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Everything posted by gran

  1. A guy comes home from work feeling bad about the day's activities. He lays down on the couch and ponders his actions. Like most of us, his conscience has two voices; that of his good moral side and that of his mischievous side. While staring at the ceiling, a voice in his head says "don't worry about it, a lot of doctors have sex with their patients." The man tosses and turns in reflection of his actions. Again the voice says "don't worry about it, a lot of doctors have sex with their patients." Feeling somewhat relieved, the man begins to relax and feel better about himself at which time another voice in his head says, "but you're a veterinarian."
  2. If you are innocent I am certain that Phil will apologise to you and let you back in
  3. Hi Willith Agreed! to have options is the best
  4. Phil is a friend of mine There is no question that Klink is a genious, knows his stuff and if those are his words to you..then they must be true Maybe you have stepped over a line not knowing that you did so.....if so admit the transgression and ask for forgiveness and I am sure Phil will consider unbanning you Regards Gunnar
  5. Yes and thank you for that detailed answer TTK
  6. Will be interesting to see where this will end Toni regards Gunnar
  7. The watch looks great and the movie is not too bad either
  8. Moral majority Rodin... The question is should we allow this: are the moderators sound asleep? or not
  9. Poor rwg1 its is not even a shadow of its old self..very sad indeed but even so I must admit neo, demsey and Clive make it worth the occasional visit..lots of memories there too..... Long live rwg and trc gran
  10. Reading your reply Neil is not being clear at all Neil is no goodie goodie sensible guy with green stripes who becomes feeble in the presence of nudity ....in fact reading neils last post very carefully (admitedly after drinking a number of rounds of akevit) reveals that Neil has the oposite view..neil claims that those who oposed erotic signature etc have "....sexual inadequacies ...." reading this silly debate I now want to make the claim that its in fact the watches that are wildly erotic Cheers
  11. I get this message opening several pages of RWG at once: forbidden use of bandwidth -- view http://toykeeper.net/leech.txt for details an a log in dialog box whats this?
  12. At first glance it looks very desireable but a real astronaut would never wear a "two tone".....its just my feelings about this seemigly beautiful watch....but then neil has said earlier that "Norway and Australia...the taste capitals of the world..... "
  13. I think avatars etc with erotic content is herer to stay but there is a limit..teher should be no pubic nudity any organs in motion on avatar or the signature BTW this guy just scored a goal against Birmingham
  14. these pictures sure are erotic stuff I like most the girl...no the watch.....the girl the watch.....the girl the watch.....the girl the watch...and so an and so forth in infinitum... what a beautiful sensual post
  15. Vinter er bra mange alpinsentre har åpnet men her på østlandet er det +8 grader Celsius i dag
  16. The name "Louis Bolle " sounds rather funny in my language. Bolle means bun or could also be slang for pussy. The get back on topic..... the movement is fine but I would stay as far aways form the "Louis Bolle" brand as possible. g.
  17. Jeg ser at du liker å rir på den nye KONA di Bob
  18. Sellita from Switzerland is very interesting and some of their movements are very thin (This is a big pluss) http://www.sellita.ch/ but looking at their site I am not sure where a ETA stops and an sellita starts
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