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Posts posted by peepshow

  1. Your gen dial:


    My DSN dial:


    Pretty close. The top bar on the "3" is a bit too thick and the "2" in the 12 is a bit different shaped. The 6 and 9 look pretty good, though. They'd really have to be side-by-side to see the differences, IMO.

    Oh, and with a T dial, yours would more likely be a 10A or B, not D series. ;) Nice pick-up, though! Hmmmm, perhaps Jay has another 10 dial around somewhere? B)

  2. I don't post here much, but I thought I'd take this opportunity to post a couple of "family" photos. ;)

    Well, my wife finally left her PAM at home today, so I took the opportunity to snap some photos of the collection as it sits. I hope you enjoy!




    The straps are:

    002D -- GeF Valdarno in caramel

    048H -- Mario Paci XI in papaya brown

    210I -- Savage antique tan

  3. I had the "crown becoming crooked" issue on my PVD MM20 from DSN. According to my local watchmaker at that time, it was an issue with the stem, not the crown. He fixed it for $25, but I never got a clearer idea of what the problem was.

    Good luck!

  4. ...As far as whether a gen RXW MM20 is worth the price ?? It would depend on the price. $1200 - $1600.00 for the later production with tight lever and more importantly AR coated Sapphire crystal then I would say definately!!!! Alot of watch, holds it's value and they are out of production meaning they will likely only go up in price (especially the sapphire models)...

    I think the question is if a PVD MM20 would be worth $2900. I don't think so. Like you said, $1200-1600 -- that would make the PVD job $1300-1700. I know IWW will do the job for about $600. Seems a bit pricey to me.

    Oh and I agree that this looks to be a fake. ;)

  5. AFAIK, there were never any MM20s offered in PVD from Ken Trading/RXW. So this is aftermarket PVD, most likely. I've seen MM20s selling on BigWatchForum.com for $1200-1500, so yeah it's overpriced, IMO.

    You can get a Swiss 6497 powered PVD MM20 from Davidsen for ~$400. Real Swiss 6497, real sapphire, etc. Food for thought....

  6. That's funny, slai, I was thinking the same thing. I will say that the non-charged color of the lume on the dials is different between my Orange Monster and my 002D. Although, I have no idea if the OM is using plain C3 or not.

    Or maybe I just need to get my eyes checked..... ;)

  7. Yes 6 & 9 are more open than usual but they have the correct thickness. DSN's are double the thickness and very wrong.

    Also the case from the ebay photos look ok and not modern style rep. Hands look ok, crystal looks ok..

    Again I really don't know but my feelings say it is gen or this collector has done a MAGNIFICENT job.

    DSN has dials with thinner indices, as well --


  8. Mentalist, the next time I'm in the UK (which given the current work environment at my employer could be anytime), I'm definitely coming into your store for some shirts. As I said in my PM, I don't wear suits often enough to justify the investment in a couple of suits, but I'm all over some bespoke shirts. Pants, too, if you do pants separately from jackets.

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