real. Like tourbillion said earlier if the watch i'm buying is the one pictured - especialy if the movement is shown, i'm satisfied. No matter what it says in the ad. just my 2 cents. and i couldn't tell a seagull from an eta from the photo!! :)
  17. No, not at all - he put up a Hard Core Republican platform- his popularity polls went to [censored], he had no chance of being re-elected, then he adopted global warming, universal health care and a host of other "liberal" items. His popularity went back up and he was re-elected has nothing to do with party/ no party - he is just as much a waste of sperm as almost all of the rest of them, no moral compass - finger in the wind and all of that there is a big difference between moderating your position to be more in line with the country as a whole - i.e. bill clinton and going from a "george bush conservative" to a new deal democrat over night I have never met any person who wants to run for office or who has run for office that is not a completly neurotic nutcase. - in fact, i also apply that to super "self made" wealthy people. Basically if your willing to give up everything in your life to get elected or rich then there is something seriously wrong with you now- if your willing to give up everything else in life to get watches - then, maybe not so nuts
  18. arnie is a tool, one week a big conservative, next week a big liberal - I'm jumping on the obama wagon
  19. Bravo - Balls! now there is a great explicative i haven't used in a long time
  20. Look, there are several dealers that i am very skeptical of using again. However, i am not sure they have "lied" as i didn't pay enough attention or do the research first. The photo was there, i just didn't know what to look for. But thats part of the learning process. I never went to perfect swiss or whatever teh scam sites are, but i did buy a "$210 quartz breitling - which wuldn't go for more than 100 bucks shipped here" and a 150$ quartz chopard that i'm sure silix sells for 60 bucks. and that was after TONS of research- of course it was several years ago and before i was even into message boards. "with all your faults, i love you still, it had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you." we have it very good now, - [censored] do you guys remember fore perfect clones and trusty time- you had basically some photobucket albums - dealers were giving different prices to each member - you had to email dealers to get prices and you had to be careful not to email to often or they would stop responding. Or you could go to paul mart. and take your risk - good month - bad month we now have several sites with tons of photos and PRICES - - and IMHO all movements are "asian" its just are they high quality or low quality asians but, if its the difference between an asian eta copy and an asian somthing else - i think we should know the difference - alright, i'm rambling
  21. Kruzer has some good points. Is a rolex one of the finest time pieces available?- is it advertised that way? Look there maybe certain things that go to far, i think calling a segull movement an ETA is wrong, i have said so on the other threads like this. But, on some of the other "little white lies" - we may be too demanding. This is an illegal business and the fact of the matter is we are LUCKY that we just have the little white lies. we are LUCKY that these dealers stick around and constantly get us the newest and best reps. 90 percent of the reps in the world are cheap fake rolexs- i'm sure there are other ways to make money in this business as opposed to selling what these guys sell. I suppose that they could go open up Super Swiss Stores and sell the reps for 700. it doesn't take too many sales at, lets say - scammer george's - rates to make up the differences. We are lucky that they continue to serve the board and don't take in a big load of cash and run away - as some have in the past - we are lucky they communicate with us and particpate in our forum. - and were lucky that they continue to take the chances and the [censored] that goes along with selling reps to newbs - we are all newbs once. Synthetic saphire- doesn't bother me to much - everyone should know that there is no such thing as 1:1 its one of the motto's of the forum - there is no perfect rep- 1:1 by the way was an Eddie Lee thing back when trusty only sold asian movements and josh barely advertised. as i have also said before with regards to the use of the term "swiss" these guys also sell to people that are not us. They have to keep the terms on their site competative to the other crap thats out there in the ether. and believe me they accentuate the positive and play down the negative - i recently got a sub for a friend, i thought the dial looked ok in the photo - i'm no expert - i got it and it was AWEFUL, i checked, same dial in the photo - why didn't i notice it? Cause the M-M line up was covering the M's- on purpose no doubt I think there should definatly be some accountability that the boards hold to the dealers - i think there should be no wiggle room at ALL with the movements - that is what were paying the extra money for - some of the other 1:1 - or "perfect" thats just sales "puffying" and remember, these guys are out to make a living - not run a charity service. you have to keep in mind the big picture - we get a great product that is generally truthful - i got awatch for another friend who had bad experiences with canal street - i said don't worry this won't be a dud, these dealers will stand behind the watches. - at first he thought his new one was a dud - he wanted to "return" it, - i said you can't, this isn't Macy's but if its broken we can get it fixed. -- The "perfect" rep is the one that brings enjoyment -
  22. WOW - i have been dying to shoot this thing for 2 days now and i finally got a chance. This is my Custom Mignatta/ V strap - Hand picked out leather by V and Hand Crafted to Thick Juicy Perfection by HKTAN - Do i need to go on? - i think not - We all know it simply just doesn't get better than this. I spotted this leather and told V i wanted it the minute he posted it - and i'm glad i did- There are only 2 in existance - mine and his so, i need to thank him for even agreeing to sell it to me. One day soon i hope to get a watch for it. I have one picked out - he 253 Regatta Flyback with the new dial. I'm short on watch buying money right now, so it will have to wait- BUT, i couldn't very well let this puppy go to someone else. I almost don't even want to touch it cause i could ruin it Enjoy The Masterpiece - Also note, shown is my other mignatta/ V strap and my almost perfect 177h
  23. I swear by my SD700is its not a DSLR - but if you want a nice point and shoot thats portable, its definatly satisfactory - you have seen my watch photos. you know for yours you can get it serviced and cleaned up - but its probably worth it to get a new camera - you will get much faster power on to first shot times and faster photo to photo times. the newer model fo the same line is the sd800is - more megapixel - face recognition - but you want the IS - thats image stabilization, its just ok for photos, but makes all the difference in the world for video. here is a photo i shot with it -
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