very very nice TX looks great.
but did you checkd the other gen HBBs like the ice bang or all black? i cant say for sure but a couple of weeks i handeld the gen ice bang and i realy cant say the crystal was that raised but may you know that ?
all the best
hey gang today my bob strap arrived, and i have to say it is realy good, i handeld a gen kalf strap also today and i have to say its almost the the same feeling an quality
i bought the honey tan and it looks pretty good i think
enjoy it guys, i hope you like it also
and finaly a wristi
wow not bad , realy not bad
this abyss realy kicks a$$ its a great watch so lovely but also are your other watches
and your shots are so cool, love that dog
and the eggi in that final pic...... wow
all the best
thank you very much guys
yeah opti of course i will do some pics
your skyland is also a very nice watch, its so dam nice and so cool
yeah axo i know this feeling very well mate
thanks guys
i could not test PR but the watch keeps very good time, i also didnt not test it yet, but its exact the same minute since i settet time yesterday, so it must be in a few secs a day, very good so far
thank you my friend
too bad today wasnt much sun here, so i think with more sun light the pics would be even nicer
but maybe tomorrow , when so i will take a few in this position and post it for ya
yeah the watch is very nice to wear due the lugs of the case
but as you said , it is veryyyy huge