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Everything posted by gavidoc

  1. Another good option is any electronics store that uses demagnitizers to demagnitize the security devices. I've takena couple vintage watches to Best Buy that were magnetized. Despite the funny looks from sales associates, it worked like a charm.
  2. Thanks. Didn't realize that.
  3. Hey guys, I've got a 6152 hommage sans the crownguard that I need some more screw bars for. It's not the normal Panerai setup. Instead of the lug being threaded, the screw bar is threaded on one end and a small screw goes into it on the other end. I don't know if other rep makers make them the same way but I got this thing on the bay as none of the rep makers offer this set up but one of the screwbars (that the small screw screws into) is stripped. I figured I'd buy a bunch of them. Anyone know where i can get more? Thanks, John
  4. Absolutely not. Trust us. In Zhongshan and Guangzhou, traffic laws are more suggestions then actual laws. Shenzhen and Hong Kong are a "bit" more civilized in following traffic laws but for me, Shanghai has been the closest to normal for a westerner. Zhongshan was the first place I'd been where the left hand turn light came on at the same time as the oncoming traffic's normal green light. Yeild? What's that? That word doesn't exist in Mandarin or Cantonese!
  5. That looks good Hike. I love the yellow one. Fantastic work if you made that yourself!
  6. My story is a bit different as it doesn't involve a rep but a real Tudor Sub, (7016 Rolex dial, shield logo layout to be exact). Dated back to 1968 and I was in a store when I had a guy come up to me and say nice watch, vintage? I said it was and gave him a closer look as he had a newer Rolex Sub on his wrist. After a closer look, he (in my mind) turned his nose up and claimed it to be a fake as he thought it was a ROlex. I nicely explained to him that it wasn't a fake and was indeed real and made by Rolex but wasn't using a Rolex movment. He still didn't believe me. Yes, normal consumers don't have a clue. Regarding the whole grabbing the wrist, for me, my natural reaction when someone grabs my wrist is to go for the throat. I don't think, I just do it. Happened to me in Shanghai back in October. I was walking around a copy mall there when this little (I'd say 5'4" as he was the same height of my mother) guy came out of a stall and grabbed my wrist to direct me into his store. Ok, first of all, he grabbed my wrist, second, he had longer finger nails then Victoria (which is a common thing among the younger crowd in China for some reason) and that is just a bit strange to me. I'm there with two coworkers and two reps from the factory we were visiting and for some reason I was the one he singled out. Could be since I'm asian, I don't know but I digress. Anyway, so this 5'4" Chinese guy grabs the wrist of a 6'1" Korean and tries to direct him into his stall while asking "Copy watch? Copy bag? Good quality!". Before I even had a chance to think I had my paw around this guy's throat and was pushing him into the wall while one of the local factory reps (a nice lady named Sophia) was screaming at him about grabbing my wrist. At the time I was p1ssed but afterwards we all had a good laugh. I honestly thought that guy was going to p1ss himself when I grabbed him in return.
  7. Incorrect. Coming from a former owner of 6 real vintage Tudor Subs (7928, 7016, 9401, 2 9411's and a 79090), if I saw a Tudor Sub without the correct markings on the back (for your model number) let alone the incorrect profile I would assume it was a copy first and real second.
  8. I recommend without a doubt, 100% that you use the following: JB Weld...The best darn adhesive for metal on the planet. This stuff is used as an alternative to welding. I've put this stuff on my 85 Dodge Pickup engine block to seal the oil filler tube to the valve cover. Held up like you wouldn't believe. I didn't even clean the parts, just wiped the oil off the valve cover, mixed the stuff and put it on. Dries hard as metal, can be tapped and drilled with no issues. No shrinkage and heat resistant to 500 F.
  9. Hey guys, I see some wonderful aged PAM's here and I want to age the dial on a project I'm doing but don't want to scrwe it up. What is the way that some of you have done it? I'd love to know and don't worry about complexity. I ran a modelshop for a major corporation for 7 years so I know my way around chemicals, airbrushes, tools, etc. Thnaks!
  10. Point on the freeze vs. debit. Didn't really think about the difference. But..... I also use a secondary account for paypal but have instructions with my bank to "stop transfer" on any outgoing transfers initiated by Paypal. There are ways to keep Paypal from being able to take money from your account and your institutions will work with you on doing it if you inform them of what you want them to do. I actually had to do a stop transfer on them the other day when I purchased a watch. I forgot to change my payment feature from bank account to CC and they intiated a transfer from the account that had a huge sum of 11 dollars in it. Overdraft would have happened except my bank automatically stopped the transfer before it happened.
  11. Don't know about OZ but it is against the law in the US for anyone to be able to put a freeze on a personal bank account without a writ of judgement in their favor via a lawsuit. Even the IRS has to have a court ruling in their favor before your bank will freeze your account without your approval. Here, all that -300 would mean is that the buyer is SOL. Paypal would find in their favor and give them nothing. Happened to me. Bought a watch, it arrived broken. Seller refused to refund me so I filed a claim. Sixty days later, Paypal found in my favor and gave me $50 of the $600 I had paid for it as that was all the seller had in his account at the time. I turned around and filed a chargeback to my credit card company who found in my favor and paypal debited my account for the $50 they had originally given me after finding in my favor.
  12. Never been to China have you? Go into any copy mall over there and you'll be bombarded with the following: "Copy watch? Copy bag?" "You interested? Very good quality!" "Very good buy! None better!" "Best! A+++ Super Quality!" "Just like original! Perfect!" Keep in mind that these are all being said as you inspect some of the worst POS's you've ever seen. That's the nature of the business in China in the copy industry. Everything from movies, games, electronics, software, to watches. Just the way it is. Only place you won't get this sort of BS is at the real places.
  13. Yup. That's what I'm saying.
  14. Not all movie guns are "real" ones modified. Only the firing ones or the closeup "hero props" are real guns. All the others (known as stunt props or stunt guns) are resin, rubber, plastic or wooden copies. Watches that are sponsored by makers (like Omega and Casino Royale) do the same thing. They provide real hero watches for the closeups which work and stunt watches which don't (real case, dial and hands but no movement). One was sold at an auction house last year. Rolex also did that for Bond's watches in some movies. Stunt props were used that were real rolex's but with movements removed and dials reworked for his gadgets.
  15. Cool thread. Side note on the Omegas used in Casino Royale (and most movies where a sponsored brand is used), the watch company provides both "hero" props as well as "stunt" props. The Hero props are real working watches that are used in the extreme close-up shots and the "stunt" props are typically nothing more then cases with dials and hands attached but not working watches. The actors and stunt doubles will wear these during action scenes as well as for distant shots. Most movies do the same with other props such as firearms and swords. You'll have a closeup hero which will typically be real and the stunts which are normally either resin, plastic, rubber, or wood.
  16. What he said. I deal with factories in China that do silk screening on handheld video game consoles and the text is very tiny and precise. It's a matter of finding a factory or a source willing to do the work which requires legwork and money up front.
  17. When you say TI and Stianless Bracelet, are you saying hte watch head is TI and the bracelet is stainless? Do you have some pictuers you could email me? I'll shoot you a PM.
  18. Hey guys, I am wanting to get a titanium PAM rep but want a bracelet. I have not been able to find anyone who sells a titanium bracelet. Does anyone know of someone who does sell one? Thanks.
  19. Have a safe trip Rod. I'll be there at the end of Feb. My company has an office in Zhongshan and my direct report there acts as a translator for me when I'm there. She's already located the markets in Guangzhou and Shenzhen for my trip.
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