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Everything posted by Stephane

  1. Agreed! If you spend such an amount, get yourself a watch which will hold their value As for which one...because you say no Rolex, I have no idea
  2. Beautifull shots Jojo! Saw one 5514 for sale A little out of budget for me
  3. Indeed the team members are out of these great raffles. Great idea for sure and once again very well organised by our Raffle Master !!! Thanks UBI Guys, stay tuned and prepare you $$$ for Tuesday. All the best to all of you, Stephane
  4. In all cases, choices are so personal I predict that, like some of us, after getting a white, a red, 1665s, you may end with a gen 1680 white one day Wear it very well and certainly in good health B. All the best!
  5. Fantastic idea Exp II. Thanks to all of you for the kind words and gestures. In the end, aren't we just Family?
  6. Very well done R. It's an amazing watch and it deserves a restoration which is not a "hard plain polishing work". I prefer a very beaten watch in general and I think you could keep the spirit of it while making it look "not damaged"! Can't wait for you to be around in EU...might be nice to look at mine and see what you suggest! All the best Stephane
  7. For sure we miss you too Taka! Great photos you have there. Now that you show the route to post, maybe Capice will do so too.... Wonder if any photo of MobyDick hunt exist?
  8. An homage to Cats new baby I'll wear it all the week-end probably
  9. You made the right choice Cats! The white is so sweet! Yours looks stunning to me. Now, one question though: why do you always want SL on your vintage watches? (If I remember, MM made one for you too). You should try a less "new" look once. I'm sure you'll love it.
  10. Never mind Thanks for sharing the photos
  11. Bye Bye the Tissot. Back to a Sub, a 16610 today.
  12. Thanks Tribal. PS: has anyone a new solution to boost the sound of the ringtones and voice ?!
  13. Surely a good move. A gen is not mandatory but the 1680 is sooooo Sub! It's almost impossible to resist Great job so far!
  14. Agreed. Tissot are really good deals. You inspired me and I'll wear this one today
  15. Well, I will never send a silver DW Rolex to their RSC !!! I think that my next services will be done by a watchmaker, not by Rolex anymore. Too risky.
  16. Thanks Gavidoc...interresting. Ah Rolex, they are really weird aren't they?
  17. Tuesday and training with a no date Sub!
  18. Stephane

    My gens!

    You know you'll end up with a sub, don't you Great trio BT!
  19. I'd love to get one aswell...must be fun to play with. Great acquisition Avitt.
  20. Wow, that is really beautifull! Congrats guys. Maybe I should get one again...Oh NO NO NO...I must resist
  21. Well, maybe I missunderstand the question ?!? All the gen dials I have had are turning green when coming back from daylight to a sligthly shadowed area. But the markers are totaly white when in daylight. This is the case with Luminova but I can't say about Superluminova. Seen on a 16610, 16710, 16570 As for the pearl and hands, well they are wither indeed though greenish too!
  22. Stephane


    Congrats Chef! That is a very nice hobby! And congrats to JFreeman: I wish I'd stop. I only cut my daily consumption by 50 to 60%...and spent the money in watches. One day I'll stop maybe! Who knows.
  23. I'd love a silver, but it is white. Did Turor use silver aswell?
  24. Thanks a lot for the nice words all! Of course, if I was a wealthy man I would get them all! But as it is not the case, I need to make a choice I was naturally thinking 5513! It seems most of you too! So 5513 it shall be. Of course, both 16800 Lumi and 168000 would be nice to add, but that is a lot of cash for the same design or almost as the 16800 mate and 16610. Ok, now I have to spare some watch budget and start to look around
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