The problem here is that it HAS worked, with the formation of Israel and the bombings by the then terrorists on the British.
The IRA saw that worked and obviously took it from there.
The pity is that man-made religions are used as a tool of control, with so many restrictions that, for example, led to the stagnation of Ancient Greece as the pre-eminent civilization, as they embraced Christianity. The Judaic religions are the first to outlaw homosexuality to be seen as different, and christianity went on to ban the other religions and "demonize" the popular Gods, such as Pan, who is now the image of the devil (even though scripturally, neither the devil or hell exists in judaism, christianity or islam).
Funny how these, initially polytheistic, religions have worked politically to gain the positions that they hold today. All justified by a bunch of myths and fables - children's stories
Great read though.(PS. I havent read all the pages, got to page 2 and posted and now have to get back to work!)