It is entirely possible to remove the links. I actually removed every link from my MC in order to have some stretch in them. It is a HUGE pain in the ass to do and if you are not careful, you will seriously deform the mid links and make them look quite weird. It takes time and patience to do it.
Basically what I do is use a small jewelers screwdriver (one you don't particularly care about) and very gently come in the side of the mid link and pry it up just a little bit. Then I got to the other side of the mid link and do the same. In theory, if you were careful, the mid link will now be open up just a little bit and evenly. Then I use a large flat blade screwdriver (that is close to the overall width of the mid link) and gently bend the mid link open some more. I go a little bit at a time until it is open enough to remove the link below it.
To put it back together, I use a watch makers hammer with a nylon end on it and fold it back over. While I am hitting the mid link, I am pulling the hammer towards me so that the link bends with it's natural curve instead of just flattening the link (which will cause the link to have a rather large gap in it).
I believe there may have been a special tool designed for this sort of thing, but I haven't been able to find one yet.
Bottom line is, folded links are a pain, but when done right, the bracelets are so nice and comfortable (in my opinion).