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Everything posted by OiRogers

  1. I'm curious how they source these "Prop" watches without incurring the wrath of GAF?... is there some sort of authorized supplier of "prop" watches? And @ dutchy... my personal opinion... everyone has em. TV just seems like such a waste of time in general. And the people I see everyday that can barely walk from their car to the counter at a fast-food joint disgust me. I understand that some have medical conditions that result in broken down and morbidly obese bodies... but lifestyle choices, such as excess TV time, crappy diet, no exercise, etc are killers. I stand by my statement... TV is poison. Not trying to hijack this at all. I'll let it rest here... but I am curious if there is some GAF attorney acceptable source for Prop watches?
  2. I don't watch TV much but I think I may have heard about this episode... is that the same watch the guy held up to his ear and said "its genuine, no ticking"? Either way turn off your TV and read a book or go for a run... TV is poison.
  3. A wise man once said "There are three types of lies: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics". If you read up a bit on the use of statistics and how the data can be manipulated you can find whatever "trend" you seek in any set of numbers relating to your search. Personally I think its a bit foolish to compare crime rates per capita of a major city (i.e. densly populated) to the country as a whole... Of course NYC or *insert city of choice here* is going to have a higher crime rate than say... The entire state of North Dakota or *or insert area of lower population density here*... population density plays a big role in crime rates... If you have to drive 4 miles to your neighbors house and 35 miles to a store your much much less likely to experience a street robbery... I'm guessing that Nanuq or *insert name of remote board member here* isn't too worried about street robberys from meth-addicted junkies... Either way statistics don't tell the entire story and many researchers have shown that the person doing a statistical study will unconsciously sway his outcome to fit his preconsieved notions. I guess my point is this: Crime is pretty rare now. It was pretty rare in the "Wild West" days. The US is no more dangerous ON THE WHOLE than any other civilized nation. Your chances of being a victim of serious crime in any 1st world nation these days is pretty slim... and statistically (man I hated using that word there)... the offender is going to be someone your related too or know in some other way.... Look at your family and friends closely now.... those are the people most likely to commit a serious crime upon your happy a$$. Anyone here read "Freakonomics" by Levitt and Dubner?... interesting read to say the least and they make an interesting arguement that legalized abortion is partly responsible for the declining crime rates we see now... the argument boiled down for this post is: Unwanted children tend to be raised badly and then tend to become criminals, legalized abortion has given those [censored]-poor mothers-to-be the chance to not have the child that they don't want and would in turn raise badly. This was only a page or two of the book and not its central theme by any means... just an interesting food for thought type thing that stuck in my mind. I DON"T INTEND THIS TO BECOME AN ABORTION DEBATE. Just got a kick out of the arguement... agree or not, its a unique point. I'd heavily recomend tracking down and reading this book. I'm going to run for cover now... I can feel the incoming fire already.
  4. It was briefly mentioned above... but this is a 50mm watch... makes Pams cover in fear of bigger watches. Way to big for my wrist... I'm a i guess... my 7.25 to 7.5 inch wrist just can't handle this monster. My personal limit is about 44mm... even that seems a bit huge to me.... I'll stick with my 40-43mm divers just to be safe
  5. Beyond the obvious stuff covered above... AR, Superlume, Datewheels, ETA7750 in chronos (the only issue holding me back from the Tag Link at the moment)... I would love to see... The Perfect Sub anyone know who carries it? .... *runs for cover* kidding.... but I would like to see a perfect 1:1 case
  6. Wow... I thought I was the only one who did this. I also resized my PO using household items... Hammer, Straight Pin, Straightened Paperclip, Needle-Nose Pliers (protected with tape). I have ordered the correct tool from birdman but I couldn't bear to wait the 3 or 4 days it would take for it to arrive. Now I just need to order a few more watches using such pin type braclets so I can actually use the tool instead of "nanuqing" it.
  7. I'd be willing to bet that Tag has some sort of contract drawn up with him requiring him to wear a Tag product if he's going to be sporting a watch.
  8. And why the flap to begin with... the whole "handed over to customs" is part and parcel of the importation process... the nex step you want to see is "released from customs"... until that package sits there for more than a few weeks or until you get a nasty letter telling you its been seized you've got nothing to worry about.
  9. Lots of money as well... or just travel due north toward Nanuq and stop before you hit Alaska... read up on the penalties for being in the CONUS and in possession of Cuban Cigars... If your willing to face those penalties for a smoke you need to consider that you might be addicted to the nicotine.
  10. I see we can agree on something, BSL are dumb. If I were in charge... the Owner/trainers of viscious dogs would be held responsible for their animals actions.... be it a Yorkie or a American Bull Terrier. Blaming the dog is very short sighted when you have some asshat that raised and trained the dog improperly that will just go and get another dog to raise improperly when the first is taken by the authorities.
  11. That 2nd one is pretty funny... so they took a 2000 watch and rather than repair it properly they replaced the movement with an unnamed (read: asian 21j prolly) movement... they also replaced all the damaged parts with aftermarket stuff?... I really want to ask: what parts on this watch do you state to be Omega manufactured original parts?
  12. A second vote here for "Birdman"... I've purchased from him a few times now and always have recieved the tools in a very short time...Most of his tools are very affordable and of good quality for the beginning watchsmith. Ofrei is another source for very high quality tools, alot more expensive though.
  13. As far as I'm aware Pugs... the breed was not originally bred as a fighting dog... it was a working breed. Bull dogs are so called for a reason...they were used in cattle ranching. Pit bulls, like other working breeds, have the instinct to pursue and nip the heels of fleeing cattle, the breed also has the trait of being extremly strong and durable and fearless in dealing with rogue bulls. Yes, a long time ago, dog fighting was an acceptable form of recreation and the breed did excel at it, but that was not the reason this breed exists. I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier now... one of the breeds that was used to "create' the American Bull Terrier... She's a damn tank of a dog. She is the sweetest thing in the world but one can literally do pushups on her rump while she stands there looking back at you... I got her when she was a few years old and she hadn't been trained... I found out I could do pushups on her rump when I was trying to teach her "sit". It blows my mind how some people react to my dog... they will literally yell like an 8 year old girl and run away from her when she's on a leash, walking with me and wagging and attempting to lick anyone foolish enough to get their hands near her. Any dog has the potential to be "agressive" or cause injury to people or other animals, the popular media just loves the Pit Bull of late. Recall the late 70's and early 80's... Dobermans were the bane of society and a danger to all of humanity... now they are pretty much considered a family dog. Personal opinion: Its not the breed of the dog, its how the dog is raised, socialized and trained. Oh and I guess I'm a redneck because I own, enjoy and will continue to shoot my .50bmg rifle... I use it for target shooting and high power rifle competitions... Yes the round has potential to cause massive damage, but then again so do BB guns. My rifle has never harmed a person and never will. However I don't wish to change the point of this thread so my 2 cents = leave my firearms alone, they are not the problem, Criminals are the problem.
  14. Wow.. unintentional humor. How the heck did he keep a straight face and stay in character when riding around with that fat dude? Which DVD are you referring to rl350z?
  15. I would love to see a Pam guide put together... there is so much information about the make and so much information about the various reps...I'm just starting to appreciate Pams and starting to consider buying 1 or 3...but you know, I don't quite know where to start. And in response to the first post... Yes, the reviews by various members on these forums have influenced my purchases... It usually works out nicely that a watch I want (or wanted, as I now have purchased them) gets reviewed right about the time I start to seriously shop for it. Reviews by members here haven't made me buy a watch I didn't want prior to the reviews... but I will admit that reviews have "moved" watches closer to the top of my wantlist...most recently the Omega P.O. went from "buy at some point in the future" to "buy that sucker NOW" due in large part to By-Tors review/guide...an equally large influence were other forum members posting their experiences with this fine watch.
  16. I've have had several orders from various sellers which I've recieved the watches prior to ever hearing from them about tracking numbers... I got an email from one seller almost a full week after the watch had arrived listing my tracking number... that watch had spent 6 days in customs and had been a long wait to begin with... Don't worry about tracking numbers, just mark off a few weeks on the calendar and you'll be golden. Andrew is a great dealer and exceptionally trustworthy.
  17. Good point... I've just acquired a GMT 2 that had a badly placed crystal.. Got a "C" clamp in the garage and some leather to pad the face and caseback... think I'll try that in the morning.
  18. It is MUCH cheaper than WU for CONUS users... just a bit of a pain to "load" the account.
  19. I can relate to this man... sadly my bank account and real life cannot. I think I own about 15 watches total... 6 gen... 9 rep... and I love each one *almost* equally.
  20. I'd be in for around 200usd shipped for the Ti version as first choice... the SS version would also be ok by me... Ti version does do something funny to my pants though.
  21. Hrm... there WAS a plane crash just south of my place the day or so prior to this delivery... I wonder....
  22. *cough* Obvious hunk o' junk there Tonton... tell you what... For a pal like you I'll take that boat anchor off your hands and such for you... I'll gladly pay you 14usd via paypal if you accept the paypal fees and you ship it overnight to me included in that prior offered 14usd... I don't think you'll get a better offer than this. *cough* Man... beautiful piece there. That is why VC is my favorite maker by far... classy simple design with an amazingly thin height. I don't even care for gold watches but I'd make an exception for that one... and oh yeah... my 14usd offer stands if you can't get anyone to take it off your hands.
  23. Says the man with the Daytona sig...
  24. Why do I get the odd feeling that the readership of these forums are of a small group of people that would actually carry more than (let alone own more than) one watch. My wife thinks I'm nuts... I'll take two on a weekend camping trip. Of course on almost any trip... the sport/diver and then a more dressy watch. Flying in country.. I just lock any spare watches into my rifle case... they x-ray that but don't (can't) open it. I flew into a nice EU city a few monthes back with my sister... she knows about my habit with the watches.... She was nice enough to place my spares into the Diplomatic Pouch she was carrying... (guess her line of work?)... that easily takes care of customs/import duty issues... I need one of those pouches for my own use... that'd be sweet.
  25. Interesting poll choices there my man... Personally Chrono's just look a bit to "cluttered" to me... I have only just recently found chrono's that appeal to me visually at all... the Tag Link and the IWC pilot chrono... I've got a *shudder* quartz Fossil PVD finish chrono that I picked up [censored] cheap NIB... I couldn't figure out the buttons to save my life... after reading here I understand now.. but that quartz movement seems to have about a 1/2 second delay between when a button is pushed and when it functions...I'll be snagging the Tag Link here in a week or so... hopefully that one runs a bit better and is more responsive (also crossing fingers for the 7750 movement)
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