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Everything posted by elwopo

  1. Definitely worth the $ and effort. A beautiful piece to be sure!!!
  2. @ kenberg WELL SAID! The problem with people like this is that their arrogance leads them to believe that they are more intelligent than they actually are. In any event.....nothing could be said better than you said it. Unfortunately your comments are pearls before swine. btw......If you're "gone".....mezz.....why do you continue to lurk the topic...after all this time.....even as I write this? perhaps you did not get the dramatic reaction to leaving that you had hoped?
  3. Enjoy the trip....have fun.....and win enough to upgrade and support this great place!
  4. Not too bad an idea.....but it would require a lot of work to simply show the same thing. Every month the forum needs money. Bandwidth isn't cheap....and if the admin ever put a price on his time.....THAT would be a serious number! The bottom line is simple....and sad. In our world...regardless of where you come from....there are good caring people....and there are worthless, scum sucking, spineless, piece of $hit losers who merely use and take whatever they can. Scumbags aren't unique to any society or culture.....they're apparently world wide. I'm sure it's my imagination.....but it sure seems like there was a LOT of activity on the board as soon as Admin announced everything was OK for the month. Instead of this topic being near the top of the new post list (for days) it dropped like a stone as the losers and users came out of the woodwork again with the typical "what do I dooooo what should I buuuy type of nonsense. (I could swear someone said that was going to happen ) Lots of posts from those with the "member" tag. Maybe they like the tag a lot since they've had it...... since EARLY '06! And dealers (sorry "collectors")... don't even get me started on what they HAVEN'T done!! Every month the thermometer would show that money would help keep this thing going. It's needed and would be appreciated by those who give so much of their time (and no.....not prolific posters who LOVE to mention how their knowledge is worth more than money.....but the admin, co-admins, and moderators (even if I do get in hot water with them from time to time. hiya TT ) So have one or two less Starbucks every month.....you won't die.....and put the money into something you derive value from. That way.....a very small minority will not have to pay large amounts to pay for the sorry a$$es. Just a thought.
  5. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: 0.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.77
  6. LOL! It's getting to be great fun watching people race to reply....having not read what has come before....and showing a complete lack of comprehension. Race on speedposters....I'm going to fire up some more popcorn and sit back to enjoy the show.
  7. Yep! Cause that's how we qualify folks here. Post count! "Veterans"?!? You're kidding....right? Oops. My bad. Inside of 2 months is noob. 2 1/2 whole months like you have.....veteran!! We sure have! That first 90 days is one hell of a ride! Something tells me the "attitude" isn't new....just a different venue.
  8. The deafening silence you sense is caused by the amazing (although I'm not surprised) lack of chatter from most of our normally prolific and vocal "contributors". Where did they all go? Into what rat hole did they crawl? Admin.....perhaps you should have mentioned things in your subject line like...girls.....cartel....photo tips....or the ever present and always pointless...wrist check! These always bring the masses out of the woodwork! In great numbers no less. Aaah.....but bring up money? They scatter like roaches when the light comes on. Out of the 10 upgrades and 28 donations (taking mine out of the 29 count).....how many were from dealers (sorry...."collectors")? How many from the post count whores? How many from the modders / servicers? How many from the arcade hounds? How many from the ones who have to show us their cars....gens....vacations.....or anything else in a pathetic attempt at some sort of self validation? Many posts (and donations) to this topic are from names we don't see very much. Thanks to them! 400 member views......10 upgrades.....29 donations...... It's pretty simple. If you haven't kicked in anything recently.....you are a reprehensible worthless piece of [censored]. We (sorry....I) don't care what you drive, who you bang, what you "carry", how important you think you are, or what watch (fake) you are wearing this weekend in an attempt to convince onlookers that you are less of a piece of [censored] than you actually are. So keep hiding regulars! This problem will be solved soon....and then you can crawl back out into the daylight and bless us with your contributions of "wisdom". @Admin.....here's another bit to help out. No need to say how much......you know. @ TwoTone....yes....I know I'm on warning (again) for language @ non supporters......well....there really isn't anything better than the old standard....[censored] you. BTW.....have a nice day!
  9. Well right on ryyannon!!! God bless inelegant! Motive 'em by straight up calling them out. I have, in the past, and have gotten some really interesting PM's from it. I love the ones who have been here since the very start and are still "members". I get messages like "I'll have you know that I donate my TIME and my KNOWLEDGE to this board! I have contributed much more than mere money!" Nice thought....but time and knowledge pay for bandwidth about as well as they do groceries. Try pulling that line at the market and see how works for 'ya sparky. "I'm sorry sir...but if you don't have the money....you'll simply have to put back the box of Twinkies, Cheetos, pimento loaf, and the 12 pack of Busch light." We may not agree on everything every time ry.....but your post used some of my favorite words. inelegant....impatient.....motivate.....and obnoxious. These are things the stupid and selfish people of the world need more of. "Members"....got even one good piece for your collection? Did this board help? PAY UP! "Collectors".....made any money at all from the existance of this board? PAY UP! I've just made my $100 donation......so kick in kids....or look yourself in the mirror every day knowing that your watch is as genuine as your character. Oh.....and have a nice day to everyone!
  10. As far as choosing a collector goes....careful consideration is important. When I started fresh I was still nervous about spending money with "unknown" people. I picked a collector based in part on reputation and in large part because they took paypal. No hassle for me....no private info passed on....very simple. Now with more time here I know that many are reputable and quality varies greatly. Paying by credit card is easy also. Using a virtual card number from paypal allows me to buy from people who take cards....yet the funds still come from my account. I'm switching collectors from now on. Trying to establish a relationship with a particular collector has not happened no matter how many watches I've gotten (or aallll the money I've sent his way). My last few purchases have been disappointing....with the final straw being the ridiculously misaligned date wheel on his aquaracer chrono that just arrived. Another 288 down the..... For me.....nothing but collectors who are inspectors from now on. Drop kick the drop shippers.
  11. I found this thing while searching for a two tone. I thought CGs were supposed to go down at a decent slope that allows you to see space between the crown and the guards. I also thought that there is supposed to be a crisp angle where the guards meet the case. Is this true? If it is....then is this one slightly off....or is it my monitor? Thanks. http://cgi.ebay.com/Rolex-Submariner-18K-G...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. As with some other comments made in this thread....absolute genius!!! Exactly right. They have our balls because we handed them over willingly, gleefully, and as fast as humanly possible. We buy into optimism based on hype that we create. We really want to believe that THIS (insert new model here) is the ONE that will set new standards. Then the messages of unrealized expectations come. It happens every time.....and we still continue the cycle. The thing that I've been curious about for a while is.....where did this ridiculous term "super rep" originate? It's asinine. We mock the scam sites and point out the true details and meaning of "swiss"....yet we allow this arbitrary designation to gain more and more credibility. I think we are victims of our own hype....and the dealers (rightfully so) are laughing their collective a$$es off over it and raising prices to test the waters. Very similar to oil companies for example.....prices rise....we complain.......but we still pay. All they have to do is laugh and make larger bank deposits. "Super" reps?....Super scams.
  13. So if it goes in nose (or bow) first.....how do the shafts get forced into the engine from the stern?
  14. A friend sent me this information.... The guy at the bar is also credited as Nikki Leotardo. The same actor played him in the first part of season 6 during a brief sit down concerning the future of Vito. That wasn't that long ago. Apparently, he is the nephew of Phil. Phil's brother Nikki Senior was killed in 1976 in a car accident. David Chase is truly rewarding the true fans who pay attention to detail. So the point would have been that life continues and we may never know the end of the Sopranos. But if you pay attention to the history, you will find that all the answers lie in the characters in the restaurant. The trucker was the brother of the guy who was robbed by Christopher in Season 2. Remember the DVD players? The trucker had to identify the body. The boy scouts were in the train store and the black guys at the end were the ones who tried to kill Tony and only clipped him in the ear (was that season 2 or 3?). I might have to rent the DVDs to check this out....
  15. Wow! Once again....this forum....this little society of ours....has come together and provided amazing information. I thank you all for the valuable insight. Ubi....you've helped me yet again....I appreciate it greatly! You have ruined me though. I found a site dedicated to the 16520 after you mentioned it.....and now that I see it in detail....nothing else will do. Great. Now I have something else to obsess about... Thanks again for all the help. Now I have something else to search for.....
  16. Thanks so much for the input. It is greatly appreciated! Any ideas on what a good price would be? I don't have enough time in the game to know how much age of a watch factors into value. At what price would you think something like this would be a bad deal?
  17. Hello all, I'm getting a little better at trying to spot subs....but know nothing about daytonas. Any opinions on whether this one is the real deal or not? Thanks, of course, in advance. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1
  18. Hello all. Thanks for the assistance! It's exactly like some of you said. Pins that look like screw heads when compressed. I was able to get them out using a 1mm screwdriver to push them. The bracelet is now sized perfectly and the watch is in rotation. BTW....looking for a good rep rlx a long time ago has gotten insanely expensive! 14 reps...a gen sub....gen tag....and in the last week....gen tt rlx black and gen tt rlx blue....ugh!!
  19. Hello, I just received what I thought was a gen Tag. The model number is CK1112.BA0328 but it is not listed on their website. Maybe it's an old model....I don't know. I went to adjust the bracelet and take out what looked to be screws. 1mm in diameter yet the "screw heads" are extremely shallow. Too shallow for a driver. I tapped lightly to get the driver into the slot....and the "screw" turned out to be a pin that pushed through. Does anyone know if this is how they are truly made.....or did I get a rep with pins that are meant to look like screws? Thanks in advance.
  20. Hello all, I normally don't ask for this type of information....but this one is different. A good friend found something on the bay. He has a strong opinion about it's value. I...however...have a contrary opinion. Neither one of us being close to experts (it would be like asking two blind guys to describe color....lol) we both know just enough to get ourselves into trouble. Opinions....coupled with frosty beverages....can often lead to wagering (go figure). We have agreed to leave it up the the expertise of the forum. There's a bit of cash....a case of Newcastle....and, of course, some pride riding on this one. So what do you guys think...... real?.....or no real?..... Thanks in advance! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...hlink:middle:us
  21. It is indeed sincerely sad. My cynical take on things.....watch carefully her attorney and "friend" (using the term extremely loosely) Mr. Howard K. Stern. He's been involved for a very long time. He set up her reality show. He has benefited from everythng she did. He enabled her behaviour...and that of her son. It made for good press.....and more billable hours. The details of her son's death were buried....because more entertainment news kept coming. People forgot quickly. We probably won't hear about it....but I can't help but wonder if there was a new will drafted after the birth of her second child. Whatever she had....or would be entitled to based on her image....has to go somewhere. Gee.....I wonder where that will be..... The comparisons to her and Marilyn are inevitable. They will be shoved down our throats in the coming weeks as the media squeezes every ounce out of this that they can. It makes for good ratings. The real comparison is that they were both troubled souls....thrust into fame they never imagined.....and used by others. No one ever tried to help them....because it wasn't profitable. They were sacrificed by those they trusted.....for eventual profit. I can only hope that there is a very special place in Hell reserved for the users and abusers. If there is a higher power.....I sincerely wish that Vickie is afforded the peace she so dearly deserves.
  22. Now c'mon buddy....that's not fair....and you know it. While she is your little angel now....she will eventually blossom into a beautiful, intelligent, witty, and tasteful young woman. She has every right to explore all that life has to offer.....when she's about 30 or so.... Until then....cherish every blessed day.....and buy a shotgun only so that you can be cleaning it on the front porch when hotshot youngsters come calling. It's a great opportunity for a "come to Jesus" chat..... BTW....be glad a watch is all it takes for now. When the shoe thing kicks in.......you're screwed!!
  23. Too much French whine.....
  24. Hello to all! I have to say (again) that this rep culture and habit is MUCH more addictive than I ever imagined! My collection is growing rapidly (in direct proportion to my PayPal account dwindling). I'm still looking for some select pieces.....so I throw this out every once in a while. What I'd like to find is a good quality TT sub rep. Both black and blue face versions if possible. The drop shipper options depend on what their suppliers have at any given time....and the "in hand" dealers stock what's hot at the moment. I'd like to know if anyone has recently purchased one of these pieces and is pleased with their product.....or if any dealers can get one they feel confident in selling. Any information on the current state of this rep would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....as always..... elwopo
  25. Damn BMW!! That's the one I was looking for. Thank you!!! elwopo
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