"Noobmariner" was a cheap replica which was an exception to the rule. Usually the price dictates how accurate rep you're going to get, but in Noobmariner's case it did not. TTK and other dealers sold the stainless steel Noob with Asian movement for $99 back in its day.
You can read my 2006 review of the original Noobmariner here. LINK. Today I'm a bit ashamed of those low quality photos though.
It was extremely good replica, and still is. Not only "for the money" but generally too. But they are known to have some occasional QC issues like crooked cyclops, bad bracelets, that's why it's important that you buy from a dealer that checks the watch before shipping it.
The factory that produced it, also produced some very good other Rolex reps too (ExpII, GMT 16710, GMT ceramic, seconds at 6 Daytona, Noob YM, etc.) Some of these watches weren't cheap, like the better version of the 16613 (the watch in this review). bklm1234 started to use the term "Noob factory" because these good reps all came from the same factory (factory that produced the original Noobmariner). That's where the name comes from.
Only WM9 has produced better quality modern Rolex reps, and those seem to be long gone.