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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome to RWG Doc. I can assure you that RWG Is one of the most Informative watch sites In existence. The knowledge and expertise here Is beyond reproach. I have visited some other sites just to compare notes, well there Is no comparison. I think In time you will agree. If you have any questions dont hesitate. Mike
  2. I had to pick up some SS polish for my kitchen appliances. While polishing my refridgerator I thought about this thread. I recieved a Breitling SA about six months ago. It arrived with the AR scratched all to hell, looked like [censored]. I gave pete's SS polish tip a try and It Indeed worked very well. It took about 20 min or so but the crystal Is ..well just that, crystal clear. I also put some rainx on the crystal and the rest of the watch, a little tip I picked up form my watch repair guy. It's kinda cool when you get caught in the rain. The water just beads up and it's gone. I apply the product to the whole watch, crystal, bezel, case, bracelet. Leave it on for about 20 min or so then buff off. It's great quick touch up, works well. Again, thank you Pete for the great tip. Mike
  3. I agree but some subjects walk a fine line, maybe I crossed that line. One thing we can all agree on Is, everyones opinion is valid, as long as It's presented In a respectful manor.
  4. Oh boy, let me try this again. This Is a deverse community, not everyone feels the same way about every subject. The Important thing Is to be respectful of everyones opinion, good bad or Indifferent. Btw your the one with the back door comment, just saying When I talk about the quartz vs auto debate Im refering to how It applys to myself. It's how "I feel" about paticular watch or movement and how It makes me feel when I wear It, It's a personal thing. How you feel or anyone else feels Is there business, as It should be. I think your taking the snide remark out of context. The ticking second hand on whats supposed to be a expensive(relative) Swiss timepiece makes me feel the ways I described above. How does this affect you?, this I dont understand. Im not going to say anymore on the subject, at least not for the next 10 min Mike (ps) My friend David who resently became a member here was at a wedding several months back. he was wearing a quartz Rolex that he purchased In Peru. His friend who was sitting next to him looked down at Davids rep and said " did you know that Rolex Is a fake? David somewhat embarassed said " oh yea I knew that,I picked It up as fun watch", or something to that effect. The thing Is David did not know that Rolex makes no quartz movement. I think he was wearing a Datejust. His friend said that his father had a Rolex and told him that "the brand only makes auto movements". David came over to my house and we orderd him a Sub for $189.00, he payed $20.00 for his rep from Peru. I had the Sub sent to my address. When the watch arrived he was so happy. That conversation he had at the wedding had left a bad taste In his mouth With my luck I could be wearing a AP or a Concord or Panerai or another watch that we dont see to much of In the wild. With my luck I would be sitting next to a AD or expert who collects these watches and he/she would call me out In front of the girl I was trying to Impress I know that Rolex Is the most popular watch brand In the world. The likelihood of this happening to other less popular watches Is close to zero. that being said I can not remove those images from the wedding from my mind, the horror of It all Sorry to get off track but thought I would share this story. So be carful out there, you just never know Mike (ps)again, Although this Is a true story Im having some fun here so dont take It to seriously.
  5. Nice little review Eton, your pics show how bella this race inspired beauty really Is, fantastico It seems the Italians can do no wrong. The cars, watches, women, food,historical architecture, women, have you seen there women? OMG, GTFO Btw Tony@ asian7750 has this watch on sale for $208.00 Mike
  6. I have always liked the ferrari Pams, this a beautiful watch and the review Is very well done, thank you sir (ps) Tony at Asian7750 has these on sale for $208.00. I might just have to break down and get one at that price. Mike
  7. Well said and i agree with you 100% Congratz on the big 1000(28). Here's to the next 1000 Mike
  8. had to blow the cob webs off this one
  9. There Is no reason to explane yourself Cats, I think you make a very good point. He's looking at Marinamm20 as a trouble maker and this Is his way at getting back at him. The games that childern play.
  10. I like the Panerai Ferrari gran tourismo, the sub dials look exactly like speedo and RPM gauges. Mike
  11. Congratz, thats a beautiful SA you have there.I have the blue with the off white sub dials. I may change out the dial one day but for now It's ok. Wear It well my friend Mike
  12. Dam I almost forgot I tried to remove a few links from my Omega PO. Again I knew absolutely nothing about watches or bracelets when I arrived here, back to the bracelet. I tryed to remove the links from the lugs Instead of the clasp, the bracelet was runied I have sized many bracelets sence then but I will never forget the royal($65.00) F up. Mike
  13. Hey steve, welcome to RWG. I also like to dive. My motto Is, "I dive at five and there is no muff to tuff" yep thats my motto. Mike
  14. Thanks Jess, we appreciate your concern. If you have any questions dont hesitate. Mike
  15. I have brought this up more than once but I think It's worth repeating. When I first arrived here I knew nothing about watches or the movements that powered them. I thought that quartz movements were better than automatices because they were cheeper and performed the same functions. Why pay more for a automatic?, why Indeed.Then I started doing a lot of reading and research about movements. Most of what I learned I learned here at RWG. After sometime I started having more Interest In the movement than the watch Itself, Imagine that. Some people say that a "quartz has no sole" well I dont know about all that but It dosent have the "hands on" attention that a moving parts movement has, just a battery doing the work. For some that may be ok but I lost Interest In this type of set up. Before my revalation I had purchased two quartz reps. I got a Omega PO chrono and a Hublot BB quartz. The first few weeks I thought I liked them then something happened. I felt uncomfortable wearing them as I stated In a thread just about a week ago. I find It difficult to wear these watches and I will probabbly give them to my uncle who could care less about what movement Is In a watch. Thats about $300.00 down the drain. Not all the money In the world you understand but It still hurts I wish I had taken my time and done more research. I should have asked more questions. The good news Is that this Is the only regret(s) I have after twelve rep purchases. Im not telling anyone not to buy a quartz rep. What Im suggesting Is that you take your time and get to know a little more about movements. If you have a fair knowledge about movements and the watches they belong In and you still like the the quartz version, then fine, thats your choice. At least your making a educated purchase. The Op asked If anyone could share there experence and mistakes? so I thought this would apply. The best way for me to describe how I feel Is.... I like the few quartz watches that I have, they are great as a grab and go. But I have this passion for my mechanical and automatices. They seem play this wonderful symphony of time on your wrist. I just dont get that from a battery Mike
  16. It always amazeses me how little most sales people know about the product there selling. I wont go Into the rep vs gen debate because It's old and has been beaten to death over and over again. What you do with your watch, rep or gen Is your business and I could care less. To put a sales person In line Is sometimes needed. They usually have a good line of BS that can work when they are dealing with a consumer who Is not properly Informed. But when that person Is Informed on what ever product that they are looking at the sales person comes accross as a Idiot, as It shoud be Good for you man Mike
  17. I hope you stick around Jess. RWG wont help you make any money but we sure as hell will help you spend some sorry I couldn't resist Welcome all the same Mike
  18. +1 100% Josh is one of the best dealers around. This could have happened to anyone at anytime. We have to make concessions In this hobby.If you are not willing to do that than this hobby may not be for you, maybe. These are reps that we buy for pennies on the dollar In comparisson to there Swiss counterparts. There will be issues from time to time.Also the crown Is the weakest link In are reps.You cant be to gentle while setting the watch. Give Josh a chance and change the title of your thread, It's the right thing to do. good luck Mike
  19. It's about choices for me. I dont like to wear something that looks painfully obvious. But It's not just how It looks but how It feels. The quartz watches look great but that ticking seconds hand Is something I just cant deal with, so I dont. But thats just my opinion and has no reflection upon you, good luck Mike
  20. Well let me put It this way. There are really good reps and there are reps that are just ok, I choose the latter.If Im going to wear a watch thats Is supposed to be a high end Swiss timepiece then I want It to look the part. When your second hand Is ticking you look like a person (Imo) who dosent know a thing about watches or the movements In them. In other words you look like a poser, and not a good one at that. I think It looks silly. This Is how I feel about the subject. As far as the "back door slagging"??? my romance habits are no business of yours sir It's about choices, and I choose to have the correct movement In the watch that Im wearing. If people dont have a problem with this thats fine, more power to them. I dont mind wearing a rep but I dont like wearing a cheap rep. The $7000.00 Panerai with a $25.00 quartz movement In It just dosent do anything for me. Sometimes It's the untangible things that mean the most. It's not just how It's looks but how It feels that can make all the difference to someone. Mike
  21. Im really sorry you did not receive your refund, to think that your the one that started this thread. It's great that the other members got there refund but what about you? Im sure the members here wont forget that you were left out In the cold. Im sorry my friend, just remenber that what go's around comes around. I have never seen It fail.
  22. Two dream watches(If I won the lotto) The Frank Vila Cobra design or the UN Freak Black Out. Maybe the CONFRERIE HORLOGERE La Clef Temps Tourbillon, It's only 280,000 euros
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