I got a concord for a friend of mine. let me say this
1. i loved it when it appeared in magazines
2. i hated it when i saw the gen in the show room (but didn't try it on)
3. i tried on the rep - and whoah, i like it. if i had $$ i might buy it, amoung others
anyway i wanted to just say he AR on the watch is the most impressive i have seen from a rep factory in some time. I would say it ranks up there ,but its soo good that it sits up higher than the rubber pieces, and i didn't even realize that until after handling it for a bit.
I would have to say that if your into the concord C1, i would highly recommend the watch.
and - for those of you not keeping track i have owned or had pass through my hands upwards of 50 reps over the last 5 yrs.
i know when watches stand out. the C1 is out of the box unreal.
i'm hoping that the new AP special edition Ruben Barrichello - is as bad assy - I of course plan to send it to chief for AR, i know i don't care that AP is stupid and doesn't put AR
anyway - i'm trying to figure out how to sell enough crap to get that watch.
but this is about the concord -
Gets a A+ from phoband.