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Everything posted by PeteM

  1. You know I really admire and respect you !! I am of course much more informed and intelligent than you and for that reason I am more important !! And what do you mean the top of the 6 marker is off by 0.002 mm ... Thats a disgrace and I wouldnt accept that... It should be 1:1!!! It says so on the dealers site....!! and yes!!! ....Of course they are all are........ but not me.... !!
  2. Bush
  3. There is more about his scamming on the other forums... Please don't anyone send him anything till they check out the outstanding issues...
  4. Given recent goings on involving Uwe..and the watches and money he has taken.... I suggest you look elsewhere guys...
  5. Deluded !! ;)
  6. Strap is made by D-Straps a trusted seller on RWG-1.... if you go on there you will find him in the vendor section...
  7. My brain is rattling.... well every time I move my foot that is !! Its a tempter for sure..
  8. Not sure anyone is saying here that there are only one or two archetypal rep collectors mate...certainly not what I read here.. but there is a big difference between these D-bags as you put it.... one is a D-bag .. who not only wants to show off but also wants to con you ... now whether that con is just in how much he pretends to be worth or to con you in how much he spends on a watch...... he is just a con .. to himself and those around him... The other D-bag is just a D-bag...with money... Or a successful con man :)
  9. Interestigly my dealer was saying there are alternatives that all dealers can do... For example you can use DHL if the packet is under 500g (2 watches) its $35 from China to UK.... Advantage to that is its a 3 day delivery. Its also much safer than EMS for us anyway.. Or you can use a cheaper and slightly safer way which most dealers can do... If they want to..!!
  10. Where the hell is Babylon

  11. Thanks mate just my take.. But another thing I forgot to mention.... Is that I have learnt more about gens when going with reps than I ever have just trying to research the gen alone......and if I ever do buy a gen of a rep I have had then I am much more aware of things I need to know about it or the brand itself... and avoiding getting ripped off myself
  12. OMG !! I cant believe that its available let alone that price... as you say the dial isnt simple but it is very fixable... by professional dial restorers.. though I aint sure I would fix it if I had it... like he says its a 45 year old watch and a classic.. He seems to have done some work to it... I wonder if its a car boot pick up Its something now thats going to make me think.... ?? I wonder what the offers were? Thanks for sharing mate
  13. The first 2 pics are a gen RG Chocolate... the 3rd is a rep H maker RG Chocolate.... the 4th is an All Gold BBK 48mm from H maker... The link is to a lite version on Andrews site.. The RG chocoalate from H maker is no longer available.... the Lites are still available from another maker I think its the V2 maker..
  14. I think if the comments regarding TM Eye and that they have been empowered by UK customs to access packages and establish TMs of items then this is new factor in UK customs policy and will not be something that is driven solely by the Olympics... the fact a dealer got one rep through and one held in the same package underlines this specific approach by another authorised agency such as TM Eye.. The question is if this is a purge and if it is then what is its likely span and if its short term then will it be repeated... if its a long term approach then there are issues beyond that of the Olympics..
  15. Mate although I was tempted I wont .... All international small packages are airmailed..... Standard, Registered, EMS all of them.... The only time you see surface mail internationally now is on ... Dangerous Articles (Aerosols etc) and also can be selected if package is high weight or large size..and sender wants cheapest option.. even though it takes 1-3 months..
  16. Most guys I know who have one or two gen watches generally fall in the hate bracket towards reps..... because of whats been said before here... in terms of earning the right, working hard etc... Most guys I know with gens who are interested in watches... have no problem with reps.... As long as you dont try to pass off your rep as a gen ! The accuracy of a rep or getting it more accurate .. to me is about pleasure, its about enjoying a journey, its about enjoying a hobby and sharing that enjoyment...its about this community and the friends I have here... it is not and never has been about trying to fool people into thinking I wear loads of gens..... I will happily tell someone my watch is a rep... though most of the times I have been called out... I have been wearing a gen.... Yes I do play with people who think they know more than they do but that is a different thing IMHO... I like to watch them build themselves up and then wait for that right moment... to stick my pin in thier balloon... (not that that has happened much) I think what any gen wearer and indeed any proper people hate is someone trying to pass off themselves as someone they are not.... and those people usually wear reps to do that .... That general level of hate or despisment is that most people dont understand what we in this hobby are about or certainly most us.... if they did their attitude might be swayed... because all they see is guys trying to sell reps as gens or guys wearing reps pretending that they are something that they are not.... But you do see those same guys on here.... and I hate them... because all they do is register.... and post.... "where can i find...?" or "What is the best...?" now some of these guys then disappear some stick around to increase there rep collection to fool others and some are converted to the enjoyment and pleasure of this hobby and more importantly this community.. And overall I like this community more than the gen community of which I am a member of several.... because it is in the main truely about enjoying and discussing watches... and seeing what guys have done or want to do.... and not about look at me... look what I have or look where my wristie is now not because they want to share but because they want to show off !! So you could say I hate rep wearers !!
  17. Be aware that a few guys are having some serious issues with Uwe.... http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=174888
  18. Surely in this game the equivilent is ... Walking into a Risti GTG sporting a Risti t shirt and wearing an unmodded old school cartel PAM 127 !!!
  19. I am sure you will see it soon.... but knowing how it works your QC pic will look like this..
  20. Nice info mate... just had a look at their website.. I guess if thats the case.. its because they can verify the TM infingements with authorised agents of Richemont whereas other brands are not given over to authorise those agents therefore those infringements are not proven... which is more likely to create litgation over TMs... However this approach also gives TM Eye the ability to say to other brands ..'Look what our service has done for Richemont!' If we had been your agents we could have stopped X number of units under TM infringement etc etc The only thing that undermines that thought that I can think of is potential for with holding under value declaration or even item description in declaration...
  21. No mate .... all he said was it was his first caught package to UK... and it was 2 weeks back... I will ask
  22. Sorry mate... its the medication.. if I dont take it regularly then I start to get paranoid....... Who said that? I am still at a loss to understand why the dealer I mention had one watch kept by customs.. and one released.... They kept an IWC and let the Hublot go... I wonder if its value related rather than item?
  23. Admittedly Ken the comment on any rep goods is correct but what I was trying to say was that the packages become pretty generic in looks... and as someone who used to work in the postal system I know how easy it can become to differentiate packages and letters even in cages and bins... once you know what a package looks like or rather how its packaged its very easy to home in on them... We used to do it to pass the time or have bets I could spot all sorts from a distance and amongst hundreds of other items... your eye just got used to it... So in the case of dealers.... nearly everyone I have used has sent the watch/es in a polystyrene box with yellow tape wrapped round it ... always same size... with same paperwork .. etc etc . As a customs guy if I had had a result with a couple of these packages... then I would start spotting them more readily or rather paying them more attention... Thats all I meant...
  24. Defo swap that CG... You could cut your finger on that lever !! Apart from that it aint a bad rep OTB... usual small issues that are across the board of these ...
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