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Everything posted by freddy333

  1. I understand the point you are trying to make, but, following the same logic, you would have to then say that a Pollock, de Kooning, Klimt or van Gogh, et al, are only worth the cost of their paint & canvas, which is absurd. Similarly, I do not think the value of a Rolex can be judged solely on the value of its material components.
  2. Importing contraband (replicas) is illegal (misdemeanor) in many countries, but is rarely prosecuted. In the vast majority of cases, the watch, if discovered by customs, is simply confiscated. However, if you purchase from the recommended collectors (search the Collectors forum), you should not have a problem importing 1 watch (at a time) into UK/US/Canada.
  3. My guess is that thousands would interested, but, officially, there are as many people as posted positive responses here.
  4. Sunday Mystery
  5. Daily winding wears the auto-wind gears, which you are removing.
  6. Nice score, JoJo.
  7. No, it was a b-day card & that is just the way she signs them.
  8. Try not to take it too hard. We all go through similar trials by fire in the pursuit of learning the watchmaking game. Look at it this way - at least you have not damaged any rare, expensive parts. Much better to put a hole through the lume on a rep hand (which can easily be made like new with some lume & a toothpick) than the tritium on a vintage gen Rolex hand. Just learn to take breaks when you get frustrated (we all do) & chalk your negative experiences up to the learning process. 1 thing I would recommend that will save you alot of grief is to either move your watchmaking to a room with clean tile or wood (no carpeting) or remove the carpeting in your current room. Carpets are a black hole when it comes to watch parts.
  9. Nanuq - check this out
  10. There are many threads discussing recommendations for ladies watches that you can locate via the Search. In a nutshell, avoid gold (tt or solid) & 'gemstones' & you should do fine. Josh's plain steel ladies Datejust with silver dial/stick markers is a classic that most women (who like Rolex) will appreciate.
  11. Ending the work week wearing 1 of my Subs (modeled here by a friend with a much nicer looking wrist), but still Friday & looking alot like dusk here And a little somethin' for Stephane (hint - not the watch &, yes, they are gen)
  12. Or the fellow in Iran who is the 1st to be sentenced to death for speaking out against that country's despotic regime. In contrast, I think most rational thinking people would see the obvious folly inherent in the committee's current decision.
  13. Use the email address on this page.
  14. In that case, just put my remarks on hold for the next person who poses the same comment (seriously) that Fakey did (sarcastically).
  15. I apologize if any anti-Obama comments have come across as hate. I think most (at least, mine) come more from bewilderment (how can a guy like Obama, with no actual experience managing anything, come to manage the most powerful organization in the world?) than contempt. And I have to ask - What has Obama actually done for us all?
  16. Great movie (& I understand he pays his staff pretty well). Very funny.
  17. I think you are confusing socialism, a social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community (remember, Obama is a 'spread the wealth' kind of guy) & communism, a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power. Having once been duped into working for the uber-socialist Shirley Chisholm campaign (who cloaked herself with the same community organizer cred as Obama has), I have learned that if it walks like a duck & talks like a duck but calls itself a toaster, it is best not to give it any bread.
  18. Where do you place Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, on the world political scale?
  19. Sure, just submit your name to the committee & do something newsworthy for a minority. Or, you could just send the committee some cash. Either way, Acorn could probably help.
  20. Admin & Mods - Is anyone aware of/working on this? The Go to first unread post () icons are NOT working. At least, they are not updating when new posts are added to a thread. If no new posts have been added, the icon remains 'lit'. And clicking these icons on the index pages simply take you to the same post over & over again even when many other new posts (or pages) have been added to a thread.
  21. Not so fast, Demsey. Admittedly, while the only thing Barack Hussein Obama is likely to do (in response to Iran's nuclearizing) is wring his hands in bewilderment as to why the Iranians did not keep their word, the Israelis, on the other hand, will do what they need (& the US ought) to do. The $64,000 question is what Obama will do then? My guess is he will dim the White House Xmas tree lights (to show his concern), call for yet another round of sanctions (which have never worked) & propose more talks. President Wilson got us into WWI with that kind of thinking. I wonder what President Obama will get us into?
  22. Ditto. Modern 703 Triplock.
  23. Please do not repost an entire pic thread just to add a line or 2 of comments.
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