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Everything posted by OiRogers

  1. I'm amazed that no one has called "intentional downtime" here... it kindof seems that paul is trying to direct traffic to the Bestswiss site... Who knows could just be me. It about drove me nuts when I discovered wo-mart to be down on the 25th... and the 26th... and still down today. And An Edit: Wo-Mart is up and running at last check... around 1200hrs EST
  2. I'm praying you filed an accident report (hit-skip) the day you found the damage on your Scion. I know that most states/police departments won't take accident reports after 72 hours. And many insurance companies require them to be on file if you are not to blame for the damage. In my line of work I see hit-skip accidents in parking lots daily. It blows my mind the audacity of some people to damage or destroy someone elses property and just leave. Luckly many insurance companies will take into account prior clean driving records and your filed accident report and not raise your rates... cross your fingers on that one mate.
  3. I've never seen that site before... eclectic mix to say the least. The MB pens seem just a "bit" overpriced... the watches mostly the same. Looking at the VC watches... they offer several "Tourbillon" designs for cheap.. I may have to email them and see if that is an actual Tourbillon movement or if its just a show piece. If its a working tourbillon I'll prolly order one or two (heck of alot cheaper than the 1k most tourbillon reps go for). Probably all show tourbillons, guessing fantasy reps too... but heck not a bad price. 2nd link is sort of NSFW... but if VC ever made this watch I'd be amazed. http://www.moscowstore.com/product_info.ph...roducts_id=6208 http://www.moscowstore.com/product_info.ph...roducts_id=6878 http://www.moscowstore.com/product_info.ph...roducts_id=6216 Heck, I may just order that Erotic Tourbillon just for laughs... beter than a Shinterland or Robot watch I'd say. Man... those leather straps look horrible, but I may be willing to deal with questionable quality if I can have that erotic tourbillon to annoy the wife with.
  4. Anyone seen Jackass 2 yet?... I'd swear I spotted a daytona on Bams wrist pretty early in the flick. He seemed to be sporting a different watch in every scene. I'm gonna have to wait for the DVD to come out before I can go watch spotting on that one.... I was laughing too hard to pay strict attention to the watches.
  5. I'm just guessing this young fellow is one of those that orders "freedom fries" at the local McDonalds... I will admit that in my time I have made a few remarks about the French that I regret "Speed Bump of Europe" comes to mind... but after discovering that I actually like red wine the French and their culture has gained many a step on my ladder. I also have family that gave their lives in the defense of England and France... but I do not share the hatred of the French above me here. Survival is a hard thing to do, the French made some hard decisions in that time period. I cannot question them for at the time, not many other options existed. Forgive the young man above... he speaks out of anger, not rational thought.
  6. I was just about to comment on that as well... man o man... if only I could get my wife to follow my "no pants" rule around the house....
  7. In responce to the original post: all five watches would have to be small and very rounded, stuffing a 47mm pan in there would be a bit uncomfortable. My five: Rollie SD Rollie LV/ss sub VC Overseas blackface (with perfect date window PLEASE) VC Tourbillon any of the "Black Seal" pans...
  8. Why Watches and then further Why Reps? I'm guessing that you Brits reading this will be confused... but hell, here it is. I've always been around firearms. I recieved a 1911A1 Colt for Christmas when I was 5. The mechanics of the action always enthralled me. Fast forward 24 years: Firearms dealer and avid shooter/collecter. I shoot 1000 yard high power rifle competitions and own several high end bolt rifles and a nice .50bmg semi-auto rifle. I'm guessing i'm nuts though, I own two bolt rifles that cost me 10k usd each. Recently I started shooting competively in the Cowboy Action Shooting arena... (i.e. old west stuff, single action revolvers, lever action rifles, paper shelled shotguns) my tattoo artist got me into the cowboy action. I went and bought several old timey firearms and practiced a bunch with them. I then started noticing the pocket watches that the other shooters carried. Genuine (and rep) handwound/keywound pocket watches with beautiful handmade movements. I started researching the old pocket watches to track one down to "complete" my cowboy action gear. From various internet searches I found Replicas. Looking back, my first Rep watch was a gawdawful "gold" (read orangish-yellow) quartz action datejust I aquired in the 6th grade. I was damn pimp for about 3 weeks before it broke. It didn't get me any female attention so I sort of forgot about rep watches for a while. Now my recent re-introduction to reps... I've always been a fan of the rollie black face sub (I know, isn't everyone?) but I couldn't bring myself to buy one when there are always firearms (and motorcycles) I've wanted. In my research for a nice pocket watch I came across a few of the SCAM sites that sell rollie/pam/other highendstuff knockoffs, I'll admit I was tempted to drop the 850$ one site wanted for a ss/black sub. I did a bit more research, found this forum and a few others. Researched the dealers and made my first purchase from Andrew. Upon reading up on the reps available, and reading about the movements and looking at various pictures, I became hooked. I mean really... for the amount of money I spend on ammo for a day at the range, I can get a Pam or VC rep? Heck I'll stay home one day and have a new watch to look at and enjoy wearing. Ever shot a .50bmg wearing an automatic movement? Try it sometime. I swear it gets the rotor going 400rpm each shot, prolly winds fully after 3 rounds down range. It amazing, the quietest action rep will have an amazing "whir-whirl-whir" sound after each shot.
  9. Done... and Ajoesmith's avatar has convinced me to become a supporter. Damn the mezmerizing avatar. I just can't stop looking at it.
  10. Sorry for the lack of pics... Wife has the digital camera attached permanently to her face I think. She takes the dang thing to the bathroom with her... what she does with it in there I don't want to know. Vacheron Constantin Overseas blackface for me today... and probably tomorrow and mebee a day or two after that.
  11. I think I dated that girl a few years back.... only thing I got to remember her by is that rash that pops up every once in a while.
  12. Man... right up till that talking duck part it sounded like you knew all about my evening.
  13. My wifes office seems to encourage drinking (advertising agency)... I almost wish I had a job like that. Sadly my job would be in great danger is I even had a sip at work.
  14. www.torrentspy.com Been probably close to a year since I've messed with P2P... but that was a great torrent site that i recall. Its probably down by now.
  15. Damn Gran... is that scan straight out of "Playgirl" or what... yeesh. I think Spock is showing us all how to do the Vulcan on Human Behindhole Expansion there...
  16. Just please, PLEASE tell me that your PP login/PW weren't the exact same are your $bay ones....
  17. It seems that the USPS and other shippers are still trying to get their tracking # systems up to the detail level of UPS and FEDEX and DHL... I've never had a failure for a tracking number to work from the big shipping companies (with great detail as well), on the other hand I've never had a USPS tracking number that actually worked. I'm dealing with the wait on an EMS package now... oddly the tracking # is working fine. I've been able to follow the package as it left shanghai and entered and cleared US customs, now to see how well it works once the USPS has their mits on the package.
  18. phoo... and for the longest time, I thought that I was the only one that did the wrist check upon encountering someone. Sadly though, most people in my area wear crappy quartz stuff... the Ironman digital seems to be king. When I was scouting attorneys to draft wills for my wife and myself I found myself totally happy with the third attorney we spoke with... nice Tag auto on the wrist and a nicer Montblanc pen in his pocket. All the other attorneys I spoke with were wearing digitals... Digitals!!!one111!!! For a striking young lady I do the wrist check somewhere amongst the check of other more pertinant assets.
  19. And TTK can get it for 15cents.
  20. Well my man... we did win that little war we had a few years ago. I think we have the right to throw tea into boston harbor and also to change the Queens English a little bit. Of course you know i'm kidding. I also know you Brits got your revenge by sending the Spice Girls our way a few years back... Psychological Warfare... unfair.
  21. Sweetness. Slipped in under the wire. Free quality Cigars without the effort or pain of buming em off my friends...
  22. Yeesh, beyond the hour marker that wanders... those crown guards are simply the worst i've seen in quite a while.
  23. "ROLEX SUBMARINER GREEN BEZEL 100% AUTHENTIC " From that, all I can assume is the seller is offerind an Gen bezel on a rep watch... mebee i'm reading too much into it though.
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