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About Rojjben

  • Birthday 11/14/1975

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    Stockholm Sweden
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    All the usual stuff.

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  1. Happy Birthday Rojjben!

  2. Happy Birthday Rojjben!

  3. Happy Birthday Rojjben!

  4. I hear ya! But we need a lumeshot
  5. Just saw that the lume seems uneven and like there is colour deviations. But its flawless in real life Dont know what happened
  6. I just cant stop charging the lume on this watch
  7. Thanks Andy. But wont the filing cause the CG lever to not sit flush? Isnt there a better CG to buy that snaps?
  8. Ok, so I bought a modified ultimate 088 from a fellow member. However I find the CG and the lever a little sad. I dont have the snap that I got on a few other PAMS. This is whats on it right now: (Picture borrowed from seller, let me know if it aint ok "M") Is there anything better to buy for it to have the snappy feeling?
  9. Nah, I still have it. Never even bothered to try
  10. Also come to realize that patience is really needed in this hobby
  11. I´ve come to realize that sometimes EMS tracking is actually faster to update than my domestic company:)
  12. As many already said. Toss it away, and never look back for it. Get a BoB or look at Panatime.com It´ll wear much better on one of those as well. Good luck mate.
  13. Had the same problem to my first CP. But my defects were on the opposite side of the crown. Think you will have a hard time cause you OK:d the QC pics. But good luck anyways.
  14. Some great looking pieces today
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