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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Is it just me, or does anyone else look at watches and think "That part would fit my project..."?
  2. If your friend's got access to the watches, why not ask him which ones he thinks are the best? He's not going to sell a buddy a shabby watch I'll suggest a Panerai 112
  3. Oh man, that is absolutely awesome work The watch looks fantastic, it's an amazing regeneration *looks about for watches to have this done to*
  4. I think you're definitely right to say that more people will actually look at a watch and make a decision but not say anything, compared to the few who might. I definitely think the key to wearing a watch without raising that "is it real?" question, is to wear the watch, not let it wear you...
  5. I don't know, I just wonder if people might think that they're going to get called out as soon as they strap on the watch, as if it comes with a self-levitating neon sign which constantly hovers above them saying "Fake watch!" I think once people get that first decent rep, and realize that they don't illicit suspicious questions, rather compliments, they begin to relax about it all
  6. *adds that to list of phrases to use in future*
  7. Awesome photos Out of curiosity, were you using film rather than digital?
  8. I know, and at the end of the day, I appreciate that some folks are into Rocketeer for more than just ARd crystals, but, who's to say how they got said watch in the first place? Maybe they won it at a buddy's playing poker... Maybe a friend gave it to them to settle a debt... Maybe it was a gift... Maybe they just didn't want to pay an overpriced 'in house' service charge... Plenty of defences people could use should it come to it (which it most likely wouldn't), and, as Pix mentioned, most likely lead to confiscations at worse... At the end of the day, if Rocketeer is not providing the services he has been paid for, then that is an actionable tort under UK law. The nature of the watch the crystals came from is irrelevent... He's been paid to provide X, and has provided Y, or, taken unreasonably long times to return goods or resolve the issues. That is all actionable. I agree, threats are not the way to go, and are in themselves, breaches of the Malicious Communications Act and Protection from Harassment Act, and could potentially be actionable, although, it would likely be appreciated that any such 'threats' were being made out of frustration rather than outright malice... As Pix pointed out, the AR sounds like a pre-meditated scam, so it would not be unreasonable for someone (and an industry professional at that) to maybe take a little official heat for it. I'm not trying to stir anything up here, I've just tried to provide relevent legislature that might be of help to people. I do appreciate that this isn't a legal hobby, I just find it frustrating to think that people decide that they can prey on the community(s) here, and get away with it, because people feel they can't go to the authorities... Given how the Jakub Incident has panned out, it's pretty clear that sitting back and seeing how it plays out, can result in someone going AWOL without resolving the issues, and people being down cash and property... Just my .2c...
  9. This is the closest I can find on a quick search, but hopefully it will be of some comfort to people... Hypothetical Question: I took my leather boots to be reheeled at a local shoe repairers. When I collected them I noticed that the leather on one of the shoes had a bad scratch. These were quite new, expensive boots. What are my rights? Legal Answer: Under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (as amended) the repairers should exercise reasonable care and skill whilst reheeling your boots. Any damage caused by them through their negligence or lack of care should be put right at their expense. If the boots can't be repaired, then you are entitled to 'reasonable' compensation. Further reading: Source:
  10. In that case, again, UK Trading Standards might be able to help, in so much as finding ways to retrieve the items and refunds, as the items have not been worked on as promised (again, this would count as a 'service being provided for financial restitution', and, UK Trading Standards protects buyers who feel that the 'service they received' was not as agreed/described/or in any other way unsatisfactory) There may even be a possibility of restitution should anything be returned in such a way that it would require another watch smith to work on it to put things right... I know these are replica watches, but there are legal avenues which can be investigated, and probably much more desirable than sending the boys round Best of luck with any resolutions
  11. If this was to get taken to the police, I'm sure that a defense of "But they're illegal fake watches!!!1" will come out, but, regardless of the legalities of the watches (which aren't illegal to own) it won't change the fact that X product was offered, and Y product received, and it would also be scientifically provable that Chieftang's Military-grade AR is superior (in many ways) to optical grade AR, which might have been used in these cases. In a case like this, where someone has offered a particular service, been paid for it, and then issued a sub-standard replacement 'service', then I believe that UK consumer rights are squarely behind the buyer in this instance. Doubly so, as, not only could it be proven that the AR coats are different, but, the other angle, is that people were paying for a service, which was not provided to their satisfaction (which, for example, is why people are not legally obliged to pay for a bad haircut, as the barber was paid to perform a service, and failed to do so to the expected standard) Best of luck getting it all resolved [Edit to add] If not the police, certainly Trading Standards... The only thing to remember to stress, is that the two AR processes produce different results, so just because they might say "The crystal was AR coated..." that's still very different to a crystal being Cheiftang AR coated, and that was what people were expecting and paying for...
  12. What a fantastic trilogy I'm definitely feeling the more vintage models over the more modern sub, if for no other reason that the dial markers are larger
  13. Thanks for the update, T Just to keep people in the loop, in the next 48 hours, I plan on doing very little, wearing my project sub on a NATO strap, and maybe do a bit more work on my arc reactor project (if I can be motivated enough in this heat ) See you on the flipside, amigos
  14. For me, it was about four weeks between posting the watch back, and getting the replacement
  15. I've only ever used regular airmail as well, rather than courier... It got there eventually
  16. Awesome How long did you have to bake the hands for in the end? I'm guessing about 5 minutes for the dial?
  17. That's some good scuff-work, you've got a real eye for vintagizing
  18. I think I've always enjoyed photography, but it's only in the last few years, with digital technology that I've been able to enjoy the hobby at the level which I want to enjoy it at, if that makes any sense? I've got a 35mm SLR, but I don't want to be lugging it around with me everywhere just on the off chance I might see something, and then the time of getting the film developed etc... I only tend to take my digital camera with me to parties or on holiday, for everything else, my iPhone has given me the camera when I need it, for what I need I think once she sees your photos, she'll be keen to go. I'd never actually seen photos of Malta so didn't really know what it looked like, but it looks like an awesome blend of Italy and Spain, so definitely somewhere I'd like to try and visit in the future Awesome He reminds me of a boxer who lives down the street from us, who's often 'on duty' at his gate, and always pays attention to 'his regulars'
  19. Glad to have been of inspiration I just like taking the photos while I'm away, as it gives me something to focus on while I'm there, and of course, it's nice to share the memories with folks I think it's nice to see things from the perspective of someone actually there, which travel sites and what not often lack. I can definitely see why my nan enjoyed visiting, I might have to try and convince my wife to take a trip there I'm liking the dog, he looks like he had character
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