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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I would be quite prepared for that eventuality.
  2. I wonder if we could get Moon on 20p?
  3. Of course the politics are not parallel, but, meh, a phenom is a phenom................
  4. No Jeff, she's still drinking. Purdy sure it's me. Did you see 'rya' posted the other day? That's always nice, only we won't see him again until 2010. Oh well.
  5. One of my fav replicas in SS. In full yellow gold I would admire it, although I couldn't wear it, but in RG? I cannot for the life of me think of a person, time or place you could casually 'pull it off'. I mean it would be as a RG Pam 187. Why not? But then again why? Clive's RG 289 8 days GMT was bad enough. Even for Clive. Still, for the collector that has everything else I suppose............................ I think this thread will narry get a hit with a wrist shot................................tho'
  6. I apologize Grant, it's the drinking. I stopped. This is the result. Let me be the lesson for all of you.
  7. Demsey: Hunter, what time does your watch say? Hunter: It doesn't, you have to look at it.
  8. I dunno, you got that 'date' off the header of the main page. I think the five of you deserve a little R&R after tackling that one. That's funny, that's what she calls 'em................actually I was waiting all afternoon for someone to post; "Bean bags? Huh, we call those 'fun bags', what's a 'bow'?
  9. "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses and the odd lazy scrounger, longing to be free..." There. Can we start a gun control thread now? Because I don't believe guns kill people, people kill people. But then again I don't think cameras take pictures, pictures take pictures, or that toasters make toast. Toast makes toast!
  10. Not so sure this is exclusive to UK, it has been going around the internet (maybe a 'Snopes' would shed light) and is a 'talking point' on conservative talk radio when "Biden" hasn't said anything stooooopid in a while, or there isn't any fresh dirt to be unearthed on one of President Obama's Cabinet appointees, along with it's cousin; "Food stamps should be rationed per percentage of body fat of the recipient. No Cheetos and chocolate moos for obese poor ten year olds weighing in at fourteen stone." Just cut taxes on working citizens, and perpetuate the Clinton doctrine with regard; You can float on social service handout for just so long. Then, get a job (don't tell me there are no jobs, every Mexican jumping the fence on Saturday has a job on Monday) or pick up a hand gun and three strikes; free food and shelter forever. I have no problem with tax dollars going to "No possibility of parole".
  11. Crap! I hadn't noticed. Now I will obsessing like it were a door ding on my Cobra. Damnit Sam. I am.
  12. 'Geography' has it's place, but just anchor me up on a reef and I'm good. So, anyway, did you hear the one about Demsey and the girl goin' out fishing? She came home with a big red Snapper. Yes, those are 'bean bags' up at the bow......................... <edit> Quick edit before it times out. I have a problem with the rehtoric of this topic header. About as much as I do with the "Reign of the White Supremacist......" one. 'Anti-Nanuq' indeed! Can't we all just get along?
  13. Ha Ha! That was great! Love that Franck Muller, I wonder if Tarantino gifted it!
  14. Hah ha! That's my single most favorite boast...........before there was a 'By-Tor' review there was a noob of the same nick PMing me about a Black dialed 16613 review I did.............. You definately took the 'Review' to a level though! Of course the pics are awesome, but I think because 'English' is not your first language, you don't waste words, and all the pertinent infos are there, and crystal clear, with no unecessary BS................I do love and admire the Blue dial, when done in a good version, it's just not 'me'. I could see owning one, but it not getting much wrist time. I gave that original 16613 to a noob @ RWG. Meh, 'gold' is a hard one for me to pull off, too Malmsteen As I am fond of saying; "We all come for the watches, but usually end up sticking around for the 'other stuff'." Not too many opportunities to bump into "King Crimson" fans from Micronesia and St. Louis all the same day. Orlando and "Disney World" notwithstanding .................
  15. Nice 16613! I think you did very well for the price. I'm just glad it were the Blue not Black dial version as I would be mad jealous..................OK watches, blah, blah, blah .................I watched your YouTube vids. Mad skilz. Loved it! The first three concerts I saw were all during the Summer of '77 at Madison Square Garden, Led Zeppelin, Yes, and Pink Floyd in that order. I was finally eighteen and able to get myself to shows. ($10 orchestra seats ) Although I think 'Zeppelin' is 'it' for me, the 'Yes' show (Wakeman joined them for that one) really opened my mind to explore more 'heady' stuff. I was hooked. I started to absorb as much progressive rock as I could. It all came together, for me, with Asia. I saw them around '83, or soon after Danger Money was released. Eddie Jobson playing his acrylic violin? I just fell back into my seat and couldn't speak. I got really [censored] when my friends started to associate that genre of music with taking drugs. It cheapened it. With albums like Starless and Bible Black and a good pair of head phones, who needs drugs? Cheers!
  16. I do as well. Tried others that friends had, but Logitech is the best by far. I use 'Saitek' controllers for flight. Your mods look great AS! I think I'll give rFactor a go. The wife will not be pleased.............................
  17. I'm Deist, and we believe you cannot petition the Lord with prayer. I'm also Realist, and we believe the manufacturers of black market goods don't care what we think. The 'collectors' may care, they may even voice, but ultimately that's where the 'pressure' stops. As far as 'Rose Gold' is concerned, I was taught, that; if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. But Rose Gold, all Rose Gold, at best, looks like the bottom of a copper tea pot. Where it belongs, not on a person's wrist. That goes against what I was 'taught', but 'they' also taught me; "All things in moderation", so, what the h*ll do 'they' know? About, like, I dunno, power drinking on Spring Break? Sorry, I just came off a House marathon from the TIVO.
  18. The last eight years. And the next four. Starting on 9/11/01, you must be orgasmic. With regard. As far as 'others'; on my satellite service, MSNBC and CNBC are juxtaposed. I wear out the <channel up/down> button and trade accordingly. I suppose I could as easily bounce the 'last' button and watch Bloomberg/Fox Business in the same manner, but the 'News Ho's' and 'Money Honies' on the aforementioned rate higher on the 'Erector Scale'. Socio/Economic Geo/Political de damned. Besides, everyone on Fox is hoping Obama's policies will fail, but, what is it now? An unprecidented 5 executive orders within a week, much less 30 days, without the benefit of the three legged legislation stool? So yeah, who could blame them, but MSNBC is Obama's Power Cheer. I really don't care, to be honest, if his fiscal success means I can reallocate my portfolio to a good growth target (70/30) from my current allocation (41% cash, 59% equities since December '07) I can live with Barak's likeness on the new nickel and GITMO going away. But how long before the 'dirty bomb' goes off in Chi' Town after they let the roaches out of the hotel? That's what I really want to know. I mean, the Middle East is the constant. GDP? It's such a variable you really hate to enter it into the equation. Financially speaking.
  19. "When I was a boy everything was right Everything was right............." She Said, She Said Lennon And now, from 1968; The Rolling Stone Interview, I'd like to play; All The Angels Come I thought; "Right, I need a guitar and more importantly a leather jacket".
  20. I think I read that somewhere before, but when you first registered RWG, and your avatar was Pete in 'mid-air'. Then I thought 'bhoy' was a reference to "Bellboy"............... I like that version better Also from my private collection; here's an avatar for you or Don to consider. I always loved this pic; had it as a poster above my kip through school, university, lost in some move somwhere..................I think it was a promotional poster for "The Kids Are Alright" ? Hmmmmm...........
  21. Is BBC1 running another American Films Classics week-end?
  22. This watch reminds me of Monika Lewinski. Is this the best we can offer our President? Shame.
  23. Looks great. What controllers are you using? I'm into 'simulators', never had a gaming 'box' per se`. This is what this looks like to me; a racing simulator, not a 'game'. I did the 'NASCAR' EA Sports versions until recently. Some of the curcuit rookies use the software to do hot laps at tracks where they have no experince to learn to hit the marks. Even on PC you can master it, then where's the challenge? I got waaaaay too in volved with the flying sim; Fighting Falcon: Allied Force, a scary real combat simulator staged in Bosnia. Played on-line until my eyes bled most nights. Had to give it up as I was addicted. 40 minutes on RWG four hours in an F-16. Crasy. I may have to break out my wheel and pedals though. This sim looks fun!
  24. Yes I remember it well! It was a good one. I still have my red GT-40 avatar from RWG, but have retired it with that board.................. Funny how your opinion of a member, as you' learn them' will spark as you scroll down a thread and see the avatar. Some screen names and avatars remand a 'click'. Good stuff.
  25. Repgeek huh? Admin., could you please move this topic to the proper sub-forum; "Modifications and Upgrades" ? TIA Welcome David!
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