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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. as soon as i get some chief tang- it will be PERFECT
  2. bla bla bla you need an HKTAN super thick strap that matche the dial color and here are some other styles you could go for
  3. wow suprised it took you this long, every woman in my family has at least 2, white black, diamonds ec ect its probably the top ladies model available
  4. search, there are comments - i have it, its top notch
  5. when they give you a section to sell pens - not that anyone actually visits the section, but it exists
  6. The next showing is Monday(15th) at 4 and 4:30 p eastern time on science channel
  7. ok, its How it's Made season 13 episode 6 and 8 wikipedia - haven't found torrents yet though
  8. if there is a good rep out there, someone here, such as josh would carry it. many dealers here will get you whatever you want, even thecrap ones on those other sites. i'm a huge zenith fan, we were all very dissapointed with the zenith defy series. AND they haven't come out with the 45 mm xxt open. either shop here, or go gen
  9. ok, a few things. 1. you don't NEED a business accct, i was just saying that even TO a business acct it was still free 2. this is how it used to be, transfers from banks and paypal balance was free, no fee - but there was a limit like $500 or 1000 that you could be receiving before you got bumped 3. at some point paypal started charging for everything - to the seller 4. the reason i put no fees for seller or buyer is because thats what was in the paypal "notice" that i was talking about. 5. this is awesome. so, lets say my fantasy football league needs everyone to pony up their money. we used to do it by paypal cause it was easy. Now we can't cause the fees were stupid. - but, now its back to the old way 6. taking $$ off a credit card costs somebody at least 1.5%-3% so, paypal isn't going to eat that. although they may have back before internet bubble. this is a great thing for folks who occasionally sell a watch they won't have to deal with the stupid fees. Finally, exchange rates - i have no idea, that is what it is.
  10. i just sent some money to a verified business acct. but i marked it as "personal" and then after i sent the money i got a message that said, as long as i'm sending $$ from my bank acct or paypal balance, if its marked as personal neither I nor the recipient incur any fees. JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooo hoo
  11. i have seen them at least 7 or 8 times, best was the first time 1993 small club, i was standing right at the stage. Also good was Queensryche, Dream Theater and King's x in teh same show. i like constant motion actually. Some of their better music is less complicated. before Kevin (keyboards) left, the writing was in my opinion better. images and words is a genious breakthrough album, like sgt pepper, the first black sabbath album, van halen I, are you experienced, kevin added complexity by keeping it simple. if you listen to the first 3 album, the complication wasn't about speed or complex runs, it was about using simple parts over each other which made it sound complex. Images and Words is THE best example its genious by tor- actually they copy stuff from whoever they are into at the time, they talk about that openly. They toured with U2 a couple albums ago and they came out with a song that sounds exactly like a U2 song - walk beside you they are very open about influences, they don't take themselves to seriously, one reason they have been around together so long. i've met portnoy and petrucci, both guys that are very cool and layed back. latest keyboard player jordan, plays amazing, writing is only a b- though coolest dream theater band thing i ever did - i had a band that had keyboard and guitar chops to handle DT so we played the solo section to take the time in the middle of "whippin post" it was seamless, wish i had a recording of it. they are in the same key
  12. i lost it twice. i lost my clients in sept when the economy crashed then i got a job and was layed off 3 months later when they started feeling the effects now i'm selling pens like apples during the depression So buy one or my kid will starve!
  13. interesting i listened to the first single didn't blow me away, they are getting lazy, they are not as tight live as when i used to see them in the early 90s
  14. watch is awesome, i have it, i like it, i still think its overpriced. i'm going to have it AR'd i got my rubbercad AR'd and it looks AWESOME
  15. you figure thats been going on, they all did'nt start watermarkiing thier photos for nothing
  16. i can get denim to make a pen, i'm not kidding i can do any of my pens in this denim blank
  17. impressive talk about living upt o your forum name POLEX
  18. well since no one wants to hire me, penmaster is where i'm going. Once i get my store filled out in my new pen section on teh forum it will be pretty well filled out. there are alot of these laser cut inlays i can do, there will be a whole section on that. i'm just about to add a new model that is similiar to another model, but i can get it plated in rhodium which really looks cool on the one that i have now. i do need some more of you guys to order i have only had a small handful. but by the time i'm done with the store- which would be soon, i can do just about whatever your imagination can think of, including engraving and engraved cases
  19. You need tosit backrelax and spend about 2 weeks reading thia forum before you buy anything all those questions are answered
  20. sorry man that looks like a good watch to me
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