If you're worried about geting scamed by someone sliping you a rep instead of a gen your in the right place to learn the diferences, welcome.
Guarantee cards? I'm shure blanks are available somewhere and then you would just need a laser printer for the details. Not any call for that sort of thing here, it's more the realm of scamers. I'm instantly suspious of anyone who feels the need for a guarantee card with his/her rep. Apart from the anals who just must have the complete set theres realy only one reason you need a fake card and that's to scam some poor bugger.
I can see why you have asked but can asure you that peeps (espec unknown ones) asking where to buy fake cards tend to get the short shift here.
Long and the short of it is, if in doubt, ask to see the MVT as no one reps a Rolex MVT. There is usualy a preety limited range of serials on reps too. Folks here will be able to tell you the ranges being used for any particular model.