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Everything posted by gran

  1. nice...very nice..much better than what Bruno wears
  2. It is very nice but not sure about the blue colour...it would be perfect in the appropriate Long Island sea side location or when sailing on a sunny day but not on Manhatten or on the streets of Berlin or London
  3. Mmmmmm....yes a picture of the watch itself would have made it easier...too easy
  4. Thank you! absolutely beautiful Duane Allman is wow!!!
  5. Looked trough mu collection and found this beauty Does anyone recognize this logo and the watch in question?
  6. Rodico brand cleaning putty is something the watchmaker should never run out of. In addition to it's ability to clean small parts, it is useful for wiping bridges and plates of excess oil, dust, and debris, and for 1,000 other uses: holding parts, fishing lost parts out of crevices, standing things up, and lying them down. Rodico is as an excellent cleaning material and is as useful as your imagination. This is a package of two bars.
  7. This RWG (rwgforum) is probably the very best replica watch forum around and I think that it deserves its name RWG I am happy to have this RWG to visit and appreciate the efforts done here and I clearly seee I benefit from its existence. You have done a good jobb KB, Thomas, Nanug and all the others. Thank you rwgforum Obviously this forum is not the original RWG but is an amalgam of TRC and the old RWG The main reason for this direction is likely do to the central administrator being TRC (and being a Liverpool FC supporter the Adm is clearly a good man and he lives in a place with deep snow like myself so is a fellow scandinavian) This forum is now much more similar to what TRC was than it is like the pre 2005 RWG was, but I still feel that the RWG component here is sufficient. It is the closest thing to my old home as there is available. It is regretably less flamable than the old board was but the reasons why are understandable. Obviously some of the best replica watch geeks have left us for different reasons and that is a shame. However things change and must change and and should change and so this forum has changed accordingly. Long live RWG and TRC Time is money Gunnar The exAx
  8. Yes the Penguin was cute but not that cute....BLADE was not so cute in the end and tripped some of us but lets not forget that there is some truth in the saying that The Winners Get To Write History...would be interesting to hear BLADEs side of the story one day
  9. It screams Nanug so if its someone from here its our bear from Alaska
  10. A digital system[1] is a data technology that uses discrete (discontinuous) values. By contrast, non-digital (or analog) systems use a continuous range of values to represent information. Although digital representations are discrete, the information represented can be either discrete, such as numbers, letters or icons, or continuous, such as sounds, images, and other measurements of continuous systems. The word digital comes from the same source as the word digit and digitus (the Latin word for finger), as fingers are used for discrete counting. The word digital is most commonly used in computing and electronics, especially where real-world information is converted to binary numeric form as in digital audio and digital photography. .......so I guess if there is no gradual movement of the numbered disks it is indeed digital-like:nea:
  11. Love it even if it screams horological heritage alittle too loudly
  12. Yes! Neil was the most formidable opponent of all.....miss that guy...miss the entertainment......TTK was RWGs Benjamin Jonson (A man of vast reading and a seemingly insatiable appetite for controversy) Happy Timewatching Gunnar (beleive me I was sometimes right there in the crossfire....)
  13. Happy to see that it (The BLADE vesrion of The Granmaster) is still around Both of mine (Including the one of a kind KING version with the spelling mistakes) And the one of a kind prototype and discontinued from KING (this one is smaller than the BLADE version of the Granmaster above)
  14. Obviously he will be back, TTK cant die ( he is the Kwisatz Haderach) and when he does I hope and beleive he will reedem himself of the above mentioned lack of refund etc (possibly minus those that really have [censored] him off...if you know what i am hinting at...)
  15. Ok Ok OK! but this one is difficult to translate properly.... L
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