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Everything posted by P_Diddy

  1. How much did that cost from Andrew? Is there variety in the date wheel on the gen? Have seen both white number on black background as well as black number on white background .
  2. #1 #2 My watch looks exactly the same as #2 and the Crown is BANG in the middle between watch case and inner edge of Crown guard. THERE IS MORE GAP THAN IT SHOULD BE, genuine PAM the gap is no more 25% whilst the Rep PAM gap is 50%, visually BIG gap! I 'handled' 3 genuine PAM handwind including a PAM 111. All three handwind PAMs had a SMALL gap between watch case and Crown, for all intended purposes it was 'almost 'flush. There was NO discernible gap and I also had a go at handwinding the genuine PAM movement and it feels so smooth like turning the crown to set the time compared to ratcheting feeling when winding Asian Unitas movements. Also when the gen PAM movement is fully wound its like a fully tightened screw, IMPOSSIBLE to turn anymore you would need to to HERCULES to turn it anymore when its fully wound! Anyway I digress and THERE WAS NO DISCERNIBLE GAP between watchcase and Crown for Genuine PAM handwind. After studying the 3 genuine handwind PAMs I conclude for Rep PAM handwinds the the top of the tube PROTRUDES too much from watch case and the Crown does not sit enough over the top of the tube. In fact the top of the gen tube is 50% shorter and a different shape more like a hexagonal short nut if that makes sense! Crown on rep PAM 111 NOT close to being FLUSH Any other advice other than 'matched tube and Crown"/ It seems the problem that the Crown does not "sit enough" over the top of tube when the Crown is depressed in? is it possible that the stem is too long or the rep tube is too long [i.e the bit that sticks out from end of watch case] the gen PAM tube is way shorter and sticks out 50% less than the Rep tube Advice and comments please
  3. I have done a search and can't find anything on how to perform the following Mod before anyone Jumps in on this thread! Thanks to HD on his wonderful CG tutorial where I have plagiarised the following photos for illustration purposes. Both PAMs are handwind movement and there appears to be some inconsistencies in manufacturing by the factories. The "bit" I'm referring to it the part of the tube that the thread sits in. The 1st pic shows the tube protruding from the watchcase 'too much' The 2nd pic shows the tube flush to the watchcase, "perfect" QUESTION for all you modders out there, how can I modify that part of the tube so the Crown sits FLUSH against the watch case? Before anyone says its not possible for Crown to be flush to watchcase for PAMs then please take a look at any of the Getat MM PAMs, about as flush to the watchcase work as you can get. All discussion and tips would be welcomed. This will be my first steps in modding
  4. What is the lug width or strap width for the gen Tri Compax Navitimer? How much does rep leather strap with butterfly clasp deployant cost for Tri Compax Navitimer?
  5. Are these available from all dealers or just Andrew? Anyone bought one and written a review, as not seen any posts on various rep fora? Cheers PD
  6. Is there much difference to the finish achieved with a 'finishing pad' compared to a Scotchbrite pad. Scotchbrite pads are ALOT cheaper than the finishing pads!
  7. What is the difference between a 'finishing pad' and generic 'Scothbrite pads'? I have read on gen forums that many owners are using Scotchbrite pads to re-store brushed finish on steel bracelets? Are the two pads similar or are there big differences? Cheers
  8. what is the life expectancy if ou use a winder every day?
  9. is this A7750 powered then?
  10. How do you re-size this bracelet as it uses rivets and not screws?
  11. how much does ETA cost compared to Asian movement for this watch?
  12. What's the OBJECTIVE opinion on this particular YM ETA Clone is it closer than the Noob YM when compared to gen? Cheers PD
  13. Which dealers carry the Noob YM now?
  14. did you end up buying this watch?
  15. go for it and let us know, if you got the bargain?
  16. What's the beef with all the less than positive comments about this BK YM? I have a WM9 v2 Sub and its almost perfect apart from the SELs. This BK YM looks very good to me [the Swiss Made tick marks differ on the gen depending on the year made] Aside from the tick marks, what do others see that differs on the gen compared to this BK YM? Does the bezel on this click as loud as on the Sub and is it uni-directional? Cheers PD
  17. What's the new flaw?
  18. What a fantastic Daytona
  19. I have searched but can't find this post, anyone have a link to this post? thanks
  20. Earlier in this thread By-Tor mentioned that he did this swap, maybe he can chime in with his view
  21. Can you explain again please? How do you remove the SEL on v2 bracelet and re-attach the SEL [from v1 bracelet] to v2 bracelet?
  22. what are the instructions for swapping the end link on a bracelet with another different end link? ie what By-Tor has done, swapping the end link [from v1 bracelet] to the v2 bracelet? cheers PD
  23. By-Tor, Lanikai Have you kept the original WM9 bracelet and swapped out the WM9 SEL? If you have swapped out SEL, what was the replacement? Finally what are the instructions for swapping SELs? Cheers PD
  24. Fascinating insight ......... I admire your honesty and humility. Its true we know only a fraction about the rep world and you personally have witnessed what most of us will probably never see. look forward to reading more from your personal insights
  25. what's the movement inside this watch?
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