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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Congratz Offshore, nice pick up Indeed. Im looking foward to the follow up, thanks Mike
  2. Brings a tear to my eye he he he
  3. Good luck Craig.(do you have a list?) ;)I agree that It should not be a great rep at that price point but hopefuly It wont be total crap, you never know. Props to Mbjoer for some very good advice Indeed Mike
  4. Thanks for trying fitipaldi. Im sure with a little help from are "outstanding" and "award winning" staff all should be fine Mike
  5. To Fitipaldi, I think you should change the title of this thread. Asian7750(Tony) Is not a scamer. I think tony Is attempting to do the right thing, Im sure you will to as a act of good faith. Mike
  6. I did send a message to Tony last night giving him the old "heads up" on this thread. He sent me a reply this morning thanking me for the message and a breif explanation. He said that not only was there no tracking number but he said that It was In French(canadian) Tony does a pretty good job with his English but French Canadian Is not In his repatriere. He said that he would have tried to make things right sooner but the language barrier was a Issue. I think things should go smoothly from here. Mike
  7. Good for you fitipaldi, I hope everything works out well for you, good luck and keep us posted. Mike
  8. Ok Jack, no harm no foul. It's just that there Is always two sides to a story, always. I guess my point Is that Josh and Andrew might have made some poor choices In the past, OK fair enough, who hasn't? Tony could have also made some better decisions as far as the pics are concerned. Maybe this thread will be a wake up call. I purchase from both of these dealers. I just dont think It's fair to call Tony a scam artist. That may suggest that he rips members off, he's a good guy who sell's a good product. This has been my experence Mike
  9. It's best to know what your talking about or one can stick there foot In there mouth.I know, thats a callus remark But before you get all preechy and the like you might want to know why Josh and Andrew dont pedal there merchandise at Rep Geek anymore. Because they were asked to leave.It's always a good Idea to know what your talking about before you sound off Dont get me wrong I think Josh and Andrew are good dealers but so Is Tony.
  10. Same here, I have purchased five reps from Tony, not one issue. Sometimes he Is a little slow whith the tracking # but thats about It. I really dont pay to much attention to tracking # anymore so no big deal for me. I had one watch that looked like I might have to send back. Tony said no problem. I was able to resolve the issue with my local watch repair person for a few bucks. Im really sorry to hear this, send me a PM If you think I can help you out, you never know, good luck Mike
  11. Hey Deniz how you doing? How's your new PO? I say to each his own. I understand having a project that becomes a labor of love. Back In 2001 I restored a 1971 Pontiac Trans Am. I had around $25.000 Into It when I was done. Some of my family and friends thought I was crazy, I to thought I might have gone overboard. But to me It was worth every penny and I trully loved that car. I sold It a few years later and made my money back. So I do understand what It Is to have a specal project and to see that project come together. I personaly would not Invest more then $1000.00 In a rep, but thats just me. There are some nice Gens that can be purchased for that kind of money,especially In this economy. My friend just purchased a 7753 movement for $600.00 and Is going to drop It In his MB timewalker, no more sunken DW. By time he Is done with this watch he will have quite a bit of money In the MB. But he loves this particular watch and It's worth It to him to do It. Will he be able to turn around and recoup his investment? I dont think so but you never know. Good topic Deniz, see you on the autobahn Mike
  12. Thanks for your Avatar, I just spit my coffee all over my keyboard
  13. I would have to say that Hooky has given you a very good description of the 7750. All my 7750's (eight) have a slight jerky movement. If you want the smoothest sweep possable I would go with a ETA three hand movement. The Asian clones are also very smooth, you can see some videos on youtube that show the smooth sweep of these movements, good luck Mike
  14. Congratz Hike, you are trully a fantastic asset to this community. Please keep those wonderful pics comming. I (dive) at (five) and there's no (muff) to (tough) Mike
  15. I have looked at several pics of this B&R crown and pushers. They dont look to be shiny to me. I just recieved my Omega PO chrono a few days ago. The stickers were a real pita to get off. I dont remember them being so dificult to remove In the past. I just took my time and used me finger nail, but I knew that these were stickers. I would not go any further unless you know for sure, I would contact your dealer. Send them a pic If you can so they know exactly what your refering to, good luck Mike
  16. charlie all I can say Is you have a lot of class. It takes a big person to apologize. I do think I understand where your comming from, but In the heat of the moment we sometimes act out more aggressively than we should. But I do agree that this guy being a colleague and turnning around and tring to insult someone In front of other people Is really a no class move. We just never know about some people Mike
  17. No problem, It sounds to me like your bracelet just needs a pin like you said. The bracelet that I had came apart In sections near the lugs. Because of the design the sections of links could not be put back together. From your decription your bracelet just needs a pin, thats good to hear. :)Mike
  18. Thanks for stoping by, I hope you are enjoying your reps. I have a breit Motors T that I really like. Mike
  19. Well sence were on the topic of jerks, Im glad you showed up. Did bjl3910 Insult you In any way? I dont think so but you felt It necessary to call him a jerk. Well If not anything else you have certainly proven who the real jerk Is, nice
  20. Brian this guy at the pub went out of his way to embarrass and humiliate you In a public place, In front of other people. As far as Im concerned the gloves come off at this point. If you were to just sit there and take It I would think that you had no back bone or self respect. I think this Is a good example of "what go's around comes around", again good job Mike
  21. Hey Charlie, there Is this old saying "If you cant say something nice then maybe It's better to nothing at all" Happy New year
  22. Toads not MOTY for nothing, all of the Information he gave you Is spot on as always I have eight 7750 movements and all of them are doing well. It Is very true what The Zigmeister says about servicing Imho. My Pam 250 Is about ten months old and It started to run a bit slow, off to the watch repair person for servicing It go's. If you really like the watch and would like to keep It for as long as posable then have It serviced within a year. Always make sure that your 7750 watch Is set at 6 so as not to do damage to the gears. Between 10-2 Is when most dates are changing over and this Is when you want to avoid changing the date manually, so set It at 6 o clock. Im also very careful when I pull out the crown. I noticed that they can be weak and If not treated gently, It could cause you problems. The crown tubes can be very thin. The more careful you are the better off you should be. I always have to remind myself that these are chinese made reps. They may look very much like the genuine article but they are not built to same high Swiss standards. As the old saying go's " take care of your rep and It will take care of you, hopfully Mike
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