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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Just reading your name makes me oddly relaxed and sleepy
  2. Funny enough, I am practicing law, for real for the first time in 10 yrs. I never thought I would find an environment that I would enjoy, but I got stupid lucky and landed at a great place. I am so happy to see so many of you are still active, like someone just mentioned you never know how many people take a hiatus and come back. I have been known to be busy for a few months. This was my longest, but, had a lot of personal ground to cover. And since my useless x wife didn't stand by my side, I had to rely on friends, it was a tuff climb Oh. Forgot to mention I lost 40lbs to this year. While at that crap. Goes on. Having surgery and being stuck in bed so you can't get food helps But I am really happy to see so many familiar avatars. I'm really stoked to show off the current collection, but I'm only 1 check into paying job and several months of bills, surgery bills IRS bla bla bla, so I'm trying to make a crap I need to buy list and hopefully macro lens will be soon. It comes immediately after a new line 6 JTV variax guitar, I've been waiting for 6 months and they just started shipping. It's key to my first real attempt at an original album. I'll do my best to be around. For the time being, I actually have to work at work, what the he'll is that about right? I've spent the last 3 days nonstop (4hrs sleep). Drafting a brief to save my new companies ass in a troublesome lawsuit. If we win, I'm instant legend. . Cause the big time, big law firm guy I'm working with is smart but a crappy writer. My company has been very frustrated and they love having someone step in last minute totally pick it up and turn it imto persuasive writing. So I'm feeling good tonight, it's out of my hands and onto the next round. Anywwho, I'm gonna chill and get some sleep tonight. And buy the way the gen sinns are the best deal out there as well . There has always been a sinn mini cult here, consider me now a member. . Where's my pledge pinn
  3. At the time of this thread I was having my back cut into. Hmmm ESP? I have the pen shop, but since I lost my house in the divorce, it's at my brother in law. If someone really wants something bad, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I just took a new job which is big hours and 80miles of commute till I move, and my son every other weekend, so, free time is not that easy. If everything were setup like the oldmdays that would be one thing. But I miss it and I should make one f my new boss, so maybe this is an excuse. Also they changed a lot of the modelS and took away some of my favorites. I have a fountin pen I got by accident that is my top top shelf, I can make cheap. Just to get the money back. But for now the store is officially closed for renovation.
  4. What happened to V I stll have one of his awesome straps. 2010 sucked economy arrrr 2011 still hope
  5. Back was cut open and all healed up. Big time new job Totally rid of the ball and chain New 8string bass guitar Rocking rolling and buying watches. I am going to have a kick major ass collection album, just have to get a macro lens. (hopefully soon), I have my biggest collection to date, over 20 pieces all super reps. I do need to Ar some of these new pieces. But for those who have known me, I climbed back from last year getting about as low as a person could go, (save sleeping on the street) and I have fought through and really am putting together a real life for myself. I'm writing an original album, I have a great job, my son is healthy and happy, can't figure out how to find a new woman yet, But, within a year I have risen to a point I never thought I could get to. Tip of the day, the sinn collection is the greatest buy of all time - no Ifs ands or butts. Museum quality pieces at dirt cheap prices. The new regulator pieces are so good I'm getting it in 3 variations.
  6. your an idiot. Let me get your logic, there re liars int he world, and therefore your a liar? Glad you outed yourself as to whom you were, check teh history on the vip forum, the forum advised me on what to do in your case. anyone else like to chime in? bring it on, i stand behind every decision i have made. except for the ones i was mistaken and previously apologized for, in those instances i stand behind the apology. Which i recal were few and far between
  7. Right, - i'm not sure why you think i'm lying about getting the watch for my father. But, i posted - and you can check this, in the VIP area, to the forum, explaining exactly what happened - that i sold you the watch and you lost a pusher a week later adn who's fault is it, and the unanimous consensus was it was your fault. - Someone check the vip threads, i can't get there, and post them here, i followed the forum's advice, and also told you i would be happy to help you buy another pusher from a dealer because you didn't have a relationship. - Forgot about you and that deal. glad y ou brought it up. i have the paperwork to backup my side - i.e. i asked for the forums advice and followed it. Not sure how someone can fault me there. The part wouldn't cost you70$ your a liar. i told you i'd get you a pusher from the dealers, but you didn't want that you wanted your $$ back. I don't know what you did with the watch. I don't know how you handled it. You admittedly wore it on a trip, you likely knocked it with your luggage. The rest of the BS is BS, you felt wierd bla bla, we were supposed to have a music jam session. I offered it to you, you didn't have to buy it. I think i even sized the damn band for you. chrono buttons fall off, i've read about a dozen people happening to. i think by the way your talking about the gold pusher cover, not the pusher itself. its not my fault you refused my help to get you a new pusher cover and its not my fault you haven't sold it as is. anyone else like to chime in. I'm comfortable standing up to all of these incidents on the facts as they stand.
  8. very serious, i'm invested here, put alot of time in. To be honest, i'm not thrilled for various reasons about the other 2. Rep Geek, where they still let RBJ is gotta be a no right? If you were treated the way i was with the admin team - and i have held back from postingg the PM's but if TT is going to be snippy like that and tell others i have no class i may just have to. See the can phoband be trusted thread for a explanation of what appears to be what the admins were talking about. I don't reallly know, they wouldn't say, it was out of nowhere. Maybe they trusted REK over me? dunno, but the entire history is aired there for the reading,i have nothing to hide and stand behind 100% of my actions taht are being discussed anyway. If someone brings something up i screwed up on i'll apologize for it like i did in posting lanakai's photos (didn't know it woould upset him) That wasn't really "wrong" in my opinion, but wrong for him cause he didn't want it and it was his photos. So i don't thinki could have known that, i guess i could have asked, but to me it didn't seem like a big deal. I was just discussing the merit's of photoshop not trying to put his photos down he takes great photos. In fact the reason I was doing it was BECAUSE he takes amazing photos. anyway, i should have asked, but i don't think it was a major sin, just a misjudgment on someone's feelings.` Other than that, i believe i stand behind everything i've done over the last 5 yrs. I was trying to bring a new service to the forum, making rep, logo t shirts, and even forum t shirts - again not a big money maker for me, i make plenty of $$. i thought we could raise $$ for the forum selling logo t shirts. My cousing just opened a business doing shirts, and has top of theline equipment. i thought it was a great win for everyone. cool tshirts forum rasises $$> i was even thinking of how to do Sinn shirts and Rolez shirts with lume on them. Would have been fun. But admins said, no and by the way were closing your pen shop. I was like what? as you may have read, i have sold a handful of pens, they don't make me enough money to buy watches, i used the $$ to buy more pen equipment. Frankly i looked at it as a service for the forum. I liked creating the art, people liked having the pens. They weren't worth my time monetarily. I charge 250 an hour as a lawyer, and i was making less than 30$ an hr making pens. TT gave me some BS about how the forum isn't here to make people $$. I said, WHAT? we have made Josh, and others RICH. dont give me some altruistic BS. there is a whole industry that makes $$ on this forum. Like i said, the 5 bucks from a tshirt sale, does'nt even cover my time. let alone make me $$. i wanted to do it because i thought people wanted it - [censored] I want it. i'm going to make myself some shirts. which reminds me, i need to make myself some shirts
  9. can't wait to send out the concert invites hope we can keep it together that long
  10. what is that supposed to mean? I don't blame anyone around me for my actions. or my issues. I do blame my disability for screwing up my life. and, since it was the root cause of my problems, in that it caused me to take actions that i regret, i think thats a pretty fair assessment. If they could have diagnosed me properly 5 yrs ago, i'd still have a family and kid. But [censored] happens, i don't blame the Dr. i go on with my life. But i do blame the bad back. I was a rocketing star till that point. then the pain took over. and you know what pain is like, it takes over your whole life. not sure what your getting at man you and i had a ruff start, part of because of the meds i was on at the time, but mostly because i totally misread our friendship and didn't realize yo u would be upset me posting photos of yours. I believe i have apologized for that. I still don't understand it, but you hvae your things and i have my pet peeves. So, i'm not clear on the message. If you would like to enlighten me, i'd appreciate it,even if its something negative, i don't understand.
  11. FU TT jerk, what is that video about - why don't you head to my other thread and read up on what transpired with rek. calling him a class act, - then this BS about preg women are smug. I really used to respect you - as you told me, This is behavior unbecoming of a forum elder. what an A$$. I recomend everyone else drop their sponsorship of this poorly led forum. See how you get treated? by the admin.
  12. TT? class act? You did not act with class on behalf o fthe admin in this situation, so i would think one should stay out. Again no one asked me - lets bring out the PM's - You leave out half the story. First, i sent you a pen last year, and it magically didn't show up in the USPS. But then 3 weeks later it showed up. I sent the watch off to the post office. As far as i am concerned as part of a trade, thats my part. I'm done, at that point its at least 50-50 responsibility. I've sold over 50 watches here and have never EVER had a watch lost ESPECIALLY in the US and that would be 2 packages lost in the US to ONE location!!! so, frankly, i'm not sure if i believe your story still to this day. When the first one happened - what happened, i sent a pen immediately did i not, and you received, 2 and i let you send back which ever one you liked less. This time around i said wait a minute - last time it was lost - here is the tracking you contact (what am i going to do with it) I contacted them to, i just didn't make a big deal about it. Oh and by the way, did i mention i had gotten you a watch from my source, saving you 50 bucks. Without taking a profit, in fact, having to dealw ith mailing technically cost me $$, i did you a favor. AND after a few weeks when were sure the package wasn't going to materialize out of nowhere i gave you your $$ back. And lets be clear the week you contacted me, i was working 14 hr days for a client for 5 straight days editing a video, because the video editor they hired left to hatai, leaving the country on 3 days notice, had separated from my child 3 weeks earlier and then on the day i got back had to call the police to baker act my father into rehab- so, it was a pretty [censored] tuff week. and, since there was a history of mail problems WITH YOU, i wasn't willing ot just fork over $$ after a week. not in a second consecutive transaction. Finally, like i said, i'm not a watch dealer, i put it in the mail, as far as i'm concerned my responsibility ended. And yet, i gave you a full refund. I ate the cost of the thing after we were sure it wasn't going to show up. So take your "Most horrible" transaction or whatever and shove it. because i gave you the tracking and made you call the post office? because i didn't immediatly give you your $$ back on a person to person transaction? which is out of line, i'm not making $$, then its person to person. or was it because i made you wait the same time that it took for the last package to magically show up before i would give you $$. and dwhat did you get? all your $$> So i did a favor for you, it didn't show up (which you have a history with) AND i gave you all your $$ back. You got your cake and ate it to. Maybe it wasn't on your time schedule. But you had proven problem receiving packages. By the way thanks to you, i don't offer to do anyone favors anymore with watches. I think the whole thing took what 3 weeks? WOW such a horrible transaction. Dig out the PMs lets have it out, i'd rather do it in public than BS behind the scenes. And admin team, is it THIS i got my store pulled? because this person can't get packages from USPS. and the 2nd time it happened i was hesitant to give a refund right away? next your going to bring up my bad packing. - well, you did receive the first item right? Second item even if it fell out they still ship the package, it has happened to stuff i have received. I tape everything double now - but, like i said i've sold 50_+ watches over the years, and never had 1 disappear, and 2 items disappear with you. You are impatient, - not as bad as newb, jumping all over stuff the first few days, but since there is a history of weeks of delay - your inappropriate. i'd never ask for a 100% refund on a package that was proven to hit the post office. The tracking said package received right, class act my ass. Class act says, hey we seemed to have a screw up, i see you sent it to the post office, it didn't make it here, since there was a problem last time, lets just split this 50-50 and call it a day. not, i haven't received the watch, i want my $$ back. and FYI, i called the post office, checked with the facility i dropped it at, you weren't "doing all the work" which even if you were, would be appropriate, as, like i said, when i drop it at the post office my obligation ends. Anyone else? i have nothing to hide - bring it all out - air it out. I still thing orange bezel guy is nuts, he even took a photo, which had the exact same coloring as my photo, and he wanted a refund cause it was the wrong color. First, i wasn't selling a gen bezel, but even so, he could very clearly see the color in my ad. He got what was advertised and photoed - why does my responsibility go beyond that? I post an item for sale, no photo tricks, it looks exactly the same as the photo that the buyer took of it. Why would you give a refund? he got what he bought, if youd on't like it, sell it, i'm not a store, except for my pens - and with those, i bend over backwards and lose $$ in order to make a customer happy. People weren't happy i dragged out the argument on a 15$ piece, but to me it was on principal and i'm willing to stand on principal occasionally instead of just pay someone off. anyone else ever complain? not that i recall? And i stand by those 2 incidents. anyone else? I know i got into a few skirmish's last spring, well, the meds i was on then made me a little aggressive, part of why my wife left. I'm sorry about that if anyone was annoyed, but i was meds for a medical injury, that i did not know were changing my personality at the time, i did't learn of my aggressiveness till after when my wife brought it up. that was a 4 month period.
  13. hey all, just fyi, Phoband is doing great. My new treatment has given me new life. I never thought i would live a normal life about 2 months ago, i thought i would be as useless as i was over the last 4 yrs. But my new treatment has no major side effects. I have lost almost 30 lbs (need to loose about 50) and i have a new chance at life. I'm putting a band together, i'm working and career is going well. unfortunately, the holier than though crowd on the admin team decided to act with me without asking or knowing anything. So i have not been participating in the forum in protest. I want to call another forum home yet, but haven't really found that opportunity. It will probably be the darkside. But for now i've just taken a break from the forums. I am still collecting and i will have new pieces and new photos and reviews to share. Just not 100% sure where yet. i loved this crowed on this forum, hence the over $600 donated and did i see almost 4k posts? and 5 yrs with this group (core group from rwg1) anyway hope everyone has a good 2010, 2009 was the worst year of my life and i'm glad to have it over with. I have a fresh start, something most never get. so far its going well. lots to be excited about. The best part is resetting your own personal economy to minimalist while still making $$. All of a sudden your rich with cash. We all build slowely our own economy. As we go up in life, we buy nicer cars, a house bla bla bla. But i had to minimize everything, get my expenses down to peanuts. Then all of a sudden i get mpart of my old salary back and a good chance by the end of the year, i'll be making double what i make now and mroe than i have ever made before. And i'm piling cash. and also investing $$ into this band, in equipment to give it a shot to make it a killer project, playing guitar in a prog rock band. its pretty awesome. Videos will be posted one day, but likley not here. Hope everyone has a great 2010. I know that no matter what happens it will be better than 2009.
  14. joe is a scum bag and a liar. He makes excuses every few years for stealing people's watches, until i see the mri or ct, i'll assume this is another one of his lies. you can't trust anything that tcomes out of his mouth - cry wolf lesson? he needs to go away permanently, don't feel sorry for this liar. he's probably fine. he's lazy and greedy and shady and doesn't know [censored] about fixing waTCHES.
  15. Actually nothing happened no kne asked me anything. I just got the shop pulled. Turns out I am right as rain better than I have been I'm 5 yrs. Ask anyone who knows me they hear it right in my voice. But I am totally opposed to this admin team out of nowhere taking down the shop with some high and mighty bs. I haven't decided which of the other forums I will call home but I am surely not going to participate in this one in protest to the admin team. Of course this is after i have contributed over $600 in the last few years.
  16. So, my ex always told me not to share information with people. But its in my nature, i share, good or bad, i talk, . . . It almost always comes back to bite me int he ass. People use the info against me. It has now sadly happened here on the forum. In bringing up an idea that i thought would be a good fundraiser for the forum and some fun to put together, i have access to a high end t shirt printing machine, my cousin just started a business, i thought it owuld be fun to make some watch tshirts, sinn, panerai dials, fun stuff. Apparently that started a discussion which ended up closing my pen shop and not allowing me to sell pens. Let me be clear, everything i talked about here in the thread did not affect anything i was working with anyone else. There was a delay in getting a watch out due to my secretary, second, apparently a watch disappeared in the mail. This was a deal with a long time member. however, the previous time i shipped to this member, the package was lost too, but in 2 weeks late (for no reason we can figure) it showed up, so i wanted to wait to give this one time as well. Last instance i instantly sent out a second item (a pen) and then she sent me back the one she didn't want when the second one showed up. Anyway point is, i refunded the $$ for the watch, even though i know i put it in USPS priorty mail with tracking. The tracking shows nothing. even though it was the post office's [censored] up, i refunded the $$. anyway, that was it. I have been speaking to another memvber who wants to buy pens from me and sell them in europe, i'm also talking with a high end fasion designer who makes custom jewlery about developing a custom pen for him to jewel encrust and sell on his boutique shops. Let me be clear, even the jewler path doesn't make me much $$, the pen thing is a hobby started for my own benefit. i sell pens to buy more stuff and expand my wood, styles and equipment. I have sold less than 10 pens on the forum since last march or whenever i started, i have 3 amazon pieces up and sold 1 in 6 months. There is no way this could be my living. I'm currently billing 8000/ month for lobbying clients that have just come online. I have never let a pen out of my shop unless i'm convinced it is 100% something i'd be proud to show off, in fact if you have asked me for fountain pens, you received an answer that they are available but i dont' make them cause id on't know about them and i don't like to send stuff out unless i'm ssure its working, The admins told me the forum is not about trying to make a living yadda yadda. . . well, i could not survive on pen work unless i move to montana. i never pushed the pens hard core, i thought having them here was a benefit to the forum and the ability to really work with someone to make something unique. so, what do you guys think? have you liked what you got? have they held up? they all have a lifetime guarontee. Speak up. All those bad products i sent out that might reflect on the admins of RWG and its image, please address your concerns here.
  17. couple of things to point out. 1. white with the pvd looks great in person, remember wearing it you only really see the stitching. It looks pretty bad ass actually. 2. the white strap is HUGE THICK where as the red one isn't as thick and it gets thinner at the ends, so, the white strap mixes with the thick chrono. FYI, i really liked the rubber strap that came with this watch and may not have ordered the white one, if i got the watch first, - purely for economic reasons, but, the hktan strap is awesome and its staying on for now. and the U2 has all kinds of red in it, which is why the red stripes work. the pvd has white as the contrast color, so an all black band with white stitching accents the white in the watch well. its awesome, and unique. My mom was worried it might look a little, hmm, how do i say this, more fashionable for a woman than a man with a white band. But once she saw it she was like, no that looks awesome. anyway - i recommend these straps they are very comfortable and very bad ass
  18. business is slow, you get it in less than 3 weeks. worth the wait either way
  19. no words are necessary feel free to add words even though we know they are not necessary
  20. acupuncture is great, i had it for 4 years, i did it when i got off the plane canada last week. However, it was right after a acupuncture session that i couldn't get back into my car and had to lay on the street and wait till my parents came and picked me up, i couldn't sit up at all. That was the incident that caused the end of my marriage - start back at i was on heavy drugs for 2 weeks . . . . I have never fully recovered frm it. I did chiropractor 8 yrs ago when this first started. Other than prayor i ahve tried everything
  21. man this sucks i had to erase this
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