It's a replica factory in China making very good Rolex replicas. Actually the only factory (besides WM9) that makes the good ones. bklm1234 started calling them that, because this factory became popular of the Noobmariner.
The "Noobfactory" watches are:
Explorer II with correct datewheel position (ETA WHS, ETA CHS <- very rare)
GMT II (Asian WHS, ETA WHS, ETA CHS <-very rare)
GMT IIc "Ultimate" (Asian WHS, ETA WHS, ETA CHS)
Daytona Seconds at '6 (Asian 7750)
Noobmariner (Asian 21J, Asian 28.800, and ETA)
Noobmariner two-tone (Asian 21J with plated links, ETA with wrapped high quality links)
Yacht Master (Asian 21J and ETA)
Seadweller "SSD" (Asian 21J and ETA)
Many dealers are trying to sell all kinds of utter sh*te under the name of "Noob version", which is certainly misleading the new members. I have reviewed all popular Noobfactory watches in my section. There is only 1 best replica base of the all above mentioned watches. Compare the sales pictures to pics of the correct versions and beware the junk!