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Everything posted by jkerouac

  1. GMT hand. Although chronos are sexier, and might be more useful in a greater variety of scenarios, the truth is that GMT hands provide me with the greatest payback on a day in day out basic, at least once you get beyond basic day and date functions.
  2. Why don't you simply take both, or even a third, one or two for day wear, and one or two for evenings?
  3. jkerouac


    Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in a Chicago Park when a crazed Rottweiler suddenly attacks one of the boys. Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his hockey stick, shoves it under the dog's collar, twists it and breaks the dog's neck, saving his friend. A reporter is standing by, sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy. "Young Cub Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal," he starts writing in his notebook. "But I'm not a Cubs fan," the little boy replies. "Sorry, but since we're in Chicago, I just assumed you were," says the reporter and starts writing again. "Sox Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack," he writes in his notebook. "But I'm not a Sox fan either," the little boy replies. "Sorry, but since we're in Chicago, I just assumed you were," says the reporter and starts writing a gain. "Bears Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack," he writes in his notebook. "I'm not a Bears fan either," says the boy. "Oh... I assumed everyone in Chicago was either for the Cubs, Sox or Bears. What team do you root for?" the reporter asked. "I'm a Colts fan," the boy replies. The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes: "Little Bastard From Indiana Kills Beloved Family Pet!"
  4. Isn't it a bit early to be getting upset about a grey dial that no one has even received yet? I'm awaiting one and I am keeping an open mind, thank you. I've studied the pics on Breitling's own site and the grey dial there looks darker than the one in the Blower's pic. But then, the Blower's pic looks as if it was distorted, perhaps by the AR coating.
  5. Nice review, Joe. Let me know if your brother can't follow through. I could probably find some spare wrist time.... at least until my own Evo arrives.
  6. As JTB said a few posts ago, Andrew and Joshua have been around a long time -- but not so long that even I remember their earliest offerings through the predecessor boards. If I recall correctly, Andrew's first offerings were inexpensive ($100 or so) watches that he marketed with over the top prose. My only purchases from Andrew were made during those early days, and while the watches themselves were nothing to write home about, he went out of his way to treat me fairly when a problem arose. I think the market (that is, members) helped educate him to the money to be made offering higher quality watches at somewhat higher prices. As his selection and quality improved, he also became more adept at communicating with the knowledgeable collector community. That he offers good value at a (mostly) competitive price does not make him any less of a competitive businessman. The success of his Web site and business proves this. I began dealing with Joshua after my purchases from Andrew, and liked doing business with him for offering quality reps at good prices. At that time he, too, had not yet set up his Web site. Pleasant, responsive, good value on the watches that you desire. I have never had a problem with any of his watches, so I cannot comment on his service follow through-- but others have attested to that. I may not be the most active buyer on the board, and have spread my business around in order to experience different dealers, but Joshua has been and probably will remain my primary dealer. At the same time I have no dobt that he is a competitve businessman as well. Both Joshua and Andrew owe much of their success to the people on the board. And we are fortunate to have them as members of our community. They are great guys. But they also need to take to heart that the critiques delivered in these posts, whether in Pug's White Lies thread or in the Dealer Reviews section. Describe your wares accurately, price fairly, deliver on promises, and business will come your way. Take criticism and constructive suggestions in stride and use them to make your businesses even stronger. Try to BS or otherwise take advantage of the knowledgeable folks on the board, and there are other dealers waiting in the wings to accept our business. Pesonally I look forward to doing more business with Joshua and Andrew. But it's their call.
  7. Check out the links they provide, then the key line is to configure IE to recognize and communicate with, or through, the proxy. As they say: go to IE --> Extra --> internet options --> connections --> LAn Settings --> add the proxy ip there, press okay, refres comcast a couple of times and then click to load the webplayer. It won't display the error report. Try untill it works. In my IE you go to Tools--> Internet Options--> and so on. Where it says add the proxy ip, that's the ip address, which they need to provide you. You may need to enter this under Advanced settings. And 'refres' means 'refresh' just in case you didn't catch their typo.
  8. I just found this link for you. They claim to stream NHL matches to PCs: http://www.myp2p.eu/NHL.htm Good luck.
  9. Comcast is not a channel, but a cable company. They also provide my Internet connection, and they would like to be my phone company as well. As for your question, I'm truly sorry, By-Tor, but I can't help you. My suggestion is to go to the NHL's own Web site and see if they have an option for streaming hockey matches outside North America. Since Comcast is just a carrier, they should not be your only option.
  10. You do know how to perk up eyes, ears.... and heartbeats, at least among those of us who are eagerly awaiting our new Evos. As for those who are wondering about how grey the grey dial is, you might wander over to www.breitling.com and look at their pictures for comparison. I have not visited an AD to view the Evo in person, but based on both PT's and Breitling's pictures, I assume the grey dial will be darker than, for example, the grey dial Tag chrono. But I, too, hope it is closer to grey than to black, because that is a gap in my collection that I am hoping to fill. For me that was the deciding factor between the graphite and grey dial models. Some of us should know for sure by the end of this week or (more likely) the beginning of next week. Sigh.
  11. The other day I looked for information regarding when I need to renew my membership. I couldn't find it. My guess is that I am on an annual membership and that my membership will expire around the same time as all the other people who joined RWG2 during the "Great Migration of 2006."
  12. The grey dial evo is my next watch as well. It shouldn't be more than a week or so now....I hope.
  13. Three (essentially) options in my house: First, if my wife is home to sign for the package or sees the delivery attempt slip from China, the game is over. Just fess up. If I am home to take delivery, I might not wear it around her (or at the very least not wave it around conspicuously) so that by the time a few weeks later she asks "Is that a new watch?" I can say with a straight face and in all honesty, "No, I've had it awhile." Finally, when she asks how much a particular watch cost, I usually apply a significant discount to my answer for any watch over $200. Somehow I don't think I could explain to her the concept of a $300+ replica, let alone that I have so many (we have separate credit cards). The net result, even though she complains of clutter and that we have too much "stuff," still she says she likes the fact that I enjoy collecting watches. She buys clothes and periodically visits a local spa. I (primarily) collect watches.
  14. We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. Jonathan Swift
  15. Admin, You know a lot about watches You know a lot about finance and economics. But in my opinion you have a handle on even greater lessons about life by following your heart instincts rather than simply the dollar (or pound). Follow your hearts desire, and therein find prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment. I wish all of these things for you, friend Admin.
  16. The last point (that is, yours) is the most true -- these claims have been posted and discussed here many times before. Decide for yourself whether any of them are or are not valid.
  17. They have announced the 2006 winners of the Darwin Awards. For those of you who are not familiar with the Darwin Awards, perhaps the following alternative mottos will give you an idea what they are about: "Chlorinating the Gene Pool" "Where Evolution Hits the Pavement" "Die and Learn" "The Tree of Life is Self-Pruning" Or meditate on this haiku: Dude had a screw loose. Glad he didn't reproduce. Darwin saves the day! Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely. But enough for build-up, on to this year's winners: 2006 RUNNER UP: Copper Kite Darwin Award -- Confirmed "One string short of a kite." (19 March 2006, Belize) Benjamin Franklin reputedly flew his kite in a lightning storm, going on to discover that lightning equals electricity. However, certain precautions must be taken to avoid sudden electrocution. Kennon, 26, replicated the conditions of Ben Franklin's experiment, but without Ben's sensible safety precautions. Dennon was flying a kite with a short string that he had extended with a length of thin copper wire. The copper made contact with a high-tension line, sending a bolt of electrical lightning towards the man. Just bad luck? Kennon's father told listeners his son was an electrician, and "should have known better." Kennon is survived by his parents, six sisters, and five brothers. --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+-+ 2006 RUNNER UP: Hammer of Doom Darwin Award -- Confirmed August brought us a winner from Brazil, who tried to disassemble a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) by driving back and forth over it with a car. This technique was ineffective, so he escalated to pounding the RPG with a sledgehammer. The second try worked--in a sense. The explosion proved fatal to one man, six cars, and the repair shop wherein the efforts took place. 14 more RPG grenades were found in a car parked nearby. Police believe the ammunition was being scavenged to sell as scrap metal. If it wasn't scrap then, it certainly is now! --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+-+ And the 2006 DARWIN AWARD Winner is... HIGH ON LIFE: "Take a deep breath..." (3 June 2006, Florida) Two more candidates have thrown themselves into the running for a Darwin Award. The feet of Jason and Sara, both 21, were found protruding from a deflated, huge helium advertising balloon. Jason was a college student, and Sara attended community college, but apparently their education had glossed over the importance of oxygen. When one breathes helium, the lack of oxygen in the bloodstream causes a rapid loss of consciousness. Some euthanasia experts advocate the use of helium to painlessly end one's life. The pair pulled down the 8' balloon, and climbed inside. Their last words consisted of high-pitched, incoherent giggling as they slowly passed out and passed into the hereafter. Sheriff's deputies said the two were not victims of foul play. No drugs or alcohol were found. The medical examiner reported that helium inhalation was a significant factor in their deaths. A family member said "Sara was mischievous, to be honest. She liked fun and it cost her."
  18. Is the sound card integrated on the motherboard or not? If integrated, then you might be out of luck. If separate, then you could try to swap cards temporarily with someone who has a similar or the same model. As for the Apple suggestion, it's grand to hear that sound cards or circuits never burn out on Apple computers.
  19. I think there would be problems with a US citizen setting up a US account on behalf of one or more dealers. You need to give them your social security number and there could be tax consequences for all of that money flowing in and out. Plus of course there is a possibility (remote or not) of the government wondering whether all that money flowing from your account out of the country is perhaps intended to support terrorism. That it actually goes to support a relatively innocuous activiity such as commerce in counterfeit watches would not do you much good either.
  20. jkerouac

    Go Bears

    Helluva football day for me. I've in Seattle for the last 13 years. Go Hawks! Before that I live in Chicago for 12 years. Go Bears! Before that I lived in Boston for four years. Go Pats! And I've spent a lot of time in San Diego and came very close to moving there as well. Go Chargers! Seriously, I will be cheering for the winners of both games to go all the way to the Super Bowl, and for one of the four to win it all. Seattle has been erratic this season, but so have the Bears. Whoever can show me that they can put together the most solid game will earn my support. Until one of the two distinguishes themselves, I will go for the Hawks. I feel the same about the second game, although I lean a bit more toward SD because the Pats have won more championships and SD has been more consistent this season. On the other hand, if New Orleans wins the NFC it would be hard to cheer against one of the ultimate Cinderella stories in US football.
  21. Hang in there, Neil. Your friends and supporters on the boards outnumber the morons, troublemakers, or enemies by a vast margin. Your presence has been missed. And having dealt with periodic bronchial viruses myself I know what kind of pain they bring and toll they can take on day to day activities. You and the other trusted dealers are our friends and allies in a complex, often hostile business climate. As has been expressed on the board many times, we want you to succeed and to profit from your efforts on our behalf. On top of that, I always look forward to a good Neil/TTK post, whether it includes stunning photos that put the gen manufacturers to shame, your strong opinions on the world today.... or flaming someone who ought to know better. Get better, and may you enjoy many more profitable and enjoyable years in the community.
  22. Maybe ask yourself this -- if you were Bond, which would you wear, a classy sports watch, or a classy sports watch that has your 007 identification splashed all over it? If all secret agents had their id codes splashed over them, they wouldn't be particularly secret, would they? I love the Bond movies but find the notion of having 007 logos splashed across my watch, or the new spiral pattern, a bit too much.
  23. I will admit that I haven't read every word of every post on this thread, but my overall reaction is that a lot of you are drinking serious Apple kool aid. This phone offers some significant advances in UI, but will also have serious limitations as a phone and as an MP3 player. Many people will buy it for the "cool" factor, but people who need superior performance in any one of its primary functions will probably pass it by. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they introduced their iphone because it will force other phone-mp3 manufacturers, cell providers, and Microsoft to expand their thinking and accelerate the pace of innovation. Aside from the phone, for me it is actually more significant that Apple changed its name by dropping the "Computer." My guess is that they think they can do better by competing against the Motorolas, Samsungs, Creatives, and Sonys than simply taking on MS, Dell, IBM, etc. In the end, they cannot continue to expand their profitability in the computer arena as much as they can by sprinkling their "fairy dust" on other sectors of the market. And only if they can follow through in other segments of the electronics market will they become more than a trendy boutique-class manufacturer.
  24. 1969 Mustang Grande 351 cui V-8. It remains one of the favorites among the cars that I have owned. P.S. I found the image on the Web. Mine was orange-red.
  25. My favorite part of the Beckham announcement was when he said he wasn't doing it for the money but for the kids and to help make soccer more popular in America. They should toss in a Nobel Peace Prize for his altruistic motivation. Just repeat, "it's not about the money, it's not about the money, it's not about the money...."
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