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Everything posted by JoeyB

  1. The genuine Swiss ETA 2836-2 movement is a day-date function. There is no genuine Swiss ETA 2836-2 with the GMT function. ETA never made one. The best it could be is a genuine Swiss ETA 2836-2 that has been modified to have a GMT function by eliminating the day wheel and adapting the GMT function into that mechanism. All the ETA 28XX movements and the Asian 2836 take the same size hands, 90/150/25. The Asian GMT modified 4th hand is 20.
  2. The Clark's T-19 fit the gen perfectly. On reps that I've needed to 'adjust', I use 1500 sandpaper. The very fine sandpaper is also good for taking out deeper scratches, even on the face, and then polishing with Brasso to perfectly clear.
  3. I would service the 'tired old Swiss' movement. You know what it is and it is easily and relatively inexpensive to be serviced. The Asian 2836 would be a very good choice if you didn't have a movement. As Justin said, it is easily serviced - just as a Swiss is - with Swiss parts. But a new Asian 2836 should be serviced, as recommended here by many, even when buying a new watch with that movement. They don't work in very sterile conditions over there.
  4. Trust Justin. He said you will have no problem. The printer he's using is top dog, it prints white, it should all be very good!
  5. It's called "Glow Paint", I found it at an art supply store, 4 oz for about $5.00 usd. I believe Justin uses an acrylic to seal the decals as I do, so it should all be compatible. I've used all sorts of things to apply it. For the round markers I use a round toothpick that I flatten the tip on. One drop dead center, let it dry a few minutes (usually by the last marker) and give it a 2nd drop. For the coronet and straight markers I've tried various shapes with the toothpicks, a sewing needle (recommended by RolexAddict, he uses a water based like this too), and of late a nib and nib holder - like a calligraphy pen or the dip old fountain pen. So far I have discovered two things I just can't seem to be able to do. One is to take decent macro pics and the other is to make a straight line when luming. But I never quit!! The nice thing about this glow paint is that you can add water to thin it if you wish to, and if you mess it up you can simply wipe it off with a damp tissue. I have successfully removed lume that was dried for weeks with no damage to the dial/decal. That's why I like it so, it's very forgiving. You said you have black painted dials. You'll need to know if Justin printed the decals on white decal paper or clear decal paper. On white should be no problem. If on clear the black dial will hide the lettering and markers. Inkjet does not print white, so the lighter colors such as whites, yellows and gold are very opaque. I did my first on a black dial and saw no lettering at all! Since, I've used white on the dial, almond, and bare brass with varying smoothness. The dial above on the left is bare brass finish sanded with 1500, very smooth. The one on the right is sanded using 400 grit and leaving the swirls in for a more 'gilt' look. And of course, I'm still learning!
  6. I've been using the water slide decals for a couple of years now. I'm still learning how to lume, and not very good at it yet. I intend on using the fine oiler method to see if I can get better. But what I use for lume is an acrylic water based 'Glow Paint'. It comes in a whitish lume looking color, and I tint it using one of those 99¢ kids water color paint set. A tiny piece of the dry/hardened brown mixed in until it is the color I want. It gives that grainy textured look. So far, in over 2 years I haven't had any failure in terms of adhesion or breaking down at all. Here are two samples, again not much talent, especially on the markers, but you can get an idea of the material.
  7. My first attempt came out too skinny! But I think I've got it right now. I'll be introducing them next week, if all goes well. By the way, I thought Lexan to be almost indestructible too as it's used for bullet proof glass on jet fighters. But the first one I shipped was broken by the USPS. The 'Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor gloom of night' guys can break anything!
  8. Already done. One of my friends who owns a pawn shop got fooled on a GMTIIc a few weeks ago. I pointed out the incorrect hand stack and the lack of A/R on the cyclops. They thought they had a good one at $2,000usd, and wanted me to buy it. They are really PO'd.
  9. I really don't know which one is crazier, the clasp or this insert that had 17 bids and sold for $647usd:
  10. I wanted a matched set, but he only had the one, So I passed on it.
  11. This is mine with the A7750. I love it, but I've only worn it twice because my old eyes can't read it! I got it from Joshua.
  12. I think this might be it. http://www.rwgforum.com/topic/110558-eta-2846-modification/
  13. I would say 'almost'. Yes, big business and big money do influence much of the country, and have the funds to push politics and lawmakers their way. The deregulations done under the Bush/Cheney Administration and GOP led congress are proof of that, along with the vanishing pensions thanks to the 'Enron Loophole'. The Republican/conservative led Supreme Court ruled that corporations CAN affect our elections with their money, over the strong objections of our President, and thanks to the do nothing GOP led House. That includes corporations such as British Petroleum, Saudi Oil and Chavez' Citgo. You see, dictatorships and socialist/communist politics don't matter to big business, only money does. And some people want more deregulations. BUT... there are some politicians who DO care about their constituents. Not nearly enough, but some. And there are others that will bend to public demands fearing for their job. Not the best of situations but it gets the job done. We have witnessed big business being beaten. See what Obama did to GM. And British Petroleum. They are not all powerful just yet. The power in this Nation still resides with the People. As Carlin said, most people don't seem to care. That is how big business gets our power, when The People don't take care of the power, they take it. Keep an eye on the Wall Street Protesters. If they continue to grow, and if they get real American Leadership, you just might want to become part of it.
  14. The pizza guy is not "beating" the President, and none of the Republican candidates poll better than the president. But the latest polls do show that the Wall Street Protesters have a higher approval rating than the Tea party does.
  15. My "factual repertoire" disputes your opinion. Nope, the Tea Party elected did not campaign on or promise what they've so far delivered. Before they even took their oath Grover Norquist strong-armed them to sign his pledge to not raise taxes - EVER. Without knowing a single issue, without understanding how to govern, with no knowledge of their job at hand, they signed. That, added to the marching orders from the Koch brothers, and the Tea Party clearly shows they do not represent their constituents. The protests in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana, recall elections held and still coming, a 12% approval for the Republicans in congress after making John Boehner cry again over the debt ceiling, and the current protesters on Wall Street whose movement is exploding across the Nation, looks to me that it is the Tea Party that will be "short lived". And that guy who ran the corporate pizza chain squeezing every nickel out of the tomato sauce? He is not more popular than the President, that's simply not true. He wasn't even a blip on the radar 3 weeks ago, the secessionist from Texas was. "Establishment" Republicans are desperate for a candidate who isn't a member of a "cult", isn't 'W' #2, and certainly won't back Cain much more than they do Obama, and for the very same reason. Thanks to the GOP Los Bravos would have a comeback hit. 'Black is black, I want my country back...'
  16. "WE" bought into what the Tea Party/Republicans were selling, and then didn't do. We voted for jobs and got job cuts. The Democrats caused what?
  17. Clinton was not "great", but he was very good. The rest, as i said before, is your opinion, and it seems to be the opinion of many a right-wing blog. It is not fact.
  18. The government's job is to serve the People. WE are the government, and if we want the government to create jobs, then it should. Obama has done plenty and then some. His opposition has done nothing but stymie at every opportunity. No, there are not plenty of people who would rather be getting unemployment than be working. That's a ridiculous conservative talking point.
  19. The SS part. I voted for Bush1 in `92 and Dole in `96. I didn't understand what Clinton was doing to our military. Once I did, I wish I had voted for him.
  20. I looked all over for that and all I found were right-wing blogs making that accusation. Blogs are just another opinion, as yours is. But not fact. I said it then, and I haven't changed my mind. I would have bought a hooker and paid for Clinton's weekly BJ if it meant that he'd maintain the record level employment, record level growth, a balanced budget with a plan to pay down the National Debt by 2006, and the leadership to bring the first attacker of the Twin Towers to justice.
  21. That thread would be worthless without pics... As memory serves, I believe onzenuub could be quite helpful in such an endeavor.
  22. It might be regional or an exeption, but my next door neighbor's son started doing lawns in high school, expanded the business and paid his way through college, and now has a 25 man crew and equipment to do it all, including snow plowing in the winter.
  23. The Obama Administration has deployed more troops on our border than any of his predecessors. It did little good, just as a fence would do nothing but keep people in. But what we saw while Bush was still in office and the economy was crashing was a huge exodus of illegals. No jobs, they left. They've since come back. A couple of months ago the Obama Administration changed the method of dealing with illegals. They no longer chase them down (except illegals with criminal records. There have been several sweeps done in the past few weeks that rounded up several thousand) but instead call on businesses during business hours. If illegals are found they are sent home, and the business is heavily fined. No jobs, they will leave. At the present time we need those jobs for American citizens more than for illegals. 2. That's OK, just don't tax rep watches!! But kidding aside, think about how much money must be spent over the internet that is not generating sales tax. That has an affect on local, county, state and federal programs. We used to pay a sales tax on everything we bought. I'd bet just the people on this site, being used to buying on the net, pay a small percentage of what they used to before the net.
  24. That would be the de-regulations by the Bush Administration.
  25. The Stimulus Plan was a success. Even the conservative leaning Wall Street Journal said that. It kept us from what Bush called a "coming depression", brought us out of recession and into recovery. This recovery is slowed, but it is slowed by Obama's opposition. But the Stimulus Plan was not used to bail out any business or corporations. That was Bush's TARP parting give-a-way gift to Wall Street. When Obama took office he changed TARP to be loans charging 8% interest, and requiring proof that the company repaying the money was stable on their own You might remember banks and firms waiting, paying interest, to pay it back because now it cost them money. Obama extended bailouts from TARP to only 2 companies, GM and Chrysler. GM had to re-organize and get a new boss, Chrysler had to get a buyer. Both have, both have paid back TARP, plus interest. Obama has gotten most of our TARP tax dollars back, interest included, in the Treasury. Glass-Steagall is dead and gone, buried by the right. Congress under Pelosi, and with Obama's urging, put regs back in, but did not have the power to male those regs as strong as they used to be. Since last November, nothing Obama wants will be passed, even programs the right has previously supported. The Republican/Tea party will only cut jobs, not allowing any new jobs in government. See Paul Ryan's proposal. It wasn't just trying to cut SS and Medicare. They have the legislative power for now, and nothing will get done by them while Obama is president. The unemployed are NOT "welfare bums". The Nation was hemorrhaging jobs before Obama took office. How quickly we forget. Again, the right is blocking it. Obama's job bill that tonight got 51 Democrat votes in the Senate. Obama has made a tour of the country going to the very districts McConnell and Boehner represent pointing out all the infrastructure that needs repair. But they won't vote for the president's plan to put people to work and do those repairs. Why? Because high unemployment should allow the GOP to defeat Obama in 2012. They are betting none of those bridges the President pointed out will collapse with a school bus on it. The Republican/Tea Party will not pass anything that will help Obama, which means they will not help the People. And they are the ones who crashed this economy in the first place. I really don';t want to get into this on this site. I come here to talk about watches. But I do have very strong feelings for this Nation. I cannot, and will not allow any FOX 'news' and/or right-wing revisionist history B.S. to be posted unchallenged.
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