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Everything posted by Lobster

  1. it's a great watch. I have already booked it in for a swiss movement swap.
  2. I agree, put a FGD hands/dial on this beauty and you have an ult winner
  3. Beautiful collection, all certified super reps. The 359 is running a little slow, no? Wear them well!
  4. It really is! I was talking to Ingenieur today and we both agreed that this post has pushed us for going for the 312
  5. Belongs to one of my closest buddies
  6. No reason to nikpick here at all, stunning watch!
  7. Dude, my 177M would not wind when I got it. I managed to fix it just about but not 100%. It's a little frustrating, but these are $200 and a bit reps. They deserve a service given how good they are. For the first time, I can actually wear a Pam rep without having to make major cosmetic changes. That is awesome
  8. I would go for the service mate. There are several rep friendly watchsmiths in the States who are wekk known on this forum. The 177M is a beautiful watch and deserves a good service. I have been wearing mine exclusively for a few days. Just can't get enough.
  9. I am glad Fabio, this beauty deserves a lot of attention. I can't believe it's a rep. Unfortunately I had to let it go as I own the gen non chrono, but if I didn't, I'd be doing the same as you!! Keep us posed on your project
  10. The ultimate Milgauss versions are really well made reps. Very hard to tell apart from the Gen just like that. Get an asian movement one as this lowers the price and they have been just as accurate as a swiss model.
  11. That is truly impressive. Great passion you have there and yes please share what equipment you're using to take such crazy shots. Could you rep your equipment
  12. You're right bro, my 219 already has a few small white specks on the inside glass which were not there before. My front crystal is still clear luckily. But I did anticipate these movement coming in with a bit of dirt and dust. As you said, a little treat for the watch at the watchsmith will keep my sweet time keeper happier and clean a little longer!
  13. Ok, I had the chance to wear the watch with the strap. I have really grown fond with this baby. I actually love the light weight that the Ti provides, I mean you can certainly feel the watch there, but your arm wont feel like a pendulum. So far the movement has been accurate but I will change it very soon anyway. I also think the strap is well made, really sturdy and looks like 200 bucks. I guess there are enough strap makers who will still win over this one, but for around $100 this is a good deal. Doubt they will sell these separately though, but I will ask my dealer for sure. Have a great weekend all
  14. I haven't worn the strap properly yet because of the winding prob (luckily got it fixed), but I am going out in an hour or so and will let it acquint itself with my wrist. I will update this thread a little later
  15. oh my goodness, wow and congrats. wear that classic in good health buddy!
  16. Raymond, I LOVE you hahaha... joking of course but I did what you said and KAPOWWW it works!!!
  17. Hi everyone, I received the watch yesterday with the croc strap that was being offered as well. I was seriously excited because I really really wanted a Ti watch so when this arrived I had butterflies lol. HOWEVER, when I carefully pulled the crown out to set the time, it never clicked out of position. The crown glided to the time-set position and I could set the time, but when i pushed the crown back in, I just cannot get it to wind!!!! :( I mailed my dealer straight away and she said thatshe apologises and will help in any way. Well I won't send it back because it will take far too long, so I will get this badboy serviced asap. Just very frustrating!! Anyway, here are some pics and I used my ult 219 as a comparison tool. First impressions : A very damn good rep for the money paid. What I did not like (apart from the fact that it won't wind), is that yes, the CG lever does cut into the main body of the CG as you will see in the pics. It's not too obvious, but recognisable if you give it some attention. I absolutely adore the strap, but the buckle has cut the side of the strap just a little. I will change the buckle very shortly. Ok, enough talking, here you go: The CG is pretty nice, but do you see it? Sorry about the dirty glass Not sure about the movement, then again I haven't had a chance to run it yet The strap is brilliant but look what this done to the side of .. nvm, that will be changed.. Lume is looking pretty good too.. A bit more CG +219 Overall again, for what you spend. it's a damn good rep. Comparing it with what we used to get before, we should be very lucky. But I must admit, that this particular model does not live up to the standards that the 005,318 and the 219 have established. However, this should certainly not shy you away from this watch. If you like Ti, this model should be top of the list. I will certainly rock it as soon as it WORKS arghh... Thanks for looking
  18. Jeessuusss ... seriously, a year ago I thought they would never be able to bring a good 312 rep out... but they have done really well on these new offerings, incl the 359. I mean, Pam only rules now with this watch because of the sexy in house movement they made for this one, and congrats for owning it bro. But the rep is serious business.
  19. This sexay beast will be my partner in crime today..
  20. wow, no. But believe me if they did, I'd buy it without hesitation!
  21. Btw, I love that show. They show it in the UK too. Scared to travel Downunder now
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