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Everything posted by ghost

  1. Oh man that makes me sad.... Oh well...
  2. Unless you count cheap food and tailor-made shirts! Those seem ok...but reps-wise is a real let-down/ blue balls situation for me! I came armed with a lotta baht to squander (having amassed them over the years...before i got into reps)...alas i'll have to spend it on cheap women and wine!
  3. I did. But the usual bloke ain't there...apparently he's gone on a vacation? The lady showed me a 5513 and 1665 drsd etc....not very impressive... I ended up getting a 5513 case set coz i've a gen dial lying in wait....
  4. I posted a similar thread on RG but for some inexplicable reason i'm unable to access RG.. I'm in BKK and going to MBK everyday. Other than Nah Piek, the rest of the shoppes seem to stock the el cheapo stuff (not unlike what one would find in Patpong)? Anybody knows if there's anything worth getting here? As for Nah Piek, they seem to be a one-trick pony? A couple of pateks and rollies is all.... Damn. I was really looking forward to squandering my baht!
  5. Was this a dsn? If not, i don't suppose it's still available
  6. Why not buy the sean 1:1 case?
  7. That's gorgeous! A fantasy though isn't it
  8. What case accepts it? I've one, but it's a lil beaten up. Thinking of using it for a 'vintagized' sub
  9. Yeah, maybe i'll just go ahead and get the 5513
  10. Thanks for the response bro. However, i'm trying to build a 5513 around a gen dial i have (nicely patina'd). Hence i was wondering if the MBW 5513 was good for a a straight swap.
  11. Just out of curiousity, coz i've a friend headed to Bangkok soon and he's volunteered to help me get stuff...so i was wondering...what's good to get off Nah-piek? Things have changed with the advent of the WM9s and the H-factory etc.. Im thinking maybe a 5513 and a nautilus or aquanaut? But reports seem to favour the new 1:1 pateks emanating from the chinese factories... Didn't the euromariner come from MBW? I used to have one. It was actually v good, and i do regret trading it away ='(.....(whoever out there who has mine, if u wanna trade back....i never wore your SA blacksteel) Please opine away!
  12. Wow donerix! U selling them?! Is there nothing u can't do?
  13. Whoa! Where would one chance upon finding a gen dial??? Never seen it on ebay etc
  14. Ghost is the name of Jon Snow's dog in George R R Martin's novels - a song of ice and fire. (Back in the day, before Game of thrones was made into a tv series). The dog was ostracized from the pack cox of its colour, much like Jon was the illegitimate child among the Stark children. Much like how i felt at the time. Alone and transparent =) haha. Sob story
  15. That's THE ONE!!!! Holey moley it's fn gorgeous! Yeah i wish it was more competitively priced too
  16. my fave edox is the limited edition moonphase one......can't remember where i saw it though....exorbitantly priced
  17. Thanks! I'll go check it out! I really appreciate you taking time out to post photos to further illustrate your point!
  18. A while ago i'd read here that Qualia of the great barrier reef was heaven on earth. Hence i brought the missus there for our honeymoon. Best decision ever. Thought i'd tap the great minds here again for a similar recommendation. This time we're thinking of heading over to Langkawi Malaysia...any recommendations?
  19. ghost

    Explorer 5500

    Wow! I'm inspired to do the same! So is the explorer 5500 the same make/case/dimensions/movement as the air-king then? Save for a different dial?
  20. I wonder if these are the ones frequently being touted on ebay. Dsn's are nice, but these were made to fool experts. NOt that im condoning it im just saying
  21. didnt mean to. But i've recently been on the hunt for FFs and Tudor Subs. I've come up empty every which way on the tudors. Im thinking of just buying a gen one off VRF (dammit). Or legging it to saigon!
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