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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. One thing I feel I must bring up.


    In all my sale threads I have always ADDED to the original post text indicating any price reductions.


    I always (try to) change the line with the previous price in so it appears with a line through it (strike through).


    Technically this IS editing the "post", and anally technically it is editing the line that stated the price I am wanting, but I feel as the original text is still there, still readable, and apart from the strike through, it is untouched, this would be deemed acceptable.


    The rules do not allow for this, but just about everyone does it.


    Can the rules please be made a bit more specific so that it allows sellers to do this? And that they state that the original text MUST REMAIN but can be changed to a "struck out" font?


    And that the TITLE of a FS post can have text prepended to it (added to the start) with the intention of informing others of a price reduction, or that all items have been sold; maybe have a short number of words that are allowed to be added to the start, like "[sOLD]", "[REDUCED]", "[WITHDRAWN]", etc?

  2. I've worked my way up from a 2 turntable, 4 + 6 watch winder, to a 4 turntable, 8 + 8 watch winder to my current one, 12 turntables, 24 + 0 watch winder.


    First one I found for about £80 IIRC, the second is a lovely quality item, cost about £250, the last one cost less, I got it for £220.


    The last one is a vertical winder:-



    But i've still got my first watch box which holds 20 watches, enough for the manuals and quartz watches.


    Do you want a winder for 4 watches on 2 platforms, or 8 watches on 4 platforms or a 4 platform winder that fits one watch per platform?


    My 8 watch winder is going spare at the moment, but it is a quality item, as new, and normally costs about £800, so I'm asking what I paid for it really. I'm not really bothered if I sell it or not as I'm sure i'll fill up the 24 watch winder before this year is out.

    • Like 1
  3. Diesel SMA watches...

    A real one gose for about $200 - $400.   The retailer gets them for about 125 wholesale I think.  A working rep should be less then that have not fould one yet that uses real screws cut into the glass. 

    It doesn't matter how much the gen is, the rep maker still has to pay for a movement, case, strap / bracelet, and those can only come down in price so far.


    A rep of a $15 Casio would probably cost more than $15, Casio can only do them for that price as they sell millions of them.


    If the gens that cheap, just buy it! :)

  4. Bitcoin is backed by the blockchain and controlled by it's SHA256 encryption hash. People want to use it because it is de-centralized and not controlled and manipulated by the government.

    I know the technical details of how it works (public key, private key, public keys kept on the decentralised bit coin network, protected by encryption).

    That only covers the validity of each "coin". It doesn't do anything to cover the value of a coin, as evidenced by the huge increases of late.

    Currencies like the dollar, pound and euro have governments (woo! Or not :) ) and main banks and institutions to look after the publics and countries interests, to control the interest rates, publishing of new money, bonds, etc, etc.

    If you want an example of what happens to a currency when those things fail, look at Papiermark (German), Zimbabwe dollar which ended up with inflation at 11,000%, etc.

    And those have a country behind them, so even when they do crash and burn there is something behind them (usually other countries) helping them out, or the replacement government after the current one has been turfed out.

    What's behind bit coin? If it crashes and burns, who is going to rescue it? Who cares that people who bought into it have lost loads of money? It doesn't drive any interest rate (or isn't driven by) and peoples worth doesn't rely on it.

    To me it's a disconnected, un backed, un regulated, floating currency. If it goes back to $1 per coin and a million people around the world lose their life savings (or a load of money at least) the US won't care and bail them out, the Eurozone won't either, no one will because it's no ones responsibility.

    It's interesting to watch it develop, and how different countries react to it, as it's new and hasn't really been done before (certainly not on a worldwide scale). Whether an entity that is uncontrolled can self regulate when used by thousands / millions of users is a very interesting question, but others can play and get burned. At this stage it's not for me!

    Sorry for waffling on :)

  5. Bit coin is daft.

    Every single other currency is backed by something and the exchange rate is controlled and guaranteed.

    Bit coin is backed by nothing and is controlled by no-one.

    Might as well pay in dried banana skins and claim each skin is worth 1KG in gold! :)

    I know the value per BC has gone from $1 to $900 in just 1 year, if anyone thinks they'll be worth $900,000 in another year and is buying loads now, just please don't, unless you can afford to lose all the money. I'd hate to see anyone losing all their money.

  6. I've seen some fast C&Rs but putting them up for sale before they've been delivered?

    Also if he was trying to scam people why would he remove the pictures from the M2M sale thread after the chargeback? Any why just the pictures?

    Haven't got time to read the thread over on RWI but the info posted here makes no sense at all, sorry OP.

    I'll rely on our resident bouncer / all round superstar - MOAB! :)

  7. This does look rather strange to me.

    I've only ever seen originals that have received a lot of love and a lot of wear, just looks odd to see one that is new and unworn!

    I dont think $500 is a lot for a super rep, the bezel insert isn't a type (material, shape) that's commonly produced, and the sapphire crystal is damn lovely and again very uncommon. Special parts = higher price.

    The crystal on the Black Bay rep is what let's it down for me. When they said the rep crystal was just like gen that was really the main thing that led me to put my order in for one. The rep BB crystal as is, is still very nice and I've no doubt that after owning if for a couple of months I won't be bothered by the difference.

    I do wonder why they didn't produce two versions, a BB like crystal for $300, and this one for $500.

    And I don't believe it will be priced at $800, the rep factories aren't that stupid to go to all this trouble and sell just 100 of them cause no one will pay that for them!

  8. Thank you all.

    Annival, why didn't you get it fixed? They're guaranteed for 12 months?

    The weight of the case is significant, so at a guess the construction of the case itself is good with thick wood. Fixtures and fittings look good. The winders, I have no idea what make they are but it's easy access to them, so they'll be a heck of a lot easier to fix than a watch if they go wrong :)

  9. Nanuq, I don't know what drugs you are on but can I have some. Genuine LOL :)

    I'm now going to try pressing every button here that I can fin..... [ bzzzzzt, click! "Carrier Disconnected, your modem will self destruct in 30 seconds. Thank you for using RWG Services and we hope you have a pleasant death" ]

  10. Got the new watch winder today. This one has 12 winders with two spaces on each winder platform. Unfortunately during its travels from Germany to myself in the UK it must have been mistreated somewhere along the line as about 6 of the front clip on parts of the winders had become detached and fell out when I opened the door. Not a problem as they clip back in, all apart from one, which has had 3 of the 4 plastic clips snap off somehow. I've no doubt the eBay seller will sort that out, and everything else is in lovely condition. Picture of it in its final resting place, mostly full. It's not what you would call small. atugabyt.jpg

  11. Seeing MOABs comment to the newcomers that the chatbox in RWG isn't really ever used interactively like it is on the other forums got me wondering about the chatbox.


    Years and years ago I used to run an IRC server in a network with a few other friends.


    I added an IRCbot to all channels on the server that anyone could use to find out various information, the usual IRC stuff like have you seen such and such, number of people on line, list the servers in the net, etc.


    For laughs I enhanced the bot so it responded to other random keywords, and you could also tell it to respond to people asking for you by name, ask it to tell you a joke, ask it to kick people in a rather rude manner, etc, etc.


    I don't know the forum platform RWG uses really, but can the Chatbox have it's own Chatbot?


    It could be programmed with all sorts of things:-


    * Mention a TDs name with question mark at the end of the sentence and it responds with the TDs forum URL

    * Mention a brand name, ditto

    * See lots of question marks or lots of quick posts from the same user with no response, quote the URL of the new user introduction forum


    I'm sure there's loads more similar things we can think of such a thing to do! (kick anyone asking "whats the best sub" :) )



    It could be written so it works completely independantly from the forum software, have an account for the bot, the software parses the HTML of the site and reads and responds to the chatbox, wouldn't be too difficult to do, the shoutbox has it's own HTML table, but does the forum software have such a thing built in? RWG 1.1 has the "Hello" to new users, which is slightly along the same lines.



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