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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Congratz Craig on the V3 and the soon to be on your wrist UPO, Merry Christmas Mike
  2. I usally dont wear one of my nice reps If im going to be In close proximity to others that might comment on the watch,let me explain. If Im going to be around people that I know dont wear a expensive watch then I try to avoid a situation were my watch might become a focal point. Im just not In the mood to discuss my watch to a bunch of people who know nothing about watches other than Rolex's are expensive. My friend Jery looked at my watch about a six months ago and said "nice Panerai Mike, business must be good". I said "thanks I really do like It and business was ok" I saw him about a week later and told him that It was a replica. He said that he was more Impressed knowing that I did not spend thousands of dollars for the watch. Jerry has been collecting watches for over tweenty years. Two weeks later he orderd a Panerai 111 from Josh. I just like to pick and choose(if possable) how I approach conversations about the reps that I have. Mike
  3. Holly [censored] those beers must have taken there toll. Allow me to digress, England Is a beautiful country not to be confused with London, although quite nice I perfer England. Dam hangovers Mike
  4. It's true that you are the only one who can answer that question. That being said the SA Is a outstanding replication and deserves serious consideration Imho, good luck Mike
  5. Joined Nov 08? WTF? dude you got to get out more All kidding aside. Thanks for the Intro. Sunny England must be a oxymoron.(jumbo shrimp) I was In England twelve years ago and It rained everyday I was there, about a week. I thought I was going to have "SDS" sun deprevation syndrome. Otherwise known as "SAD seasonal affective disorder. I was hoping that paper I did In college would come In handy one day England Is a beautiful city and I hope to go back one day. See ya around Mike
  6. I know you did this review about a year ago. It Is one of the reasons I orderd this(yellow)SW. Thanks for the great review and Information. I think the graphite dial Is very close to the gen but like others have stated, black and yellow are spot on. Mike
  7. maxman


    The question Is "rep or gen"? Im sorry but It's a rep no matter what, wear and why. That being said It's a very nice SA. Mike
  8. Im with Lanikai, very nice Indeed Mike
  9. I have been on the fence with this watch for about a month. Thanks for your review Amstaff, this Is a great looking piece. @Sql-pl nice wrist shot, thanks Mike
  10. I thought at first you were just kidding about being a crab. Im now thinking that you are Indeed a real crab I guess you have to wear a 35mm or under with those small little crab claws. Might want to stick with the laddies watches.No offence just trying to be helpful. I do have a question? Are you soft or hard...... shell
  11. Welcome to are humble abode glippy, good to have you with us, hope you enjoy your stay Mike
  12. That Is one beautiful watch on a very nice looking strap, thanks for the great pics and wear It In the best of health. Indeed Spidey has skills Mike
  13. Hey Brian nice collection you got going there. I have never been a big fan of rg watches. I have to admit that that MBTW Is very tempting. That Rolex SD also looks very nice. Wear them well my man Mike
  14. Welcome to RWG Chris Thanks for stoping by and allowing other members a chance to get to know you a little better. RWG Is one of the best If not the best watch forums on the net. Im sure you will agree In due time. If you have any questions dont hesitate Mike
  15. I used to work with this girl who was a vegan, or she drove a Vegga, I cant seem to remember. Anyhoooo we would at times have lunch together and she would go on and on about how disgusting people were that ate meat. She would go on and on about the poor creatures and how they were slaughterd. I wanted to shut her up but she was hot as hell and to be honest I was hoping to get into those broccoli loving pants. I saw this was probably not going to happen anytime soon(getting Into her pants that Is) so one day I spoke up. I says "hey Francine nice snake print handbag you got there Is that real?" She reacted as I hope she would. She says " of course It Is, Payed $500.00 for It Mike", I really have to be honest here and admit that all I was thinking about Is getting Into those hot little pants, true Back to the story. I said some people would think you were Insensitive to gods creatures. I said there are people who would be appalled that one would flaunt the skin of this reptile just so they could look good, you know , be fashionable. I told her that there were folks who love snakes and would find her actions barbaric. There went any chance of getting Into those, well you know. In her mind It was ok to wear the skin of a snake because she did not like snakes. But to kill a cow and use It for human consumption was appalling to this [censored]. She could not connect the dots. I honestly dont care how you feel Dani, I really dont. What botherd me was telling Deniz you did not give a [censored] about his losing about $200.00 usd. I felt that was uncalled for and was rude. Dani your a good guy and a great member as far as Im concerned, hey I joined your facebook page to try to offer support on the dog situation, I really do get It, really. I was tring to make a point Dani that some people would be turned off about eating or wearing animals as one would feel about a gator or lizard or whatever. Perception Is a [censored]. Personaly I try to respect everyones point of view even If I dont agree with It. Well I got to go fire up the grill, tonight were having Komodo kabobs.
  16. Welcome to RWG Harris. Best to take your time and have a good look around. I have a 7 1/2 wrist and the breitling SA Is about as big as I would want to go, 48.5mm 18-19mm thick, It's a big boy and a excellent replication, the black dial more so. The blue and white(sliver) dials are off a tad as far as color but hardly noticeable. The Sea Wolf may be my favorite, 45mm 17-18 mm thick, nice and beefy. Imho this Is one of the best reps available, very well done with a Swiss ETA 2824. Stick to the trusted dealers and you wont go wrong, good luck Mike
  17. That Is one beautiful breit your a lucky man MP, a lucky man Indeed Mike
  18. Well I dont think there Is any movement to service, not In the traditional sence anyway. As far as I know you just change the batteries and replace the gaskets(seals) and your good to go. This Is the reason so many people like quartz watches, very low maintenance. The more time you spend In salt water the more you need to be concerned with the above. I could be wrong but this Is what I have been led to believe. Mike
  19. Deniz you know how I feel about your situation I feel really bad. But I must admit one thing Deniz, you have the most Important qualitys one could hope to have In this hobby. Deniz you have "patience" and a very "good attitude". These two attributes will allow you to enjoy this hobby for years to come. Good for you my man Im sure things will work out just fine. Mike
  20. Go to are trusted collecters(dealers)area, they all have the 43mm version Mike
  21. The Po Is always a good choice. Spend some time In the Omega area and you will need all you need to know about this model. I just purchased the orange chrono PO. I know the watch has some issues but I still like It very much, good luck with your next purchase. Mike
  22. Or you could just buy a quartz and disreguard most of the above. The quartz will also be a much more accurate time keeper. But where Is the fun In that?
  23. +1 Indeed you do have talent. Take off your shoes and stay awhile. welcome to RWG Jessie Mike (ps) I would have done a potato joke but Im sure that gets old quick
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