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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Hey, I'm short on cash and the secretary isn't returning calls, can you make a call for me?
  2. Its a classy piece. My regret stems from the prohibitive cost and time of getting it back. If this isn't modded, I could see you picking it up at a good rate. I've got 2 "I'm never going to sell" pieces up. One in negotiation for trade and the other listed (gen breitling dial) I'm a little nauseous finishing the negotiation. But, I also got some really really bad financial news, so, my little plan to flip some pieces is strained
  3. Did you buy the corum? My memory is bad and I'm not shi!!ing you since my neck disc fusion the last 2 yrs are a little fuzzy. This is the body of the carbon fiber. The decals were added by me. I also put the black pickup covers on, if you notice compared to the clean photos, the black pickup covers really change the look to a more uniform black on black look. But my real baby is the other guitar, JT variax by line 6, blood red shredder. The wood is like a fine watch box or humidor. It has a dual core processor in it and it can emulate just about any guitar you can think of. I sold all my other guitars. I play this 90% of the time.
  4. fotoman


    There is only one thing that matters. What you enjoy. We used to have threads on subs, everyone was obsessed with crown guards on the subs. I remember somebody put his up for review and the "experts" started railing on the crown guards. But, it was a GEN!!! I have run into 1 person ever with a gen fiddy. 99.99999999 you will ever meet will. Have never seen a Pam in the wild or in a store. Rolex, yes. But couldn't tell real from fake breitling, omega after that forget about it. If your not wearing it for you, your wasting your time. I know a lot of wealthy people. And the ones that are really wealthy. Will tell you their gen is a fake. And usually have gens and fakes. The ones that are marginally wealthy or new to it, flaunt it. Of course, having your own jet, does give it away. Have some fun with it. Research some straps. Look into what you might find better in your next incarnation. The hunt (like everything else) is usually the best part of the hobby. Having everything come easy and perfect gets really boring really quick
  5. Hands down no question my best strap ever is this golden one. It was leather that V found, only 2 straps were made and they were done by HKTAN. Shown here on a gen corum bubble. Currently on a Pam. I'm going to put some pieces up soon so I can rotate in something new. Then, I'm going to do some photos. The cam I have now doesn't do macro well, hence I haven't done any good photos in a few years. If the house were on fire and I was grabbing some things running out the door. This strap would be one of those things . And a guitar I have that was in limited production / test run to test the market, then the co went bankrupt. You literally can't find them for sale. It's graphite and carbon fiber. That's a cool RW piece
  6. So, which watch do you regret selling. I have 2 steel fish on gen rubber strap and UN chrono I want them back, but, not for what I would have to pay And, some straps too. In fact, all the high end ones. I think I learned my lesson on keeping straps.when you have the perfect ones. Don't let them go
  7. Yeah, doing everything on the iPad has it's hurdles jumped the avatar replacement
  8. So, I'm playing drums in a church band. I had to gather some new parts and pieces cause I can't lift heavy stuff. It came out sweet. Check it
  9. AP is one of my favorite. The only one I have never considered selling. And that's what 40watches over the years? Now, want to take t to the next level? Get the crystal AR'd I could give a crap if that's what the gen is. But it looks soo much better.
  10. My pens were all handmade by me. (most made to order) So, you couldn't have seen it anywhere else. There are many variables including wood, metal parts (manufacturer), ink, finishing, satisfaction guaranteed, lifetime warranty. It's kind of like saying, hey I saw a black horn back strap at panatime for $50, but I paid V or HKTAN or red12 125,150,225 for one. I lost $$ on my pen enterprise. But, I didn't do it for profit, I did it for the love of creating something new. I'm sorry you feel unsatisfied, due to my nearly 2 yrs of unemployment, I am unable to refund you at this time. However, if you check back, once I have a job, i will accept a return on the pen, assuming it's in a reasonably like new condition. And, for the record, my prices were published and the same for everyone, in fact, on my personal website, they are still published even though i haven't been able to make one. So, I'm not sure what your getting at by accusing me of "eddie lee" pricing, but the comment is not well received. I would recommend that in the future, if you have an issue with a purchase, to contact the seller directly instead of making a completely unfounded and irrelevant back handed comment in a random thread several years after the fact.
  11. I get by with a little help from my friends . . . I'm gonna try with a little. Help from my friends.
  12. I'm shakin what my momma gave me @ken great policy. I guess from the time I joined up to my experiences with a few dealers and then to EL I was lucky to only get caught up once personally. +1 for the admin team and raising the bar.
  13. Whaz zip piz It would be a good way to go.
  14. That happens to me often. And I ramble on so it's usually a ton of info. Check out these 2 photos. (1)- age 12 mo (2)- 4yo (3)- 5 yo (within the same month from the age 4 photo) his physical development is amazing. Photo 2 - we told ben he needed to take on "big max" as is clearly visible, he was freakishly large for our league. We said, listen, your our big guy we need you to block him in our playoff game. (we played them twice the week before and max and his teammates are very physical.) But ben said, ok, I will block max. And he played his little heart out. You can't ask for anything better from your kid that in the face of a challenge they rise to it and fight through a tuff assignment. We did double team him much of the night on offense, you see the other kid a few steps away. But ben also lined up on defense against max and blew past him to the backfield often before the other kids on the line engaged. Coaching pee wee football easily the most enjoyable thing I've ever done.
  15. Thanks bro. I miss making pens. I have to get a garage to setup my wood shop. Apartment living is not conducive to power tools. I have a huge box of woods, just sitting basically in storage . And animal drumming, close you were on sesame St. Since you are familiar - can you tell me how to get- how to get on sesame St.
  16. Who [censored] in jeff's cornflakes. Unless it is EL? For the record the only reason I said I was here was because the point was put forward that in the old days... I was simply establishing that I was around pre- the super rep revolution. I'm not sure why your so upset, I thought this was a reasonable conversation. I say something, someone says not so fast, I clarify what I meant and restrict my comment tailor to my personal experience and my recollection of broad board experience. I would switch to decaf, it's just a watch and he is long retired, no harm no foul. I would put forth what anyone who has been here for sometime should be able to agree with. None of our friends in the far east are without sin. It's our duty as a community to hold them to their offers. (on a broad basis) Peace out... Cmon it's christmas, let's all show some love
  17. He brings the pain in flag football. And, there is some real football going on. In the superbowl which we won our quarter back (5yrs old) went 6 for 6 passing. Nobody passes in pee wee football. Not just quick throws on the line of scrimmage actual throws over the line. The best pass was as the QB had a sacker within 6 inches of his flag as he got it off and some crazy catch, I still don't know how he caught it. Although that receiver/ RB was the son of a 9 yr NFL player so I guess it was in his blood.
  18. Whazzzzup hey, not much has changed other than my son dominating in pee wee football. Job market is stupid. Still rehabbing stupid back/ nerve issues. But, it appears I'm on the verge of being anti inflammatory or nerve med free. It's been a long road (..enterprise) but, there is a light and I can see it. I've shared my good times (kid born) and bad (crazy stupid nerves) Just stopping in and say 1. merry holidays and B. Best wishes for the new year. P.s. Re: music project- I may actually be in a band we'll see.
  19. Follow the yellow brick road http://www.1-pc8838.com/iplogin.php Takes credit cards. There are sub forums with the trusted dealers.
  20. HA how funny 2 sides of a coin. No doubt you are one of the top 5-10 board members of all time. So, I will conclude with this. Ok, he was a leader in bringing stuff to the community. He also had some questionable business habits, in my opinion. (which is worth exactly what you(the reader) paid for it) I will no longer refer to him as a scam artist. I will say took issue with some of his business habits. - I reserve the to continue to be unhappy with a certain untrained watch mod-or something guy. I just read a post on another board who was selling his watch and listed the upgrades ect ect, which I knew personally were some BS. I'm referring to the dude owning the watch being duped by a modder - and no relation to the dude I was unhappy with. I don't like the uninformed to be up charged or pay an arm and a leg for a gasket oiling or "waterproofing" or bs AR coating, synthetic sapphire, price fixing, drop shipping (when told items were not) eta when no eta. And I guess all of the fun adventures. But that's why were here right? A purchasers union, to hold dealer feet to the fire. Even though, I wish I had a business of Constantly growing client base, funneled to me by a large user community for practically nothing. Must be nice. I know we used to hold our head up screwing scammers on eBay. But we had some right in our home. Without trying to sound overdramatic, probably 90% of everything was fine in the old days. I'm just glad things are much more out in the open now. And I'm glad I don't have to handle transactions for family and friends.
  21. I came into the community in march 05, I remember what it was like. he may have commissioned some pieces. But, it's not like he made them himself. We used to put dealers on pedestals like they designed the thing. Other than davidsen - Look, like I said, I had a bad experience. And I do recall when things opened up on the board a bit, there were others who came out of the woodwork and there was a frank discussion about members keeping bad transactions to themselves. Capitalist? Yes. Liked watches? Sure. Generally known to have higher prices for customer service- yes. Like pictures of hot chicks? Yes. Drove a motorcycle? Yes. Saint? No And remember back in that time some forum folks got better pricing than others (newbs). I'm not against that in principle but not $200 I think it was during this catharsis that there was another fellow who did work on watches that accumulated unhappy board members who kept stories to themselves, and It resulted in his suspension I think. Personally? I think the world is a better place now. There was some fun and adventure and sense of accomplishment that went along with chasing down the watch you wanted. I don't think there is the same satisfaction these days. One of the reasons I haven't been active. Not as much to discuss. But, I still check Josh"s site everyday, for uh, 4 or 5 years now? Just to see what's up. I've not been able to purchase in some time due to the unchosen career curve I have been delt.
  22. There are lots of good folks out there. If it were me? I'd just stick with perfect clones- Joshua or trusty, website is easy, payment is easy, and as far as I have seen or heard, stand behind the watches. Disclaimer, I have been very absent for a good part of this year.
  23. Dude, he is the guy that charged 600 bucks for the fiddy with acrylic, when the next week the price dropped to like 3-400 I personally bought a 177 for 400$ it had just come out. Again, flaws were outragous again next week in the 200's He delivered what he promised. I don't contest that at all - we would have kicked his ass out the door. But he was no friend. He had no quams about making an extra buck knowing customers would be [censored] in the following weeks. There were no sites except Paul. That was a time when in reality it was very difficult to say anything negative about dealers. You had to be careful not to annoy them with to many price inquiries. Game changer 1 super reps Game changer 2 the cartel Game changer 3 perfect clones supermarket pricing. Notice that with publicly available pricing he retired (a few different times if I remember) I'm not saying the dude was a liar or a bad person. But he definitely had no problem scratching every last dime out of the uninformed. I think it's wrong to take advantage of newbs. The dealer I used next would go out of his way to explain some of the issues with watches to make sure I was informed of what I was buying - the Pam 47 project. I don't want to argue. I didn't come for that. I probably should have skipped the editorial. But, Yes, I'm still [censored] about that watch.
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