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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Guangzhou huh? I bet it were Clive. Shameless. Bloody typical.
  2. I dunno Ken, I'm seeing a trend here....................considering how his "Sometimes I'm just disgusted..........." thread turned out, I can't wait for the "This POS has got to go.................. >>>>>>>>>>> Not!" Omega thread.
  3. Most awesome.........................
  4. Well, after a close like today (C up 38+%), all I can do is quote the New World Man; lol, what a lark." 'Citigroup' has posted positive returns for the first two months of '09." They borrow money from the tax payers @ 0%, and loan it out for considerably more and turn a profit. Wow. The intricate world of high finance............. But, that news today, the revisiting of the up-tick rule, and then too a discussion on the Hill Thursday with the Fed, focus; 'mark-to-market' and a possible Systemic Risk Oversight Committee and yesterday's Merck/Shering-Plough merge (in a stable 2007 market that would have been it's own 200pnt rally) are the psychological events the bulls have been waiting for. I'll take it. Only if it is merely a week long 'Running with the Bulls' a' la Pamplona. Someone will get the horns, some will have stories to tell over wine. If the adminstration would just open a dialogue, even a non-committal, regarding capital gains and corporate tax for the short term, for the purpose of recession reversal before spending ad hoc on the new socialist agenda? The current environment would stabilize. The Senate is looking at the Budget and Stimulus Bill like they are an open window in the pneumonia ward. And the Dems own all three Houses. I think President Obama would do better for his vision tending house a little better. I dunno, I always thought DOW 14,000 was ridiculous. Made for some nice daydreaming looking at the paper, but c'mon. This 50% fall is, in my mind, a 25% fall from where the DOW should have been. Gimme back 11,500 and I will consider all this a Dicken's nightmare; undigested beef and good lessons learned. Fascinating......................
  5. YES! The media focus. The Pied Piper's tune gathering the lemmings to the precipice; the 'crowd'. The reality. In a balanced portfolio. My experince, as I mentioned above "the review looked better on paper than in the media". My wife and I use our gainful income to manage household 'budget'. The investments in the 'now' are for 'extras' that are too 'necessities' thnat you cannot budget out; automotive, children's medical outside the scope of insurance; orthodontist, dentist etc. perhaps new household appliances or upgrades or storm repair etc., etc., blah, but the main purpose of investment portfolio is our 'future' and 'legacy' to other generations. When looking at the whole pie, we saw the top 25% of the portfolio as 'not there'. Didn't count on it for 'income', nor 'collateral', just let it roll over for a long horizon that we won't even be a part. Looking at it that way; we're still 'even' in prosperity as we were in '07 even if it doesn't look that way on 'paper'; the 18-25% realistic loss. It will be nice when we can look back on this having not merely 'survivied', but realized our safeguards had worked as planned. The pundits say this is the worst case scenerio of the past seventy years. Considering the horrors of 'history' and what is currently going on globally with regard to human rights? This 'aint squat. Onward!
  6. lol, yeah I caught that too. Too funny................... Perhaps now that the brokers are 'modifying' their approach, perhaps it's time to rewrite the truisms as well. Ahem........ "Investment banking in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than sharing a heroin spike, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect."
  7. Hmmmmmmmm, hasenpfeffer!
  8. Again FT and Robbie, thank you for the time and insights. Both are valuable commodities (pun intended) to the civilians here who may be grasping at straws, bits of intel, that can give us a better hand hold of a bigger picture. You need a 'destination' before you can formulate a 'plan' for getting there. I'm trying to draw a map. My adminstrative contacts that hold my investments do observe a good fiduciary responsibility, I would hope, and in spite of the current situation, I am pleased, with every issuance of reviews of assets, I remark; "Wow, it doesn't look as bad on paper as the media would have you believe." However, I realize those officers are under corporate mandate as to what they will or will not divulge as a point of 'policy'. They are upbeat, confident and maintain they have faith in 'strategy'. I understand that position as a point of doing good business. I just don't know, now, how realistic that position is. I do empathize tho'. I wonder how many people I could have talked into a discovery flight lesson if I wore this T-Shirt to our first encounter; "Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect." Sterling words for the prospective 'Solo Pilot' about to take on that responsibility, but perhaps too foreboding to the neophyte. Certainly you can glean countless websites for opinion and information on the current finacial, but, as I have found countless times on RWG (incarnations past and present) when the focus of the main board is something that has international appeal and is well aside other world issues. aside; 'watches' you get an uncanny objective opinion on a myraid of topics. There may be agendas here for 'who's the best dealer' or 'who has the best Sub', but outside that box, people may as well speak their minds, and voice contrary opinions to the mainstream. Why not? There is no penalty for doing so. It's why I love RWG and am stuck on it. I do love Rolex, and my replicas, but aside the "Rolex" subforum and here "Off Topic" I have very little practical use of the resource. The enthusiasm of the multicultural demograph is priceless. In the words of those two bards; 'KenMc' and 'Two Tone', respectively; "Replica watches = meh" "Where people gather, life happens" True. True.
  9. Hmmmmm, unfortunately the 'learned' are rapidly losing credibility because the animal has morphed into something 'else'. Not a lot applies anymore. All opinions are moot. 'Playbooks' are obsolete. The talking heads in the media are joking; "Oh h*ll, whatever, I give up on this. I'm just burnt trying to make sense of it, to try and write good copy to sell advertisement for the parent company, who's stock is now down 82% from it's historical highs." When the Warren Buffett's of the world are at a loss, literally, as well as figuratively, then what's left to be said about business as usual and older models? In that other thread, I mimicked a standard; "The stock market will recover before the recession". No. That was an accepted principal. Once upon a time. Now the notion is as absurd as Citigroup being a penny stock by the 2005 mind set. 'Speculation' as an investment strategy may not make sense, but 'speculation' is all there is left, regarding the entire pusuit of or 'industry' if you want to tag it that way. The return of Wall Street? There is no more Wall Street. Purdy much the end of that chapter. DOW @ 14000. That was it. That doesn't mean a lot of fortune cannot be made. It's a Global Investment world now. It's not a time to shift gears, it's time to develope a whole new type transmission. I would say it would be a better scenerio to be emerging from university right now with a Master's in Finance than to have thirty years practical experience in the field. Templeton? Better off dead. What does it matter what Geithner and the Obama administration think about Citi and what can be done to preserve it? I would rather garner the opinion of Prince Walid bin Talal. When he says; "It is all done." It is. I would be horrified to be involved, gainfully, as a fund manager, investment officer, or stock broker right now. Deep into it with the trust and welfare of 'clients' on my books. It would be as if I rotated an aircraft off the ground only to find the principles of aviation, that have sustained me for twenty seven years no longer apply. I am the Wright brothers, but I'm fifty feet in the air, doing 110 kts, out of control, seventy souls on board and I just don't have anyhting to fall back on in the way of training or anything learned through experience. I have eight seconds to discover, explain, and correlate 'aviation'.
  10. Hmmmm, don't know about that, By-Tor usually posts a topic often enough that I would consider them 'current'. If you want to zero in on the top notch stuff, read By-Tor's reviews, and read his 'Topics' sourced from his member profile. F'rinstance, this topic is only a few weeks old. Currently I would wager the Watchmaker9 Submariner/Yachtmaster or the current BLACK DIAL GMT Master II sourced from EuroTimez or bklm123 (BK's Watch Garage) are probabaly the best out-of-box..............opinions may, will and are guaranteed to vary.
  11. Aye laddie! Guinness! That reminds me. One time when I were havin' a sit down with Paulie, we reminisced about an Irish Bar Steward named Jones, let's have a look then shall we?
  12. Demsey


  13. OK show of hands, be honest, how many ran to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary to see if 'embiggen' was a word? C'mon, you know you did.
  14. That's a keeper. Albeit 'Tudor', the rehaut sceams 'Rolex'. Nize.
  15. lol, I thought the same thing when I read BT's post; There are two ways to learn from an example; "Follow it" or "Not follow it".................. I'm sure you will get your watch in good order 'grilly', but can empathise with your situation. Personally speaking, as a seller, putting you through this would wear on me. I have only sold two watches. On the first, the payment and watch shipping were arranged the same day. The payment came through sooner than delivery of the watch. The piece was sent merely 'registered/insured', so confirmation of delivery, not 'tracking' was provided. It took two full weeks for the watch to reach New Hampshire from Florida. I don't know why. It was agonising. The buyer was completely understanding, but that seemed to make it worse! The watch arrived. On the second, I insisted the watch reach it's destination before payment was arranged. I'd rather get burned for $100-$200-$300 than be branded or even mused for a moment; a 'scammer'. Pics please!
  16. 'RWG jr. jr.' ????? Link please........................
  17. 'greg_r' is 'cakemaster' and I collect my $5.
  18. This is too off the hizzook for "Off Topic". And this guy is a liberal from Mass. too. He reminds me of Denis Leary. He's not that talented really. Denis Leary isn't. He's just a dude from Worcester. Go have a beer in a pub in Worcester. It's like a Denis Leary HBO Special.
  19. In another thread, discussing TTK, even though I am aquainted with his 'forum identity' surely all these years, I admitted he was an enigma to me. In sizing him up, as a 'person' (hard to do on the ethernet) I demured my opinion to that of those I have had some insight, those who knew 'him' better and just left it at that. I have been paying attention to President Obama earnestly since he threw his hat into the ring. I consider him too an enigma. He speaks well, but I do not think he speaks to me. I have no good basis as of yet to size him up. Again, I demure my opinion to those who's opinion I would imagine captures an insight into real world issues that I am not privy;
  20. They do, gladly, but best when not mandated by royals, meddling bureaucrats, political agendists, and hauty idealists. By the force of 'law' which they have and abuse to push around the apolitical clay. Pretty much why the tea ended up in the harbour and why, in 233 short years of history why America is indeed, for the mo', the 'richest nation on Earth'. Subject to change of course Speaking of 'riches', an American, any American, 'scraping by' even in this environ, translates into one damn lucky Rwandan or Somalian. Don't believe the Liberal hype. You still can't swing a dead cat in this country without hitting opportunity. It's just that through decades of 'entitlement' programs folk are just plain lazy. An 'out of work' accountant will stay out of work, on unemployment, until he finds another air conditioned accounting job. There has been an 'help wanted' sign in my local McDonalds window since December, and as I am fond of saying; "Julio can jump the fence on Saturday night, hit the Home Depot car park in Austin Monday morning and have cash in his pocket Monday evening. More than $14 I can assure you. His secret? He knows what 'work' is. Few do. Anymore. My 1049 form states I am a "Flight Instructor/Commercial Pilot". Wow. Neat. The preferred path. Oh well. Starting May, when the boat comes off the hill, it will look more like this keeping the wolf from the door. Plan Bravo: Then again, some of those girls working at the McDonalds are sweet. Maybe they have older sisters. I'm not sure which way I will go.
  21. Cheers!
  22. lmao! It only hurts when I laugh............... Actually, a bright spot could be found; Barack Obama is certainly no liar. And, it's ironic, and some may find this repugnant, he has a lot in common with W.; When they say they're going to do something, by God and with God they will do it. O. has been saying all along; "This is going to get worse before it gets better". The man is clairvoyant I tell you. So, when he holds that press conference 'someday' saying we're pulling out, we can all take his word to the bank. Hopefully, if we have any left, we can take some money too The DOW is up 142, please excuse me while I go short something...................sigh, me moneh.
  23. Dude! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't even joke................... Could you imagine if the dollar crashed........................hear that? Those are my knees knocking. It's sad. You know what would give us a week-end rally? If Washington would just sgtay off the tube for the day. You know what would give us a nice St Patty's Day rally? If Washington would stay off the tube for the month. You know what would give us a good quarter? If Washington would just stay off the tube for a quarter. See a pattern here? Obama had a great rep for a smooth delivery. Now it's just gargling granite chuck rock with Drano. Oh stop.
  24. I love it. Especially the 'profile view'. A very tough watch! Are white 1680 rep dials readily available? I have a TWB 1680 with probably as many concerns as your original piece. I have never had a watch modded. But I'm not into collecting anymore reps so maybe 'modding' would be fun...........thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?
  25. It's alive fakey, but slow growing. Pretty much a handful of members 'Preaching to the Choir' here. Don't know where all the proponents are that were making 17 page threads last November with regard to this administration. If I had to guess they are either: A) Above eco/politico debate. 2) Sitting like deer in the headlights, in front of their keyboards, as they watch America fall into the sea and drag the rest of the planet with it. C) Sitting back with Cheshire grins because they know something we don't and are saving their post count for the fifth quarter when they will rally a great big TOLD YOU SO! whent he jobs numbers get back down below the, by then, 15%. D) Are afraid of Ken and his light sabre, that Excalibre known as Forum Rule [6]. It would take a good dose of 'Liberal Love' to lock this thread. 'Chieftang' and 'fat.tail.event' are just too well adjusted to boil that pot over.
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