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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. the searching is horrible. its like the old forum wasn't indexed, i can't find anything, and clicking on the old threads that are search results the forum won't go up. is this me? ahhhh, very frustrating
  2. not enough,but,its better than dead. I'm going back to school, literally. get a PHD
  3. yeah, from what i heard overall sales were down like 25%. we'll see stuff in my personal businesses are picking up and may to the sales of super reps. We'll probably get a whole bunch early next year when many of these projects come online. This one is actually right on schedule. just surprised at the price. I'm going to get it, i just have to wait for a friend to pick his watch to set the order. If anyone has a great relationship with josh and find out if this watch is the same quality as the Chrono especially with the rubber band and AR coating.
  4. an insight of knowledge that is worthy of your avatar
  5. trust me, get chief AR on your rubberclad, it will look way more awesomer
  6. I'm ordering a couple of them for me and my friends, Josh says the price is reflective of the asian movement and thats why its low. He wouldn't specifically attest that it was as good as the Nardin Chrono. And i haven't asked which factory it came from, but i did ask if there is a swiss one planned, he said now. I know that this model was due out this summer based upon a gen breakdown. I also understood that super reps were cut because of the cut in watch purchases due to the economy. So did they make this cheaper? or just a cheap movement. Many of the Panerai's you guys buy today for 200 or less were 280, 300, and even 400$ at one time. So, the price doesn't always tell all.
  7. i started a thread and posted a comparison gen Josh says the low price is reflective of the movemetn and there is no plan to make a swiss one. I would assume that its going to be close to the UNs that are out - if its not, i will be sad
  8. there should be like a dozen different variations tehy can do easy. I want the orange one
  9. i'm not having good luck figuring out how to use the search and find the relevent info like we could before, so i apologize if this has been covered, but - HOLY CRAP THE BLUE SURF is out http://www.jpc8118.com/000000000unmd10001-maxi-marine-diver-ssru-blue-surf-asia-p-6969.html Discuss
  10. thats really impressive, i didn't know mbk did gold. my father would go nuts over that.
  11. someone asked this question a few years ago, i almost expected this to be the same thread. i know its been said, use a gen tissot t touch is useful if you need a compass and barometric altimeter. i just noticed avitt said the same thing he knows his stuff
  12. its kids today - there is a sense of entitlement, but also, the internet age has blown away formality. consider this - on facebook, i have family, cousins, college friends, and even some middle school friends. But i also have people i work with. the intermingling of the personal and work relationship i think leads to the informality of folks. I am pro, less formality. i hate wearing a piece of silk around my neck and never understood why i was then more appropriate to attend events with other men running around with silk around their necks. having said that, appreciation, manors, common decency - should not be eroded.
  13. I'm a huge fan of canon, i love their regular small cameras and i love my DLSR - the only thing i don't like is that i didn't wait for the DSLR-s with HD video to come out. Frankly, EOS Rebel T1i EF-S, a 10-18 or 10-22 lens - That would rock my world if anything i have said here is relevant, try to get a camera that you can put a wide angle lens on - and it has to be one by the same Manufacturer made for that camera, otherwise it sucks wide angle photos make average photos look awesome.
  14. it looks cool but i'm old and crotchity, any chance you can reload the old skin?
  15. very cool. I have created some watch project custom builds, and i have always loved homer's tourby because he didn't try to brand it. Having said all that, i'm soon to announce my "signature" series of pen, - but the onlyone getting my sig will be my version, cause i'm sure you guys don'tt want a pen wiith my sig on it.
  16. i loved it, and when i wore the gen chrono oversize diver, it was totally comfortable. the rep cut into my wrist
  17. love those babies - seems to me though you might think about a stronger sunblock
  18. now this would be awesome in an ultimate version
  19. cmon you don't need dto go all sarah palin
  20. this is a pretty good one. Especially compared to the piece of [censored] they tried to pawn off as a 3-400 rep a few months ago. That was a joke. this one has a few issues, the seconds hand should have an orange tip and the zenith name looks a little low. But, not a bad rep, not paying 700 for it, so lets see where its priced, and lets see if DLC means, Douche Looking Crap, or DLC but they need to make the F-in 45 mm zenith xxt open, they already made the decorated movement thats 90% accurate damn economy. and i'm not even shure i can afford watches anymore anyway. I'm now going to be a regular dude
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