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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. Leaves face the light. Unless the wall is made of ... um, sun, the leaves would not be facing that way.

    Wow! Fast! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    You're quite right, the plant must have been moved in the week that Bob said nobody had been in the room.


    Well there go six hours of Rolex rep jokes! :doh:


    Right, here we go. This is more of a logic question that a 'what's the latest law' question :rolleyes:

    A child is born in Boston, Massachusetts to parents who were both born in Boston, Massachusetts. The child is not an American citizen. How could this be possible?


  2. The barrel he rolled out was filled with fluid.

    He actually put a tap into the barrel.... and opened it!

    :g: It sounds plausible.....IT IS PLAUSIBLE!

    WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Strictly speaking the answer on the card is: "a hole" (groan!) But obviously to put the tap in you make a hole.

    Okay this one is a bit different - more Sherlock Holmes than Albert Einstein...I would put it in the "annoying" category because there are all sorts of plausible answers, but it could be a laff, and it has a watch theme! Remember, the 'right' answer is what is written on the card.

    "I have the only key to the room containing the Rolexes of my late uncle Angus," said Bob. "Since his death a week ago, neither I nor anybody else has entered this room. I was quite pleased to hear that all the Rolexes were to be auctioned off and the proceeds given to charity,' continued Bob. Chris removed a huge plant whose broad leaves were turned towards the wall, partially covering the safe. While Bob was working the combination lock, Chris crossed the room to sit on the ledge of the large bay window. Bob opened the safe, and removed the large box of Rolexes. "I'm sure these watches will fetch a fortune for charity," said a smiling Bob. "Yeah, and I bet those Rolexes are either reps or there's a few missing," replied Chris. What aroused Chris's suspicion?


  3. The truck weighed the limit when it got on the bridge but, as all motor-sport fans will tell you, the weight at the end of a race is lower than at the beginning. This in particular is why Valentino Rossi is better at the end of a race than at the beginning, as the fuel-tank is less full and therefore lighter.

    The truck used 30g of fuel to get to the midway point.

    :g: Hmm...it sounds good...it looks good.....IT IS GOOD! :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim:


    The card says: "the truck would have burned off more than 30 grams of petrol in the first two kilometres of crossing the bridge. Therefore the sparrow's weight would have no consequence."

    Here's a new one - a bit of a groaner I'm afraid...

    Cornerstone was cleaning out his old barn. :blink: He was dragging things out into the yard and filling containers with useless items he had collected over the years. At one point he rolled an old barrel out of the barn which weighed 20 kg. Cornerstone put something in the barrel and when he was finished it weighed less. What could it have been? :g:

  4. Elementary my dear Watson. The sparrow landed upon the truck when it was precisely over the mid-span support tower. The bridge span wasn't supporting the truck+sparrow, the brick columns were.

    Nice thinking - but again it's not what it says on the card...


    "It's good, but it's not right...!"


  5. Because the truck is moving, 10,000kgs is the trucks stationary weight.


    Intriguing idea. The quick answer is: that's not what the card says.

    I actually googled around for this to satisfy my own curiosity - there is obviously a relationship between speed and mass in E=mc2.

    The answer appears to be that moving objects actually increase in mass (but only by the tiniest amount until you hit the speed of light) as speed increases.

    To give you an idea of how small the increase is: a 100,000 kg jet travelling at 2,000mph would increase in mass by only half a milligram (roughly). All news to me!

    Any other suggestions out there for the truck? :)

  6. Actually, I'm beginning to think that the 'prose' they put at the end of the spam is better than most of the legitimate emails I get (asking me to do work, and other boring things like that).

    Here are some random 'end of spam' moments from my trash bin: :rolleyes:

    "Like flogging a dead horse There is no accounting for taste Be a good sport - wherever you go The first step is the hardest. When yuh dead yuh nah sabee, and when yuh sabee yuh dead."

    "Absence makes the heart go wander. When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. You cant hurry love

    One good turn deserves another One good turn deserves another"

    "stranger. Let the flock graze.

    They trotted off while his own mount chomped away on the grass. He

    sat down cross-legged and motioned to me. Sit. We must talk."

    "it creaked when he dropped into it.

    Play, he ordered and sat back to enjoy the music.

    Okay, gang, ready to go! I blew into my lapel microphone and my"

    "Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel. He who does not honour his wife dishonours himself You cannot burn the candle at both ends

    Murder will out Still waters run deep"

  7. I´d guess it´s an elevator...

    And the card says.....

    "The lift"

    WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Good work! Every point made, by the way, was a good one. I'm sure that about 3% of domestics are caused by brain teasers. By comparison, 72% are Ikea-related.

    Okay I have another one:

    Imagine a bridge 4 km long and strong enough to hold 10,000 kg, but no more. A loaded transport truck weighing exactly 10,000 kg drives onto the bridge. At the half way point, a sparrow weighing 30 g lands on the truck, yet the bridge doesn't collapse. How could this be?

  8. Whichever, you're both looking good....

    And Cornerstone, I want you to know that I have absolutely no problem with this! I'm here to listen....perhaps to help....in the sense of boosting your confidence and self-estime..... RWG has always been a place - a very safe place - where people of all sorts can 'come out' and reveal their real selves to others: Andrew The Trusty Toy Piano Guy.....Eddie 'You're Da Man(?) Lee....TTK, aka 'Saint Keysersoze'....Ken and his kangeroo fetish....Nanuq, who divides his time between the bears and Miss Understood....The Perversely Polyamourous Jjajh....Mahler and Mahlerina (who I suspect to be one and the same person)....Dani and The Green Fairy....have I forgotten anyone....? Certainly, since I'm convinced that there are dozen and dozens of other deviant perverted bast....I mean...... members with original lifestyle choices here.

    So kick back and don't be afraid to bay at the next full moon or leave your spore on fire-hydrants and lightposts, Cornerstone. In one way or another, we've all been there ourselves. We're with you, Rex.

    Ach, you've been sore ever since our replica toaster business got burned. I said write "Amateur ECT kit" on the customs form, but would you listen? "Metal bread cosy" indeed.

    As for the dog thing, I'm only in it for the biscuits, and you know it. :wub:


  9. Okay....! As I said, you have to get what is written on the card! :)

    A survey was conducted of all the various mechanical modes of transportation people use to get to work each day. What did it find was the most common form of transportation?

  10. it was 12 pm/am TT heard the last chime of the hour when he arrived.

    So where's me bloody cupie doll :yeah:


    And the card says.....

    "It was just moments after twelve o' clock."



    Okay, great start, another one coming right up! :yu:

  11. I have a bunch of cards with some brain teasers on them. A few of them are good, some of them are easy, quite a lot of them are annoying. I figured that whereas the annoying ones are normally, well, annoying - they could provide a bit of scope for some funnies too.

    So feel free to play along, or wind everyone up as well. There is only one rule: the 'right' answer is always what is written on the card. Take it as a given that I agree with you that there were a million better answers - it's us versus the quesion card for shits and giggles.

    Here's a relatively easy and uncontroversial clock-related question to start things:

    TwoTone has a clock that chimes on both the hours and the half hours. The clock strikes once for each half hour, once for one o'clock, twice for two o'clock, three times for three o'clock, etc. As TwoTone commando rolled into his house one day, he heard the clock chime once. A half hour later it chimed once again. A half hour later it chimed once, and a half hour later it chimed once again. Since the clock is working properly (of course), what time was it when TwoTone entered his house?

  12. There are lots of Tiffany and Chanel rep earrings out there (see ioffer), but I've never managed to find the right deal with the added Western Union and postage fees to want to buy any of it (jewellery in general).

    Maybe one time if I double it up with a watch purchase...

    But if you shop around gen earrings aren't necessarily all that expensive (I mean, there's nothing to them).

    Cheers! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  13. What can I say: it has been made quite clear in both Vanity Fair and Vogue that brown cat fur straps are in for golden labs this season! Major faux pas!

    More seriously - yes, my other hobby is dressing up dogs for amusement. :lol:

    And for the record, that was one giggle and six thumbs up (I have an extra two sets of arms, thus my interest in watches).

  14. I assure you the chiropractor is small potato's, I've moved on to Neurologist's and Orthapaedic Surgeons. :(


    And it's all the waiting for referrals too - a process of elimination at the speed of an asthmatic ant. "Just feckin' fix it!" is what you want. The 'wait and see' thing just doesn't cut it after a while.

    Still - removing 2 discs sounds drastic - it's a solution but, you know, you end up looking like this:



    On the pinched nerve: obviously there are loads of google links to excellent sites on pinched sciatic nerves, but it must be reassuring (?) to know that your agony is shared! It seems to be a rest job. Hopefully, because you injured yourself doing something slightly innocuous, it will sort itself. It's a personal thing, but I'd be speaking to a GP before I went to a chiropractor.

    Fingers crossed for all of you!

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