LoL, it gets even funnier.
Today they showed a guy on the news who stood in line at Wal Mart, waiting for a PS3. Some guys came up and wanted his money, (he had over 3k in his pocket, because he wanted to buy 3 PS3s). But he did call the polica right before they came towards him, because he saw them mugging 2 children for 75cents.
He refused to give them his money, even after they punched him down and kicked him on the ground. He then told them he already called the police and they left, but not without SHOOTING him in the stomach.
He then crawled into walmart, spitting blood, and told a wal mart salesperson to hand his buddys his wallet so they can buy the 3 Playstations for him.
He was then taken to a hospital and he got a 4th PS3 for free from wal mart.
Now the funny part is, he didnt even want the PS3 for himself, he just wanted them to resell them on eBay.
That is really some FUNNY stuff lol